Artificial Intelligence
The Collaborative Specialization in Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides thesis-based Master's students in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, and Bioinformatics with a diverse and comprehensive knowledge base in AI. Students wishing to undertake graduate studies at the Master's level with emphasis on artificial intelligence will be admitted by a participating department and will register in both the participating department and in the collaborative specialization.
Students will learn from a multidisciplinary team of faculty with expertise in fundamental and applied deep learning and machine learning, while conducting AI-related research guided by a faculty advisor. By the end of this program, graduates will have comprehensive understanding of leading-edge AI techniques and will be able to apply this knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Administrative Staff
Graduate Program Coordinator
Graham Taylor (3515 Thornbrough, Ext. 53644)
CARE-AI Administrative Assistant
369 Mackinnon, Ext. 56568
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Hussein A. Abdullah
B.Sc. Univ. of Technology, M.Sc., PhD Glasgow, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Sarah J. Adamowicz
B.Sc. Dalhousie, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Imperial College - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
R. Ayesha Ali
B.Sc. Western, M.Sc. Toronto, PhD Washington - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Luiza Antonie
B.Sc. Politehnica Bucharest (Romania), M.Sc., PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Shawki Areibi
B.A.Sc. Al-Fateh, M.A.Sc. Waterloo, PhD Waterloo, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Christine Baes
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc. Hohenheim, PhD Christian-Albrechts - Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Binns
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Queen's, P.Eng - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Scott Brandon
B.Sc. Western, M.Sc., PhD Queen's, P.Eng - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Neil Bruce
B.Sc. Guelph, M.A.Sc., Waterloo, PhD York - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David A. Calvert
BA, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Monica Cojocaru
BA, M.Sc. Bucharest, PhD Queen's - Professor and Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Graduate Faculty
Rozita Dara
B.Sc. Shahid Teheshti, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lorna Deeth
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Fantahun Defersha
B.Sc. Ethiopia, M.Eng. India, PhD Concordia, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ali Dehghantanha
BSE Azad, M.Sc., PhD Putra Malaysia - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ibrahim Deiab
B.Sc., M.Sc. Kuwait Univ., PhD McMaster, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Hermann J. Eberl
Dipl. Math (M.Sc.), PhD Munich Univ. of Tech. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mazyar Fallah
BA Johns Hopkins, MA, PhD Princeton - Professor and Dean, College of Biological Sciences
Graduate Faculty
Zeny Feng
B.Sc. York, MMath., PhD Waterloo - Professor
Graduate Faculty
David Flata
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Saskatchewan - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Bahram Gharabaghi
B.Sc., M.Sc. Sharif, PhD Guelph, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Minglun Gong
B.Eng. Harbin Engineering, M.Sc. Tsinghua, PhD Alberta - Professor and Director
Graduate Faculty
Karen D. Gordon
B.Sc. Guelph, PhD Western, P.Eng. - Professor and Associate Dean (Academic), College of Engineering and Physical Science
Graduate Faculty
Gary Gréwal
B.Sc. Brock, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Hamilton-Wright
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Julie Horrocks
B.Sc. Mount Allison, BFA Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, M.Math., PhD Waterloo - Retired Professor, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Cezar Khursigara
B.Sc. Ryerson, PhD McGill - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stefan C. Kremer
B.Sc. Guelph, PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lei Lei
BS, PhD Beijing - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jana Levison
B.A.Sc., PhD Queen's, P.Eng - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
William David Lubitz
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD California, P.Eng - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lewis N. Lukens
B.Sc. Carleton College, PhD Minnesota - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Pascal Matsakis
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Paul Sabatier (France) - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Medhat A. Moussa
B.Sc. American, M.A.Sc. Moncton, PhD Waterloo, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Khurram Nadeem
B.Sc., M.Sc. Karachi, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mihai Nica
B.Math., Waterloo, PhD Courant Institute NYU - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Charlie F. Obimbo
M.Sc. Kiev, PhD New Brunswick - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Michele L. Oliver
BPE McMaster, MPE, M.Sc., PhD New Brunswick, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Scott Ryan
B.Sc. Memorial, PhD Ottawa - Associate Professor, University of Calgary
Rafael Santos
B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. Toronto, PhD Leuven, P.Eng. - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stacey Scott
B.Sc. Dalhousie, PhD Calgary - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Fei Song
B.Sc. Jilin (China), M.Sc. Academia Sinica (China), PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Petros Spachos
Diplom Crete, M.A.Sc., PhD Toronto, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Deborah A. Stacey
B.Sc. Guelph, M.A.Sc., PhD Waterloo - Retired Faculty, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Dirk Steinke
B.Sc., M.Sc. Konstanz, PhD Goethe - Associate Director, Centre for Biodiversity, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Graham Taylor
B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. Waterloo, PhD Toronto, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Dan Tulpan
B.Sc. Burcharest, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Eran Ukwatta
B.Sc. Moratuwa, MES, PhD Western, P.Eng. - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Fangju Wang
BE Changsha, M.Sc. Peking, PhD Waterloo - Retired Faculty
Mark Wineberg
B.Sc. Toronto, M.Sc., PhD Carleton - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Yang Xiang
B.Sc., M.Sc. BUAA (Beijing), PhD British Columbia - Retired Faculty, School of Computer Science, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Sheng Yang
B.Sc., M.Sc. Northwestern Polytechnical, PhD McGill - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Simon X. Yang
B.Sc. Peking, M.Sc. Sinica, M.Sc. Houston, PhD Alberta, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Fattane Zarrinkalam
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran) - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
MSc/MASc Collaborative Specialization
Admission Requirements
Masters students in the Collaborative Specialization in Artificial Intelligence must meet the admission requirements of the participating department in which they are enrolled. The application process has two stages. First, prospective students will apply to their primary program of interest, identifying interest in the collaborative specialization as a focus. If the student is admitted to the primary program as a thesis student, the second stage is then admission to the collaborative specialization. All applications to participate in the Collaborative Specialization in Artificial Intelligence will be vetted by the specialization’s Graduate Program Coordinator.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the collaborative specialization, graduates will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Employ common tools in artificial intelligence and machine learning (such as using data visualization techniques to perform exploratory data analysis);
- Express the mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning, including relevant topics in calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory;
- Employ general-purpose optimizers to fit the parameters and hyper-parameters of machine learning models, and contrast the similarity and difference between machine learning and optimization;
- Master the algorithmic foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning, identify canonical algorithmic problems, and propose existing algorithmic paradigms to solve them;
- Identify and discuss the most pertinent issues concerning artificial intelligence;
- Reflect upon and discuss ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence applications;
- Collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds and employ multidisciplinary approach to developing design solutions to AI-related problems;
- Consider, question, and critique alternative design solutions in consideration of technical, social, and ethical themes; and
- Propose solutions to AI-related problems through written and oral forms of communication with clarity and coherency.
Program Requirements
Masters students in the collaborative specialization in artificial intelligence must complete:
Code | Title | Credits |
UNIV*6080 | Computational Thinking for Artificial Intelligence | 0.25 |
UNIV*6090 | Artificial Intelligence Applications and Society | 0.50 |
One of the following Elective Core courses: | ||
CIS*6020 | Artificial Intelligence | 0.50 |
ENGG*6500 | Introduction to Machine Learning | 0.50 |
STAT*6801 | Statistical Learning | 0.50 |
Two of the following Complementary AI-related courses: 1 | ||
BINF*6970 | Statistical Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
CIS*6050 | Neural Networks | 0.50 |
CIS*6060 | Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
CIS*6070 | Discrete Optimization | 0.50 |
CIS*6080 | Genetic Algorithms | 0.50 |
CIS*6120 | Uncertainty Reasoning in Knowledge Representation | 0.50 |
CIS*6160 | Multiagent Systems | 0.50 |
CIS*6170 | Human-Computer Interaction | 0.50 |
CIS*6180 | Analysis of Big Data | 0.50 |
or DATA*6300 | Analysis of Big Data | |
CIS*6190 | Machine Learning for Sequential Data Processing | 0.50 |
or DATA*6400 | Machine Learning for Sequential Data Processing | |
CIS*6320 | Image Processing Algorithms and Applications | 0.50 |
CIS*6420 | Soft Computing | 0.50 |
ENGG*6100 | Machine Vision | 0.50 |
ENGG*6140 | Optimization Techniques for Engineering | 0.50 |
ENGG*6570 | Advanced Soft Computing | 0.50 |
MATH*6020 | Scientific Computing | 0.50 |
MATH*6021 | Optimization I | 0.50 |
MATH*6051 | Mathematical Modelling | 0.50 |
PHIL*6400 | AI Ethics (formerly PHIL*6760 Science and Ethics)) | 0.50 |
STAT*6721 | Stochastic Modelling | 0.50 |
STAT*6821 | Multivariate Analysis | 0.50 |
STAT*6841 | Computational Statistical Inference | 0.50 |
ENGG*4430 | Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing Systems | 0.50 |
ENGG*4460 | Robotic Systems | 0.50 |
STAT*4000 | Statistical Computing | 0.50 |
And an acceptable AI-related thesis. |
Requirements of this collaborative specialization may also serve as core and/or elective requirements in the student’s home program.
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Students can elect to take a second Elective Core course in lieu of a Complementary AI-related course.
Required Courses
Elective Core
Complementary AI-related
Undergraduate Complementary AI-related Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
ENGG*4430 | Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing Systems | 0.50 |
ENGG*4460 | Robotic Systems | 0.50 |
STAT*4000 | Statistical Computing | 0.50 |