XIV. Course Descriptions

General Information, Course Labelling and Levels

Each course is identified by a two-part code. The first part of the code refers to the subject area, the second refers to the level of the course. Thus, the course PSYC*6000 is a course in the subject area of Psychology. The series 6000, 7000 indicate graduate courses. Most graduate courses are offered in one semester with a final grade. Multiple semester courses are designed to require more than one semester for completion. Students register in each of the semesters in which they are actively engaged in course requirements and will receive an INP (in progress) interim grade designation in each semester prior to completion. A grade is recorded in the final semester of offering.

Course Information

Following the title of the course, the University's intention to offer the course in specific semesters during the academic year is displayed. For example, "Fall and Winter" or "Fall Only."  Although courses will normally be offered in the semester indicated, students should consult the Graduate Course Timetable posted on WebAdvisor or contact the departments offering those courses to determine the semester offerings. The University cannot guarantee that all courses will be offered in the exact semester indicated.

The designation of "Unspecified" indicates that an intended offering has not been assigned to the course. Again, students should consult the Graduate Course Timetable posted on WebAdvisor or contact the departments offering those courses to determine the semester offerings.

The credit weight for each course appears in brackets [ ]. A credit weight of [0.50] indicates 10-12 student effort hours, including class time, on academic tasks associated with the course. Offering(s) indicates where a course is either offered through distance education format only or has an additional offering in distance education format. Departments indicate the academic department or school responsible for the course delivery. Location refers to the campus where the course is delivered.

Course Prerequisites

In lists of course prerequisites, "or" conditions are spelled out explicitly, but "and" conditions are indicated with a comma "," . For example: "PSYC*7130, PSYC*7140, PSYC*7170" means "PSYC*7130, PSYC*7140 and PSYC*7170". A number of courses have stated prerequisites that are prior requirements for entry to the course. Students who do not satisfy course prerequisites, or who in the opinion of the instructor do not possess an equivalent background to that of the stated prerequisites, are not eligible to enroll in the course. When some specific background is desirable but not required, the course description will include a statement of recommended background. It is understood that the instructor may accept equivalent courses from other institutions in place of the stated prerequisites. Students who wish to enroll in courses for which they do not have the stated prerequisite(s) must obtain instructor approval.


Restrictions - A restriction is a "rule" that is placed on the computer system (Colleague) at the direction of an academic department so that particular students may not register in particular courses or because the courses are restricted to the students in a particular program. The course may be restricted because there is sufficient over-lap in content with another course so that it is inappropriate for the student to take a similar course for credit. In a different instance, the course may be restricted by "Instructor Consent" so that the student must discuss the special requirements of the course with the instructor before enrolling.

Courses are listed in the appendix in alphabetic order and may also be found listed under the program in which they are offered.