Course Selection
This is the procedure by which students indicate their course requests, including the appropriate course section for upcoming semesters. Program approval may be required as outlined in Chapter VI - Schedule of Fees. Subject to the availability of a published timetable, students may select courses for more than one semester. Students are cautioned that courses may be subject to listed enrolment restrictions. In such cases, priority in the selection of students to receive the course will be given to those who have selected courses prior to the start of the semester. For further information, refer to Priority Access Courses in this section of the calendar.
Students are normally restricted to selecting 3.00 credits during course selection and up to the last day of the add period.
On the last day of the add period, students are allowed to add courses up to a maximum of 3.25 credits on a first-come, first-served basis. Additionally, with approval from the Program Counsellor, under exceptional circumstances, a student can enrol in more than 3.00 credits earlier in the process.
New Students
A booklet including course selection material will be forwarded to new students by the Office of Registrarial Services. Consult this booklet to determine the procedures for course selection that pertain to the program to which you have applied. Students who are unable to select their courses prior to the deadline date have an opportunity to make their selection during the next add period.
In-Course Students
Course selection material for upcoming semesters will be available during the semester to all registered students. Students who are not currently registered should check WebAdvisor for course selection dates or refer to Chapter VI - Schedule of Fees.
There is a scheduled course selection period each semester where students can select courses for upcoming semesters (refer to Chapter III--Schedule of Dates for the exact dates).
Course selection is important for a number of reasons:
- a billing is generated via WebAdvisor by Student Financial Services on the basis of the course selection.
- course sections may be full after the course selection period and those who have not selected courses may not be able to enrol in them.
Students are encouraged to select courses for more than one semester at a time, subject to the availability of a Diploma Course Timetable.
Students are encouraged to select their courses using WebAdvisor, however, they may choose to complete an "Undergraduate Course Request" form. A separate "Undergraduate Course Request" form must be completed for each semester. "Undergraduate Course Request" forms must be submitted by the course selection deadline date for the applicable semester.
Detailed Instructions
Normally, course selection on WebAdvisor results in a class schedule indicating lecture and laboratory sections, room locations and examination schedules, as applicable.
My Progress is available on WebAdvisor at all times. Students are encouraged to select their courses early and for more than one semester at a time.
Student's Responsibilities
- Complete the Course Selection process.
- Obtain program approvals if necessary (refer Chapter VII – Academic Advising).
- Submit the request using WebAdvisor. If a student is required to submit a form to Enrolment Services the student should complete the General section (Section A) of the Undergraduate Course Request form.
When a two-semester course is selected, students must complete the course selection process for each term during the appropriate course selection period. These courses must be taken in consecutive semesters as outlined in the course description.
All inquiries regarding distance education courses should be directed to the Open Learning and Educational Support.
To change your specialization, please use the "Undergraduate Schedule of Studies Change Request" form and submit it to Enrolment Services.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the prerequisites have been satisfied for any course selected. Failure to do so will result in registration in the course being denied unless a "Course Waiver Request" form, showing instructor approval, is presented to Enrolment Services. Note: Students who select a course for a future semester and who fail or drop the prerequisite(s) for the course in the current semester must drop the course. A replacement may be added during the add period.
A student may not register for a course in which pass standing (or higher) has been achieved on a previous course attempt unless so directed by the appropriate Academic Review Sub-Committee.
Diploma courses are available only to students registered in one of the Associate Diploma programs. Degree students who register in Associate Diploma courses will have the courses dropped from their record.
Students not currently registered should check WebAdvisor or the Schedule of Dates for the course selection dates.
Faculty Advisor's Responsibilities
All advisors should be familiar with any course restrictions that apply to courses in their department.
Advisors should be prepared to help students plan a course program with emphasis on meeting program requirements for graduation.
Advisors should approve the overall course program where appropriate. Refer to Chapter VII – Academic Advising.
Program Counsellor's Responsibilities
A counsellor may withhold program approval if any of the following applies:
- the student has not taken the necessary prerequisites or has not selected the necessary corequisites;
- the program requirements stated as such in the Diploma Calendar are not observed;
- the selection does not conform with decisions concerning the student that have been reached by the Admissions and Academic Review Sub-Committees.
A student wishing to take more than the normal number of credits must have the approval of the Program Counsellor. Refer to Chapter VII – Academic Advising.
Registrar's Responsibilities
To coordinate and prepare all course selection information for distribution to all in-course students and to receive all completed "Course Waiver Request" forms.
To produce course counts based on course selection and distribute the information to the appropriate department chair for recommendations, regarding enrolment management.