VI. Schedule of Fees
All fees (tuition and compulsory fees) for a semester are due and payable on or before the date scheduled for registration for that semester. Payments received on the student account after the published payment deadline will be assessed a late fee.
Provisional registration may be granted to students who make arrangements with the Associate Registrar, Student Financial Services (SFS), to defer payment of their account. Students should apply for OSAP two months in advance of the first class day of each semester, in order that the application can be processed in time to have funds for registration. Cancellation of registration may be exercised at the discretion of the University for failure to complete the registration payment. Registration will be cancelled for students who have not paid or made satisfactory arrangement for payment by the deadline announced by Student Financial Services each semester.
Students who have not made payment, or suitable arrangements for payment, of their account by the semester payment deadline will be placed on academic sanction and charged a sanction fee on each instance that the account is sanctioned. Academic sanction will prevent one or more of the following:
- release of semester examination results
- release of transcripts
- release of a degree or diploma
- registration for a subsequent semester
Fall Semester Only - Minimum Registration Deposit
All students are required to make the minimum, compulsory, non-refundable Registration Deposit prior to registering for the Fall semester. Please refer to the Student Financial Services website for details ( Payment of the registration deposit prior to course selection windows opening for the Fall term will ensure students are able to enrol during their designated selection window. There are no exemptions from the payment of this deposit irrespective of current account balance or funding to come in the future. Students who fail to submit the Registration Deposit prior to their course selection window will be unable to register for the Fall until the Registration Deposit has been received on WebAdvisor.
Changes in Fee Schedules
The University reserves the right to make changes in the published schedule of fees and payment dates and also to assess charges, which are not included in the schedule of fees, for course material and/or transportation provided at University expense.
University Fees
Tuition Fees
The undermentioned tuition fees apply to Canadian students and those with permanent resident status. Students from outside of Canada, who do not have permanent resident status, should consult International Student Fees, in this section. For information regarding Tuition fees, for Full-time, Part-time and Audit students, visit the Student Financial Services website at:
Note: For tuition fees for the University of Guelph-Humber please check the University of Guelph-Humber website at:
Note: Special or Non-degree full-time students pay the same tuition fee per program as indicated by programs for regular full-time students.
International Student Fees
For information regarding Tuition fees for Full-time and Part-time international students visit the Student Financial Services website at:
Health Insurance for International Students
All international students registered at the University of Guelph are required to enrol in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) - participation is compulsory. Current UHIP fees are found at Student Financial Services' website at:
Students who are studying on student visas and whose immigration status changes, or those who may be eligible for the regular tuition fees but are charged the international student fees, must present acceptable official documentation to Enrolment Services, Office of Registrarial Services. For a change of fees in a particular semester, the documentation must be presented prior to June 30 (Summer Semester), November 1 (Fall Semester), or February 1 (Winter Semester).
Categories of students who are exempt from paying the international tuition fee can be found at:
Final interpretation rests with the Office of Registrarial Services and documentation must be acceptable to the Office of Registrarial Services. The regulations are subject to change without notice.
Other Tuition and Incidental Fees
Late Registration Fee
Students who register in a semester for the first time on or after the first day of classes for a semester will be charged a late registration fee. See the Student Financial Services website for current fee amounts (
Cancellation Fee
Students who withdraw after the first of the month in which a term begins will be assessed a cancellation fee. This fee will be assessed in addition to the Registration Deposit forfeiture in the Fall. See the Student Financial Services website for current fee amounts (
Financial Arrangement Fee
Students that have submitted and been approved for a financial arrangement will be subject to an account deferral fee. See the Student Financial Services website for current fee amounts (
Co-operative Education
For information on current Co-operative Education fees, visit the Student Financial Services website at:
Exchange Program
Guelph students attending other institutions are required to pay the University of Guelph the cost of full-time tuition and compulsory fees (less the Bus Pass fee). These students are are assessed an administration fee by the Centre for International Programs. For information on the current Exchange Program Administration Fee, visit the Centre for International Programs website at:
Foreign students attending the University of Guelph are required to pay the University Health Insurance premiums (UHIP) as well as the medical insurance premium, and Bus Pass fee.
Senior Citizens (Canadian Citizens & Permanent Residents Only)
Senior citizens, aged 65 years and over as of the first day of the month in which registration for a semester occurs, who are admitted for registration, will be exempt from the payment of the Fall registration deposit, domestic tuition, and compulsory fees, with the exception of material costs required for Fine Art and Distance Education courses. Exemption from tuition and fees precludes senior citizens from accessing the services associated with those fees, such as Bus Pass, Athletics.
Summer Semester and Summer Session
For classification purposes, any combination of Summer Semester credits (12 week) and Summer Session credits (6 week) that total 2.00 credits or more will constitute full-time enrolment and tuition and other university fees will be charged accordingly.
Other University Fees; Student Organization Fees; Program-Specific Fees
For information on other compulsory fees, including university fees, student organization fees and program-specific fees, please visit the Student Financial Services website at:
Meal Plan Fees
On-campus meal plans are mandatory for students living in traditional residences and optional for students living in East & West residences, East Village Townhouses or off campus .
Hospitality Services offer five sizes of on-campus meal plans to suit every need. Students receive half of their food dollars at the beginning of September and the other half in mid-December. Payments are made in two (2) installments.
For those students not required to purchase an On-Campus Meal Plan, Hospitality Services provides a convenient, money-saving Ultra Food Plan. The ultra food plan is designed specifically for University of Guelph students living off-campus, in the East Residence, West Residence or the East Village Townhouses.
For detailed information on meal plans offered by Hospitality Services, please visit their website at
Parking Fees
For information regarding Parking Services visit the Parking Services website
Prior Learning Assessment Fee
Fee Name and Description | Fee |
Application Fee | |
A fee will be charged for each application to challenge a course, irrespective of the number of courses specified in the application. | $50.00 |
Course Fee | |
Students who are permitted to challenge a course will be charged a fee for the course, regardless of whether or not the challenge is successful. | 1/2 of the tuition fee for the course |
Residence Fee
Information on Residence Fees can be found at
A $750 deposit is required to apply for residence. For more information regarding Student Housing Services visit the Student Housing Services website
D.V.M. and Graduate Students in Single Student Residence
Due to the longer D.V.M. Winter semester, an increased Winter residence rate is applicable to D.V.M. students. Similarly, an increased rate is applicable to graduate students who must remain in residence after the end of the regular Winter semester. Students will be informed of the applicable dates, deadlines and charges late in the Fall semester or early in the Winter semester. A semester for residence purposes will terminate on the residence closing date indicated in the current Residence Contract. The Residence Contract requires that students vacate their rooms within 24 hours of completion of their final examination.
A student who withdraws from a semester may be eligible for a refund of tuition fees (see also Withdrawal, Voluntary Withdrawal, Chapter VIII--Undergraduate Degree Regulations).
If the withdrawal or drop results in a credit balance, funds received from Canadian banking institutions will be issued using PayMyTuition and will be paid by Interac e-Transfer. Contact Student Financial Services for details. The University has been directed by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to return refunds to the National Student Loans Service Centre in instances where assistance was received through a Government Student Loan program. In cases in which students hold U.S. Federal Loans all refunds are directed to the U.S. Department of Education per their directive.
Winter and Summer Semesters
Refunds of tuition fees will be calculated according to the effective date and schedule found at:
Fall Semester
The compulsory non-refundable Registration Deposit is forfeited as the first charge against a withdrawal/cancellation or no show for the semester. The above schedule will only come into effect once the deposit forfeiture has been used up.
Refunds of University Non-Academic fees and Student Organization fees (including Bus Pass, but excluding Residence, Meal Plan Fees, medical insurance premium and dental insurance premium, please see specific details on these fees) will be assessed following the refund schedule found at: The effective date for the refund of tuition and fees will be the date of full withdrawal recorded in the Student Information System (i.e., the date that all courses are dropped on WebAdvisor).
Room charges will be refunded on a pro rata basis for the period in residence, but cancellation of the residence contract will also result in forfeiture of all or part of the residence deposit. Refer to the Residence Contract Terms & Conditions for further information. Students to whom a room assignment has been made and who withdraw and subsequently re-register up to and including the 5th class day will be liable for any penalties incurred through forfeiture of the residence contract.
A meal plan may be cancelled, and a refund requested if a student elects to move out of a residence or withdraws from the University of Guelph. For detailed information on meal plans refunds, please visit their website at
For information regarding Withdrawal Refunds for Full-time, Part-time and Audit students, visit the Student Financial Services website at:
Bus Pass Fee
Please direct inquiries to the Central Student Association -
Classification Changes
Refunds of tuition fees for students changing from full-time to part-time will be calculated on the difference of tuition values at the same rates for withdrawals. Refunds of compulsory fees (except Bus Pass, Dental Insurance premium and Medical Insurance premium) will be made in accordance with the refund schedule on the Student Financial Services website ( The effective date for classification change will be the date such change is recorded in the Student Information System.
Co-operative Education
Students must see the Policy Agreement for Student Involvement in Co-operative Education for withdrawal policies. If a student withdraws on their own from co-op within the first 15 days of an Academic Semester, the student will receive a full refund of the co-op fee. Withdrawals after the 15th class day will not be eligible for a fee refund. Students who withdraw or are required to withdraw from a co-operative education program after accepting their second work term will be required to pay all remaining fees.
Dental Insurance Premium
The Dental Plan has an opt-out option. Please visit for opt-out information. The fee is not refundable past the deadline date.
Dropped Courses
Refunds of tuition fees for courses dropped by part-time students will be calculated at the same rates for withdrawals. The effective date for the drop action will be the date recorded in the Student Information System (i.e., the date the courses are dropped on WebAdvisor).
Medical Insurance Premium
The premium is not refundable unless a student withdraws from the university within the 100% Refund period for the semester. Please visit for information on the medical insurance plan.
Optional Fees
Optional fees, as identified in the tuition and fee information posted on the Student Financial Services website (, are refundable in the first three weeks of each semester if requested from the organization.