Sexualities, Genders and Social Change (SXGN)
Dean's Office, College of Arts
The major in Sexualities, Genders and Social Change considers the breadth and depth of scholarly inquiry relating to human identity, embodiment, and self-expression. This program explores theories drawn from the fields of feminism, postcolonial and decolonial studies, transnationalism, LGBTQ+, queer and sexuality studies, critical race, queer of colour, and critical whiteness studies, indigenous studies, masculinities, and (dis)abilities among many others. Students engage with subject matter and methods from across the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business, gaining the skills and knowledges necessary to serve as twenty-first century leaders in driving meaningful social change.
Learning Outcomes
Community Engagement and Global Understanding
- Demonstrate an awareness of the complex intersections between factors such as gender, sexuality, race, class, age, and ability in an intercultural context.
- Identify the myriad economic, social, political, environmental, historical, and cultural factors that affect the ways people experience genders and sexualities both locally and globally.
- Recognise the relationship between personal and structural formations of identity, privilege, and power with an eye toward overcoming systemic inequality.
- Apply theories of sexualities and genders to the act of meaningful, transformative community activism and global engagement.
Critical and Creative Thinking
- Apply feminist and queer methodological approaches from multi-disciplinary sectors to address current social, political, and environmental problems.
- Critique current artistic, social, and political processes related to the construction of gender and sexuality.
- Critically dissect representations of genders and sexualities in a variety of forms (film, fine art, literature, and so on) from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
- Understand the importance of self-expression to the establishment of identities and describe how creative and scholarly activity can lead to social change.
Literacy and Communication
- Articulate key concepts, terminology, and theoretical frameworks in the areas of gender and queer studies and describe how this language has shifted across time and place.
- Identify and critically evaluate feminist and queer methodologies and explain their role in building knowledge and policy
- Demonstrate proficiency in writing, oral, and creative modes of communication to discuss sexualities and genders to a range of communities and audiences
- Understand the range of modalities for expressing feminist and queer projects, lives, and politics.
Evaluate and Conduct Research
- Synthesize, integrate, and critically evaluate complex ideas related to sexualities and genders.
- Incorporate feminist, queer, and other critical theories from a variety of disciplines to develop, design, and implement research, using interdisciplinary techniques, methods, and theories.
- Understand and express the role of personal biases, privilege, and power dynamics in constructing research methodologies with the goal of using research findings to instigate social change.
Depth and Breadth of Understanding
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fields of sexuality and gender studies from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
- Engage with the community and understand the importance of bridging academic study with an eye toward transformative community change.
- Recognise both the importance and limitations of multi-disciplinary approaches to research on sexualities and genders.
- Develop a self-reflexive awareness of the need to seek out flexible and diverse solutions , a process that requires continual renewal.
Professional Development and Ethical Behavior
- Demonstrate through leadership the value of inclusive practices for fostering positive collaborative and professional environments.
- Demonstrate the importance of continual self-reflection and respect for the ever-evolving terminology and methodologies related to sexualities and genders.
- Illustrate the necessity for connecting scholarly endeavor with community action in creating a more equitable and inclusive world.
Area of Emphasis Learning Outcomes
Politics and Power
Literacy and Communication
- Articulate key concepts, terminology, and theoretical frameworks and describe how this language has shifted across time and place.
- Critically evaluate how key theories and methodologies are implicated in building knowledge and policy.
Depth and Breadth of Understanding
- Demonstrate how History, Philosophy, and Political Science (and their related fields) mobilise and are informed by feminist and queer theories.
- Develop an awareness of the potential and limitations in seeking out new and diverse research perspectives.
Critical and Creative Thinking
- Dissect representations of genders and sexualities from a variety of cultural, historical, and political perspectives.
- Critique current social, and political processes related to the construction of gender and sexuality.
Creativity and Expression
Literacy and Communication
- Mobilise key concepts and theoretical frameworks in a creative, expressive manner.
- Demonstrate awareness of how these concepts and artistic practices have emerged over time and cultural contexts.
Depth and Breadth of Understanding
- Demonstrate how languages, media, and artistic practices mobilise, and are informed by, feminist and queer theories.
- Develop an awareness of the potential and limitations in seeking out new and diverse perspectives.
Critical and Creative Thinking
- Understand the importance of self-expression to the establishment of identities and describe how creative and scholarly activity can lead to social change.
- Critically dissect representations of genders and sexualities in a variety of forms (film, fine art, literature, and so on) from a variety of perspectives.
- Critique current artistic processes related to the construction of gender and sexuality.
Major Requirements (Honours)
This is a major within the degree: Bachelor of Arts.
A minimum of 9.00 credits is required, including:
Code | Title | Credits |
1. Sexualities, Genders and Social Change Core | ||
Required (4.00 credits): | ||
SXGN*1000 | Introduction to Sexualities and Genders | 0.50 |
SXGN*1010 | Sexuality, Gender, Race, and Indigeneity | 0.50 |
SXGN*2000 | Sexualities and Genders: Research Methodologies | 0.50 |
SXGN*2010 | Theorising Sexualities and Genders | 0.50 |
SXGN*3000 | Social Change: Acts of Resistance | 0.50 |
SXGN*3010 | Experiential Learning in Sexualities and Genders: Transforming Community | 0.50 |
SXGN*4000 | Honours Capstone Project in Community Engagement and Advocacy | 1.00 |
2. Social Theory Courses | ||
Select 1.00 credits from the following | ||
ANTH*2180 | Public Anthropology | 0.50 |
ANTH*3770 | Kinship, Family, and Power | 0.50 |
FRHD*1020 | Couple and Family Relationships | 0.50 |
FRHD*2100 | Development of Human Sexuality | 0.50 |
GEOG*3090 | Gender and Environment | 0.50 |
IDEV*1000 | Understanding Development and Global Inequalities | 0.50 |
IDEV*2400 | Development, Social Justice and Human Rights | 0.50 |
SOAN*2400 | Introduction to Gender Systems | 0.50 |
SOAN*3100 | Gender Perspectives on Families and Households | 0.50 |
SOAN*3240 | Gender and Global Inequality I | 0.50 |
SOAN*4230 | Gender and Global Inequality II | 0.50 |
UNIV*2010 | Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Oppression | 0.50 |
3. Leadership for Social Change Courses | ||
Select 1.00 credits from the following: | ||
HROB*2010 | Foundations of Leadership | 0.50 |
HROB*2090 | Individuals and Groups in Organizations | 0.50 |
HROB*3090 | Training and Development | 0.50 |
MGMT*2150 | Introduction to Canadian Business Management | 0.50 |
MGMT*2500 | Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship | 0.50 |
MGMT*3020 | Principles of Responsible Organizations | 0.50 |
4. Areas of Emphasis | ||
A. Politics and Power | ||
Select 1.00 credits from Histories of Sexuality and Gender: | ||
CLAS*1000 | Introduction to Classical Culture | 0.50 |
EURO*2200 | Gender and Modernism in Europe | 0.50 |
HIST*2240 | Women, War and Nation | 0.50 |
HIST*2930 | Women and Cultural Change | 0.50 |
HIST*3020 | Sexuality and Gender in History | 0.50 |
HIST*3580 | Women's History in Asia | 0.50 |
HUMN*3400 | Renaissance Lovers and Fools | 0.50 |
Select 1.00 credits from Philosophies of Sexuality and Gender: | ||
PHIL*1030 | Sex, Love, and Friendship | 0.50 |
PHIL*2060 | Philosophy of Feminism I | 0.50 |
PHIL*4060 | Current Debates in Feminist Philosophy | 0.50 |
PSYC*2310 | Social Psychology | 0.50 |
PSYC*3300 | Psychology of Gender | 0.50 |
Select 1.00 credits from Politics of Sexuality and Gender: | ||
JLS*1000 | Introduction to Justice & Law | 0.50 |
POLS*2100 | Comparative Politics | 0.50 |
POLS*2150 | Gender and Politics | 0.50 |
POLS*3160 | Global Gender Justice | 0.50 |
POLS*3710 | Sex and the Law | 0.50 |
B. Creativity and Expression | ||
Select 1.00 credits from Reading Sexuality and Gender (Languages and Literatures): | ||
ENGL*2130 | Seminar: Literature and Social Change | 0.50 |
ENGL*2190 | Queer Literatures and Cultures | 0.50 |
ENGL*2280 | Sporting Bodies | 0.50 |
ENGL*2880 | Women in Literature | 0.50 |
FREN*3130 | Representing the Self | 0.50 |
FREN*3140 | Women in Literature, Art and Film | 0.50 |
Select 1.00 credits from Analysing Sexuality and Gender (Arts and Media): | ||
ARTH*3780 | Gender and Art | 0.50 |
MUSC*1060 | Amadeus to Zeppelin: Music and Culture I | 0.50 |
MUSC*2150 | Music and Popular Culture | 0.50 |
MUSC*2330 | Beethoven to Broadway: Music and Culture II | 0.50 |
MUSC*3630 | Tragedy, Technology, and Torture: Music Post 1900 | 0.50 |
MUSC*3740 | Topics in Popular Music Studies | 1.00 |
THST*1200 | Languages of Media | 0.50 |
THST*2450 | Approaches to Media Studies | 0.50 |
THST*2650 | History of Communication | 0.50 |
Select 1.00 credits from Sexuality and Gender (Creative Practice): | ||
CTS*1000 | Culture and Technology: Keywords | 0.50 |
CTS*2010 | Digital Approaches to Culture | 0.50 |
CTS*3000 | Data and Difference | 0.50 |
CTS*3010 | Digital Arts & Critical Making | 0.50 |
ENGL*2920 | Elements of Creative Writing | 0.50 |
SART*1050 | Foundation Studio | 0.50 |
SART*1060 | Core Studio | 0.50 |
SART*2800 | Experimental Studio I | 0.50 |
SART*3770 | Experimental Studio II | 0.50 |
THST*1040 | Introduction to Performance | 0.50 |
THST*2120 | Writing for Performance | 0.50 |
THST*3140 | Performance and the Past | 0.50 |
Additional applied courses in MUSC, THST, and SART may be counted, pending faculty approval. Please note that some courses in MUSC and THST require the successful completion of an audition.
Minor Requirements (Honours)
This minor cannot be combined with a major in Sexualities, Genders and Social Change.
A minimum of 5.00 credits is required, including:
Code | Title | Credits |
SXGN*1000 | Introduction to Sexualities and Genders | 0.50 |
SXGN*1010 | Sexuality, Gender, Race, and Indigeneity | 0.50 |
SXGN*2000 | Sexualities and Genders: Research Methodologies | 0.50 |
SXGN*2010 | Theorising Sexualities and Genders | 0.50 |
SXGN*3000 | Social Change: Acts of Resistance | 0.50 |
An additional 2.50 credits in SXGN courses or any approved restricted electives from the above Social Theory; Leadership for Social Change; Politics and Power; or Creativity and Expression course lists.
Additional courses may be counted, pending faculty approval.