German (GERM)
Note: admission, including internal or external transfer, to the German minor has been suspended. For more information, please contact the School of Languages and Literatures.
School of Languages and Literatures, College of Arts
All language courses carry 0.50 credits. Students with two years of high school German or equivalent may not be admitted into GERM*1100 Introductory German I. Students with 12U German credit or its equivalent may be admitted into GERM*1110 Introductory German II only with the approval of the department. All language students are advised to include LING*1000 Introduction to Linguistics among their electives in order to derive the maximum benefit from their studies. Except where stated otherwise, literary texts are, at all levels, studied in the original language. Students registering in these courses will be expected to have the appropriate knowledge.
Study Abroad
The School of Languages and Literatures encourages students in the German program to spend 1 or 2 semesters in a German speaking country to continue their studies at the University level. Credit for programs of study successfully completed may be applied towards the University of Guelph degree requirements.). For more information, contact the Centre for International Program or the School of Languages and Literatures.
The German minor is currently suspended. For more information, please contact the School of Languages and Literatures.
Minor Requirements (Honours)
A minimum of 5.00 credits in German is required from the following courses:
Code | Title | Credits |
GERM*1100 | Introductory German I | 0.50 |
GERM*1110 | Introductory German II | 0.50 |
GERM*2010 | Intermediate Language Practice | 0.50 |
GERM*2490 | Intermediate German | 0.50 |
GERM*3000 | Narratives of Migration | 0.50 |
GERM*3020 | Fables and Fairy Tales in Germany | 0.50 |
GERM*3150 | Interactive German Language and Culture | 0.50 |
GERM*3470 | Holocaust & WWII in German Literature and Film | 0.50 |
GERM*3600 | Directed Readings in German Studies | 0.50 |
GERM*3700 | Experiential Learning and Language | 0.50 |
GERM*4940 | Research Paper in German Studies | 0.50 |
Upon passing both the German designation and its Humanities co-requisites, students may count HUMN*3000 Narratives of Migration, HUMN*3020 Fables and Fairy Tales in the Western Tradition and HUMN*3470 Holocaust & WWII in German Lit. & Film toward the German minor.
Students may also count 0.50 credit toward the German minor from:
Code | Title | Credits |
ARTH*2950 | Baroque Art | 0.50 |
HIST*3350 | Modern Germany | 0.50 |
HUMN*1030 | What Makes a Literary Classic? | 0.50 |
LING*1000 | Introduction to Linguistics | 0.50 |
PHIL*3100 | Kant and His Legacy | 0.50 |
PHIL*3360 | Nineteenth Century Philosophy | 0.50 |
Students enrolled in the German program must contact the School of Languages and Literatures for an up-to-date sequence of course offerings.