Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice (B.I.E.S.P.)
Territorial and Land Acknowledgement
We give thanks for this place where we are gathered and for all those beings, both human and non-human, with whom we share this space: the rocks, the waters, the plants, the finned, the furred, the feathered, the four-legged, two-legged, many-legged and no-legged, those who creep and walk and swim and fly, all our relations, and acknowledge that our existence is intertwined and interdependent.
The University of Guelph resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We recognize the significance of the Dish with One Spoon Covenant to this land, and offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Métis neighbours. Today, this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging them reminds us of our important connection to this land where we learn and work.
Program Information
The Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice (BIESP) is an interdisciplinary science degree that focuses on the development of leaders in areas of environmental science, land-use and policy development who are grounded in Indigenous ways of knowing and being. This science degree emphasizes the respectful and consensual braiding of Indigenous and Western knowledge systems to address complex environmental issues and challenges. It focuses on the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through practices based on Indigenous ways of knowing and doing and the practice of Indigenous land ethics grounded in Indigenous epistemologies, ontologies, traditions and aspirations. By explicitly recognizing the inherent validity and value of Indigenous ways of knowing and doing, this interdisciplinary program offers a critical, yet constructive, view of environmental science, grounded in Indigenous knowledge systems, methodologies, priorities and values and oriented towards concrete action. In addition to their studies of natural and applied science, students will examine the historical and contemporary relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada and the legal, political and economic context of environmental science and practice.
Experiential learning is incorporated into each year of study through opportunities to interact and work directly with Indigenous communities and organizations supporting cross-cultural learning and practice. In the final year, students will conduct a group project that focuses on a current environmental issue and provides the opportunity to obtain realistic experiences within the interdisciplinary context of practicing environmental science with Indigenous communities. The BIESP is also offered as a co-op option.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the BIESP degree will have demonstrated they can:
- Build awareness of Indigenous cultural frameworks of environmental science including the role of traditional knowledge keepers, right relations, multi-generational environmental stewardship, and inclusion of non-human beings.
- Consider the implications of historical and contemporary relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in influencing governance, practices, policies, interactions and decision-making in environmental science and practice.
- Apply a critical and decolonial lens to the existing approach to environmental science and practice in Canada through the exploration of Indigenous principles, aspirations and practices while cognizant of the historical and ongoing legacy of colonization, land dispossession, and intergenerational trauma.
- Apply the evolving legal frameworks of Indigenous and non-Indigenous environmental science, which include Indigenous People’s inherent, treaty and constitutionally-protected rights, historic and contemporary lands, the minimal standard of free, prior, and informed consent, duty to consult and Indigenous-led practices of protection and restoration of special places and community well-being, to environmental stewardship.
- Bridge and braid Indigenous and Western knowledge systems to propose and evaluate answers and solutions to environmental questions.
- Formulate relevant and testable research questions, develop and implement an effective method of inquiry and perform appropriate quantitative and qualitative analyses for use in evidence-based environmental planning, policy development and implementation across different knowledge systems from Indigenous and Western research paradigms and methodologies.
- Utilize techniques and skills including mapping and GIS, data classification, spatial analysis, map design, Indigenous research methodologies and environmental risk assessment practices to analyze environmental management issues across different knowledge systems.
- Demonstrate project management skills (leadership, negotiation, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, time and task management, and budgeting) to effectively work within a team to complete multifaceted projects related to environmental management, research, and community engagement.
- Communicate ideas, arguments and analyses to Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences accurately and effectively, recognizing the role of language, personal values, strengths and limitations, and respecting diverse perspectives.
- Demonstrate moral maturity and intercultural competency by considering diverse perspectives on environmental issues and Indigenous world views when acting as a professional and community member in decision-making processes related to topics of land use, conservation, sustainability and environmental remediation and restoration.
- Critically reflect on their personal values, academic and professional goals and determine how they can continue to respectfully engage and sustain relationships with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to address environmental challenges utilizing both Indigenous and Western scientific knowledge systems and ethical protocols.
- Appreciate and support the needs and priorities of Indigenous communities to promote respect, protect and sustain Indigenous knowledge and practice in Indigenous communities.
Academic Advising and Counselling
The Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice Program Counsellor is available to assist in-course students who require information or advice about their program or other academic regulations and who seek information about resources available to students. For Program Counsellor contact information, visit and review Chapter VII -- Academic Counselling.
The faculty advisor is a current faculty member associated with the program, is familiar with the academic requirements of the program, and is aware of experiential learning and career opportunities. Students are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings called by their advisor, and to set up individual meetings with them when they have questions or concerns about their performance or progress in the program.
Continuation of Study
Students are advised to consult the regulations for Continuation of Study which are outlined in detail in Chapter VIII -- Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures in the current calendar.
Conditions for Graduation
The BIESP degree requires the completion of 20.00 credits as follows:
- 11.00 required courses
- 7.00 restricted electives
2.00 free electives
Of these credits, a minimum of 6.00 credits are required to be at the 3000 level or higher, of which at least 2.00 credits must be at the 4000 level.
To qualify for co-op, 22.00 credits are required. The additional 2.00 credits are earned through the successful completion of four work-terms which are 0.50 credits each.
In addition, students must meet the continuation of study requirements at the time of graduation and have a minimum cumulative average of 60%.
Minors and Double Counting
Students may also take a minor in another subject area. A maximum of 50% of the requirements of a minor may be applied to meet the requirements of the BIESP program. Students should note that completion of a minor may require additional credits beyond the 20.00 required for the program. Students intending to acquire a minor should consult with their Program Counsellor.
Schedule of Studies
Courses specified in the Schedule of Studies (requirements) are required courses and must be successfully completed. A full-time course load normally includes 2.50 credits.
Recommended Program Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
Semester 1 | ||
ENVS*1040 | Natural History of the Great Lakes Region | 1.00 |
IES*1010 | Introduction to Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
INDG*1100 | Indigenous Language and Culture 1 | 0.50 |
MATH*1080 | Elements of Calculus I | 0.50 |
Semester 2 | ||
ACCT*1220 | Introductory Financial Accounting | 0.50 |
BIOL*1070 | Discovering Biodiversity | 0.50 |
CHEM*1040 | General Chemistry I | 0.50 |
IES*1020 | Indigenous Knowledge for Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
0.50 electives or restricted electives | 0.50 | |
Semester 3 | ||
BIOL*2060 | Ecology | 0.50 |
IES*2010 | Land-Based Teachings for Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
STAT*2040 | Statistics I | 0.50 |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Semester 4 | ||
GEOG*2210 | Environment and Resources | 0.50 |
GEOG*2480 | Mapping and GIS | 0.50 |
ANTH*2660 | Contemporary Indigenous Peoples in Canada | 0.50 |
or HIST*2090 | Indigenous Peoples of the Americas | |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Semester 5 | ||
ANTH*3650 | The Anthropology of Indigenous Peoples Before Canada | 0.50 |
IES*3020 | Right Relations: Reconciliation, Decolonialization, & the Environment | 0.50 |
POLS*3340 | Indigenous Politics in Canada | 0.50 |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Semester 6 | ||
2.50 electives or restricted electives | 2.50 | |
Semester 7 | ||
GEOG*3210 | Indigenous-Settler Relationships in Environmental Governance | 0.50 |
IES*4000 | Indigenous Environmental Science: Methodologies in Practice | 0.50 |
1.50 electives or restricted electives | 1.50 | |
Semester 8 | ||
IES*4010 | Indigenous Environmental Science Project | 0.50 |
IES*4020 | Indigenous Environmental Science Reflective Capstone | 0.50 |
1.50 electives or restricted electives | 1.50 |
- 1
Note: Students who are not native speakers of an Indigenous language must take INDG*1100. Students with alternate Indigenous language preparation may substitute an elective or restricted elective in place of INDG*1110, such as ANTH*1150 Introduction to Anthropology, ENGL*1030 Effective Writing, LING*1000 Introduction to Linguistics or SOC*1100 Sociology.
Restricted Electives
A minimum of 7.00 credits of restricted electives are required, of which at least 1.00 credits must be at the 4000-level. Students must select restricted elective courses from each of groups 1, 2 and 3. Restricted electives may require other prerequisites. Students should consult with program counselling and plan accordingly.
Group 1
Minimum of 1.50 credits must be from lists A and/or B. Of these, at least 0.50 credits must be at the 4000-level.
List A. Environmental Economics and Policy
Code | Title | Credits |
ECON*1050 | Introductory Microeconomics | 0.50 |
ECON*2100 | Economic Growth and Environmental Quality | 0.50 |
FARE*2700 | Survey of Natural Resource Economics | 0.50 |
FARE*3170 | Cost-Benefit Analysis | 0.50 |
FARE*4290 | Land Economics | 0.50 |
FARE*4310 | Experimental and Behavioural Economics | 0.50 |
GEOG*4220 | Local Environmental Management | 0.50 |
GEOG*4230 | Environmental Impact Assessment | 0.50 |
POLS*3370 | Environmental Politics and Governance | 0.50 |
List B. Quantitative Methods and Geomatics
Code | Title | Credits |
GEOG*2420 | The Earth From Space | 0.50 |
GEOG*3420 | Remote Sensing of the Environment | 0.50 |
GEOG*3480 | GIS and Spatial Analysis | 0.50 |
GEOG*4480 | Applied Geomatics | 1.00 |
STAT*2050 | Statistics II | 0.50 |
STAT*3510 | Environmental Risk Assessment | 0.50 |
Group 2
Minimum of 3.00 credits must be from lists C, D, E, F, G, or H. Of these, at least 0.50 credits must be at the 4000-level. Students are encouraged to select courses from more than one list.
List C. Wildlife Stewardship and Conservation
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*3060 | Populations, Communities and Ecosystems | 0.50 |
BIOL*3130 | Conservation Biology | 0.50 |
BIOL*3670 | Introduction to Wildlife Rehabilitation | 0.50 |
BIOL*3680 | Wildlife Rehabilitation: Caring for Sick, Injured, and Orphaned Wildlife | 0.50 |
BIOL*4150 | Wildlife Conservation and Management | 0.50 |
BIOL*4500 | Natural Resource Policy Analysis | 0.50 |
ENVS*4070 | Pollinator Conservation | 0.50 |
List D. Environmental Microbiology
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*1090 | Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*2080 | Introduction to Environmental Microbiology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3290 | Waterborne Disease Ecology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3310 | Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function | 0.50 |
ENVS*4320 | Laboratory and Field Methods in Soil Biodiversity | 1.00 |
List E. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*3450 | Introduction to Aquatic Environments | 0.50 |
BIOL*4350 | Limnology of Natural and Polluted Waters | 0.50 |
CHEM*1050 | General Chemistry II | 0.50 |
CHEM*3360 | Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3020 | Pesticides and the Environment | 0.50 |
ENVS*3150 | Aquatic Systems | 0.50 |
ENVS*3220 | Terrestrial Chemistry | 0.50 |
ENVS*4000 | Toxicological Risk Assessment | 0.50 |
ENVS*4180 | Insecticide Biological Activity and Resistance | 0.50 |
ENVS*4230 | Biology of Aquatic Insects | 0.50 |
ENVS*4370 | Natural and Anthropogenic Compounds in the Environment | 0.50 |
TOX*2000 | Principles of Toxicology | 0.50 |
List F. Forest Ecosystems
Code | Title | Credits |
BOT*2100 | Life Strategies of Plants | 0.50 |
BOT*3050 | Plant Functional Ecology | 0.50 |
BOT*3710 | Plant Diversity and Evolution | 0.50 |
ENVS*2330 | Current Issues in Ecosystem Science and Biodiversity | 0.50 |
ENVS*3090 | Insect Diversity and Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3230 | Agroforestry Systems | 0.50 |
ENVS*3250 | Forest Health and Disease | 0.50 |
ENVS*3270 | Forest Biodiversity | 0.50 |
ENVS*3370 | Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4260 | Field Entomology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4350 | Forest Ecology | 0.50 |
List G. Soil and Water Stewardship
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*2060 | Soil Science | 0.50 |
ENVS*2240 | Fundamentals of Environmental Geology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3060 | Groundwater | 0.50 |
ENVS*3080 | Soil and Water Conservation | 0.50 |
ENVS*3180 | Sedimentary Environments | 0.50 |
ENVS*4030 | Ecohydrology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4090 | Soil Management | 0.50 |
ENVS*4160 | Soil and Nutrient Management | 0.50 |
ENVS*4360 | Glacial Environments | 0.50 |
ENVS*4390 | Soil Variability and Land Evaluation | 0.50 |
List H. Climate
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*2030 | Meteorology and Climatology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3010 | Climate Change Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3050 | Microclimatology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3340 | Environmental Data Analysis | 0.50 |
ENVS*4050 | Predicting Impacts of Environmental Change | 0.50 |
ENVS*4210 | Meteorological and Environmental Instrumentation | 0.50 |
Group 3
Leadership, Business Management and Ethics
At least 1.00 credits must be taken from the following list:
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT*2230 | Management Accounting | 0.50 |
HROB*2010 | Foundations of Leadership | 0.50 |
HROB*2090 | Individuals and Groups in Organizations | 0.50 |
HROB*2290 | Human Resources Management | 0.50 |
MGMT*2150 | Introduction to Canadian Business Management | 0.50 |
MGMT*3020 | Principles of Responsible Organizations | 0.50 |
PHIL*2600 | Business and Professional Ethics | 0.50 |
Students may also take the following as restricted electives:
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*4410 | Introduction to Advanced Independent Research | 0.50 |
ENVS*4420 | Advanced Independent Research | 0.50 |
ENVS*4510 | Topics in Environmental Sciences | 0.50 |
IAEF*3500 | Experiential Education | 0.50 |
IAEF*3510 | Interdisciplinary Flexible Internship | 0.50 |
SOAN*4210 | Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canadian Society | 0.50 |
Co-op Requirements
The Co-op program in Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice is a five-year program including four work terms. Students must follow the academic work schedule as outlined below (also found on the Co-operative Education website:
Academic and Co-op Work Term Schedule
Year | Fall | Winter | Summer |
1 | Academic Semester 1 | Academic Semester 2 | Off |
2 | Academic Semester 3, COOP*1100 | Academic Semester 4 | COOP*1000 Work Term I |
3 | Academic Semester 5 | Academic Semester 6 | COOP*2000 Work Term II |
4 | COOP*3000 Work Term III | COOP*4000 Work Term IV | Off |
5 | Academic Semester 7 | Academic Semester 8 | N/A |
Please refer to the Co-operative Education program policy with respect to work term performance grading, work term report grading and program completion requirements.
For additional program information students should consult with their Co-op Co-ordinator and Co-op Faculty Advisor, listed on the Co-operative Education web site.
Credit Summary
(22.00 Total Credits)
Code | Title | Credits |
Required courses | 11.00 | |
Restricted electives | 7.00 | |
Free electives | 2.00 | |
Co-op Work Terms | 2.00 | |
Total Credits | 22 |
Recommended Program Sequence
Code | Title | Credits |
Semester 1 - Fall | ||
ENVS*1040 | Natural History of the Great Lakes Region | 1.00 |
IES*1010 | Introduction to Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
INDG*1100 | Indigenous Language and Culture | 0.50 |
MATH*1080 | Elements of Calculus I | 0.50 |
Semester 2 - Winter | ||
CHEM*1040 | General Chemistry I | 0.50 |
ACCT*1220 | Introductory Financial Accounting | 0.50 |
BIOL*1070 | Discovering Biodiversity | 0.50 |
IES*1020 | Indigenous Knowledge for Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
0.50 electives or restricted electives | 0.50 | |
Summer Semester | ||
No academic semester or work term | ||
Semester 3 - Fall | ||
BIOL*2060 | Ecology | 0.50 |
COOP*1100 | Introduction to Co-operative Education | 0.00 |
IES*2010 | Land-Based Teachings for Environmental Science and Practice | 0.50 |
STAT*2040 | Statistics I | 0.50 |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Semester 4 - Winter | ||
GEOG*2210 | Environment and Resources | 0.50 |
GEOG*2480 | Mapping and GIS | 0.50 |
ANTH*2660 | Contemporary Indigenous Peoples in Canada | 0.50 |
or HIST*2090 | Indigenous Peoples of the Americas | |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Summer Semester | ||
COOP*1000 | Co-op Work Term I | 0.50 |
Semester 5 - Fall | ||
ANTH*3650 | The Anthropology of Indigenous Peoples Before Canada | 0.50 |
IES*3020 | Right Relations: Reconciliation, Decolonialization, & the Environment | 0.50 |
POLS*3340 | Indigenous Politics in Canada | 0.50 |
1.00 electives or restricted electives | 1.00 | |
Semester 6 - Winter | ||
2.50 electives or restricted electives | 2.50 | |
Summer Semester | ||
COOP*2000 | Co-op Work Term II | 0.50 |
Fall Semester | ||
COOP*3000 | Co-op Work Term III | 0.50 |
Winter Semester | ||
COOP*4000 | Co-op Work Term IV | 0.50 |
Summer Semester | ||
No academic semester or work term | ||
Semester 7 - Fall | ||
GEOG*3210 | Indigenous-Settler Relationships in Environmental Governance | 0.50 |
IES*4000 | Indigenous Environmental Science: Methodologies in Practice | 0.50 |
1.50 electives or restricted electives | 1.50 | |
Semester 8 - Winter | ||
IES*4010 | Indigenous Environmental Science Project | 0.50 |
IES*4020 | Indigenous Environmental Science Reflective Capstone | 0.50 |
1.50 electives or restricted electives | 1.50 |
- 1
Note: Students who are not native speakers of an Indigenous language must take INDG*1100. Students with alternate Indigenous language preparation may substitute an elective or restricted elective in place of INDG*1110, such as ANTH*1150 Introduction to Anthropology, ENGL*1030 Effective Writing, LING*1000 Introduction to Linguistics or SOC*1100 Sociology.
Restricted Electives
A minimum of 7.00 credits of restricted electives are required, of which at least 1.00 credits must be at the 4000-level. Students must select restricted elective courses from each of groups 1, 2 and 3. Restricted electives may require other prerequisites. Students should consult with program counselling and plan accordingly.
Group 1
Minimum of 1.50 credits must be from lists A and/or B. Of these, at least 0.50 credits must be at the 4000-level.
List A. Environmental Economics and Policy
Code | Title | Credits |
ECON*1050 | Introductory Microeconomics | 0.50 |
ECON*2100 | Economic Growth and Environmental Quality | 0.50 |
FARE*2700 | Survey of Natural Resource Economics | 0.50 |
FARE*3170 | Cost-Benefit Analysis | 0.50 |
FARE*4290 | Land Economics | 0.50 |
FARE*4310 | Experimental and Behavioural Economics | 0.50 |
GEOG*4220 | Local Environmental Management | 0.50 |
GEOG*4230 | Environmental Impact Assessment | 0.50 |
POLS*3370 | Environmental Politics and Governance | 0.50 |
List B. Quantitative Methods and Geomatics
Code | Title | Credits |
GEOG*2420 | The Earth From Space | 0.50 |
GEOG*3420 | Remote Sensing of the Environment | 0.50 |
GEOG*3480 | GIS and Spatial Analysis | 0.50 |
GEOG*4480 | Applied Geomatics | 1.00 |
STAT*2050 | Statistics II | 0.50 |
STAT*3510 | Environmental Risk Assessment | 0.50 |
Group 2
Minimum of 3.00 credits must be from lists C, D, E, F, G, or H. Of these, at least 0.50 credits must be at the 4000-level. Students are encouraged to select courses from more than one list.
List C. Wildlife Stewardship and Conservation
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*3060 | Populations, Communities and Ecosystems | 0.50 |
BIOL*3130 | Conservation Biology | 0.50 |
BIOL*3670 | Introduction to Wildlife Rehabilitation | 0.50 |
BIOL*3680 | Wildlife Rehabilitation: Caring for Sick, Injured, and Orphaned Wildlife | 0.50 |
BIOL*4150 | Wildlife Conservation and Management | 0.50 |
BIOL*4500 | Natural Resource Policy Analysis | 0.50 |
ENVS*4070 | Pollinator Conservation | 0.50 |
List D. Environmental Microbiology
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*1090 | Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*2080 | Introduction to Environmental Microbiology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3290 | Waterborne Disease Ecology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3310 | Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function | 0.50 |
ENVS*4320 | Laboratory and Field Methods in Soil Biodiversity | 1.00 |
List E. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry
Code | Title | Credits |
BIOL*3450 | Introduction to Aquatic Environments | 0.50 |
BIOL*4350 | Limnology of Natural and Polluted Waters | 0.50 |
CHEM*1050 | General Chemistry II | 0.50 |
CHEM*3360 | Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3020 | Pesticides and the Environment | 0.50 |
ENVS*3150 | Aquatic Systems | 0.50 |
ENVS*3220 | Terrestrial Chemistry | 0.50 |
ENVS*4000 | Toxicological Risk Assessment | 0.50 |
ENVS*4180 | Insecticide Biological Activity and Resistance | 0.50 |
ENVS*4230 | Biology of Aquatic Insects | 0.50 |
ENVS*4370 | Natural and Anthropogenic Compounds in the Environment | 0.50 |
TOX*2000 | Principles of Toxicology | 0.50 |
List F. Forest Ecosystems
Code | Title | Credits |
BOT*2100 | Life Strategies of Plants | 0.50 |
BOT*3050 | Plant Functional Ecology | 0.50 |
BOT*3710 | Plant Diversity and Evolution | 0.50 |
ENVS*2330 | Current Issues in Ecosystem Science and Biodiversity | 0.50 |
ENVS*3090 | Insect Diversity and Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3230 | Agroforestry Systems | 0.50 |
ENVS*3250 | Forest Health and Disease | 0.50 |
ENVS*3270 | Forest Biodiversity | 0.50 |
ENVS*3370 | Terrestrial Ecosystem Ecology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4260 | Field Entomology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4350 | Forest Ecology | 0.50 |
List G. Soil and Water Stewardship
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*2060 | Soil Science | 0.50 |
ENVS*2240 | Fundamentals of Environmental Geology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3060 | Groundwater | 0.50 |
ENVS*3080 | Soil and Water Conservation | 0.50 |
ENVS*3180 | Sedimentary Environments | 0.50 |
ENVS*4030 | Ecohydrology | 0.50 |
ENVS*4090 | Soil Management | 0.50 |
ENVS*4160 | Soil and Nutrient Management | 0.50 |
ENVS*4360 | Glacial Environments | 0.50 |
ENVS*4390 | Soil Variability and Land Evaluation | 0.50 |
List H. Climate
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*2030 | Meteorology and Climatology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3010 | Climate Change Biology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3050 | Microclimatology | 0.50 |
ENVS*3340 | Environmental Data Analysis | 0.50 |
ENVS*4050 | Predicting Impacts of Environmental Change | 0.50 |
ENVS*4210 | Meteorological and Environmental Instrumentation | 0.50 |
Group 3
Leadership, Business Management and Ethics
At least 1.00 credits must be taken from the following list:
Code | Title | Credits |
ACCT*2230 | Management Accounting | 0.50 |
HROB*2010 | Foundations of Leadership | 0.50 |
HROB*2090 | Individuals and Groups in Organizations | 0.50 |
HROB*2290 | Human Resources Management | 0.50 |
MGMT*2150 | Introduction to Canadian Business Management | 0.50 |
MGMT*3020 | Principles of Responsible Organizations | 0.50 |
PHIL*2600 | Business and Professional Ethics | 0.50 |
Students may also take the following as restricted electives:
Code | Title | Credits |
ENVS*4410 | Introduction to Advanced Independent Research | 0.50 |
ENVS*4420 | Advanced Independent Research | 0.50 |
ENVS*4510 | Topics in Environmental Sciences | 0.50 |
SOAN*4210 | Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canadian Society | 0.50 |