Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Objectives of the Program
Students in this program obtain a liberal engineering education, which includes a comprehensive core of science, mathematics and engineering science that provides a strong foundation for engineering design and analysis. This foundation enables students to identify and solve engineering problems in the areas of biological, biomedical, computer, engineering systems and computing, environmental, mechanical and water resources. Core subjects, combined with elective opportunities, provide an understanding of the connection between engineering and science, coupled with the interdisciplinary skills needed to address the problems and challenges faced by engineers in society today.
The curriculum includes a strong emphasis on engineering design. Students engage in engineering design throughout the program, and gain experience in computer aided design and modeling, conceptual design, and physical construction. Emphasis is on teamwork and communications skills, and working on interdisciplinary projects.
Career opportunities are open in many segments of the economy. Examples are: consulting services to municipalities, utilities and industry; resource agencies in advisory, regulatory, planning and utilization; service industries of construction, power and water supply and public health; manufacturing, design of computer and control systems, hardware and software development; mechatronics and emerging energy systems; medical devices, pharmaceutical and food industries and industrial ergonomics; academic research and graduate studies both within and outside the field of engineering.
Many engineers assume management responsibilities after gaining experience in design, development and operations. The balance provided by liberal arts and engineering education allows graduates to enjoy a great deal of career mobility.
The baccalaureate degree programs in all engineering programs are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board of Engineers Canada. Graduates from accredited engineering programs have the educational requirements to apply for membership in the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) and other provinces after a number of years of acceptable engineering experience and successful completion of a professional practice examination in engineering law and ethics.
Requirements of the Program
Students combine their required courses in mathematics, physical sciences and engineering with additional credits providing the opportunity for specialization in one of the B.Eng. majors, including complementary studies and elective subjects. Complementary studies consist of courses in the humanities and social sciences; sustainable development and environmental stewardship; project management and economics, including engineering economics; and communication. Complementary studies complement the technical content of the curriculum by enhancing an understanding of the role of engineering in society. All credits are selected according to the schedule of studies for the student's chosen B.Eng. program. Further information on approved courses may be obtained from the B.Eng. Program Guide available on the School of Engineering website.
Students admitted to the Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) program may apply to transfer between majors once enrolled.
BEng students who wish to change to another major in the program may submit an application to the School of Engineering Program Counselling Office. The application must be submitted by the last day of classes in the semester preceding the change. Admission is competitive based on available space in each major. Normally, only those applicants who meet the minimum admission requirements for internal transfer are considered (see . Applications are assessed by the B.Eng. Admission Committee and decisions regarding applications are made no later than one week before the add deadline of the following semester. Students who change majors may be off sequence and may be required to take additional courses.
The available programs are:
- Biological Engineering - the application of engineering to the control and management of biological processes, environments, and human factors in engineering design.
- Biomedical Engineering - the application of engineering to health and medicine.
- Computer Engineering - the application of engineering to the design, fabrication, and testing of computing machines and computer systems.
- Engineering Systems and Computing - the application of engineering to the design, operation and management of systems related to data sensing, transmission, processing, and of control.
- Environmental Engineering - the application of engineering to protect and restore the environment, through the prevention, reclamation, and treatment of gaseous, liquid and solid wastes.
- Mechanical Engineering - The application of engineering to the design, manufacturing and control of mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment, systems and devices.
- Water Resources Engineering - the application of engineering to the control and management of water and soil resources to meet human needs while sustaining the natural environment.
Guidance in the selection of appropriate courses is available from the School of Engineering Program Counselling Office.
Additional Course Requirements
Students lacking specific subject requirements are advised to consult the Recommendations and Notes in Chapter IV--Admission Information - Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Minors and Double-Counting
Students may also take a minor in another subject area. A maximum of 70% of the requirements of the minor may be applied to meet the requirements of the B.Eng program (i.e., at least 30% of credits required for the minor must not overlap).
Students should note that completion of a minor will require additional credits beyond the total number of credits required for their BEng major. Students intending to acquire a minor should consult with their Program Counsellor. Students cannot earn a minor in the same subject area as their major.
Students may not triple-count a course between a B.Eng. major and two or more minors.
Given the professional and applied nature of the B.Eng. program, there are no double majors associated with the degree.
Letter of Permission
A maximum of 1.50 credits of core (required) courses may be taken by Letter of Permission for their degree. This cap does not apply to restricted or free electives. Approval of the request for Letter of Permission depends on good standing in the program with a minimum cumulative average of 60%.
Normally, requests for Letter of Permission of a core course will be denied if:
The core course being requested is offered at Guelph in the same semester.
The core course being requested is less than 75% equivalent to the Guelph B.Eng. requirement.
The core course being requested is at least 75% equivalent to the Guelph B.Eng. requirement, but a core learning outcome or topic is missing.
Some courses are not eligible for LOP – for a list of courses, please see the Engineering program guide.
Requests must be accompanied by a full course outline from the host institution, relevant to the offering being requested.
Exceptions to the above terms and conditions will be considered in consultation with the Associate Director Undergraduate Studies for students with documented extenuating circumstances.
Continuation of Study
Chapter VIII, Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures, defines continuation of study requirements. Most students in the B. Eng. program follow Schedule 6 Regulations, as outlined below. Transfer students from another university or college and students who are readmitted but whose prior record renders them ineligible to proceed under Schedule 6 will follow Schedule 2 (see Chapter VIII). Students will be ineligible to continue in the B.Eng. program and will not be readmitted to the degree program if the same course is failed three times.
Normally, students in the B.Eng. program will be permitted only one supplemental assessment during their studies. It will usually be granted for 3000 or 4000 level courses only.
Schedule 6 Regulations
All degree programs, Open Learning and General Studies have established conditions which must be met for continuation of study. Continuation of study within a program is permitted provided the standards of academic performance listed below are met. In some instances, students not meeting the requirements may be allowed to proceed on probation (see Academic Standing-Probationary( If these conditions are not met, the student will be required to withdraw from the program for a minimum of two semesters and may apply for readmission after that period of time.
The continuation of study regulations at the University of Guelph are based on the principle that students must maintain a minimum average of 60%. To allow for transition issues, some leniency has been built into the minimum average requirement during the first 5.25 credit attempts in the B.Eng. program. The student's cumulative average will be reviewed first. If the student's cumulative average does not meet the minimum required, the student will either be required to withdraw or placed on probation. When a student is placed on probation the student will be required to obtain a minimum semester average. In subsequent semesters the student will either be required to withdraw, allowed to continue on probation, or be placed back on regular status. Students will be taken off probation once their cumulative average is greater than, or equal to 60%.
Conditions for continuation of study are applied using the following tables:
Number of Credit Attempts: Between 0.25 and 2.75
B.Eng. students who have attempted between 0.25 and 2.75 credits will be allowed to continue regardless of the cumulative average. Students will be placed on probation if their cumulative average falls below 50%.
Number of Credit Attempts: Between 3.0 and 5.25
If Eligible to Continue
Continuation of Study Assessment for Student in Semester 2 following Schedule 6
Cumulative Average (C) | Status of Student |
C < 50% | Required to Withdraw |
C ≥ 50% and C < 60% | Probationary Status |
C ≥ 60% | Eligible to Continue |
If on Probation
Continuation of Study Assessment for Students in Semester 2 on Probation following Schedule 6
Cumulative Average (C) Semester Average (S) | Status of Student |
S < 50% or C< 50% | Required to Withdraw |
S ≥ 50% but C < 50% | Required to Withdraw |
S ≥ 50% but C < 60% | Probationary Status |
C ≥ 60% | Eligible to Continue |
Number of Credit Attempts: More Than 5.25
If Eligible to Continue
Continuation of Study Assessment for Students in Semester 3 and Higher following Schedule 6
Cumulative Average (C) | Status of Student |
C < 50% | Required to Withdraw |
C ≥ 50% and C < 60% | Probationary Status |
C ≥ 60% | Eligible to Continue |
If on Probation
Continuation of Study Assessment for Students in Semester 3 and Higher on Probation following Schedule 6
Cumulative Average (C) Semester Average (S) | Status of Student |
S < 60% | Required to Withdraw |
S ≥ 60% but C < 60% | Probationary Status |
C ≥ 60% | Eligible to Continue |
Conditions for Graduation
To qualify for the degree the student must complete the courses required for a B.Eng. program major and approved elective courses and must achieve an overall minimum cumulative average of at least 60% and a minimum cumulative average of at least 60% in all ENGG courses.
Co-operative Education
The Co-operative Education program provides an excellent opportunity for students to obtain work experience in industry directly related to their field of study. Students wishing to participate in the Co-operative Education program are encouraged to apply for admission to the Co-op program on entrance. In-course applicants will be considered for admission to the Co-op program following the completion of Semester 2, if space permits.
Students registered in a B.Eng. Co-operative Education program may participate in work-term experience following the completion of the first 4 semesters of study. The Co-operative Education program consists of five co-op work term semesters of experience in industry with employers who participate in the program. Co-op Work Term Reports are graded by a Co-op Faculty Advisor and the Work Performance Evaluation is completed by the co-op employer supervisor rating the student’s work performance during the co-op work term. Evaluations of Co-op semesters are recorded on the student's academic record.
Students interested in applying for admission to the Co-op program should refer to the Co-operative Education Program for Admission requirements and contact a program counsellor and co-op advisor for the B.Eng.
B. Eng. Academic and Co-op Work Term Schedule
Semester | Yr. 1 | Yr. 2 | Yr. 3 | Yr. 4 | Yr. 5 |
Fall | Academic Semester 1 | Academic Semester 3 | Academic Semester 5 | Academic Semester 6 | Co-op Work Term V |
Winter | Academic Semester 2 | Academic Semester 4 | Co-op Work Term II | Academic Semester 7 | Academic Semester 8 |
Summer | off | Co-op Work Term I | Co-op Work Term III | Co-op Work Term IV |