Latin (LAT)

LAT*1100  Preliminary Latin I  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A beginning course in Latin providing the fundamentals of structure and grammar.
Restriction(s): This course may not be taken by anyone who has Grade 12 Latin.  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
LAT*1110  Preliminary Latin II  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A continuation of LAT*1100.
Prerequisite(s): LAT*1100 or Grade 12 Latin  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
LAT*2000  Latin Language and Literature  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A continuation of instruction in the reading of the Latin language through the use of relevant Latin texts. This course is designed to enable students to read with fluency Latin texts written over more than two millennia.
Prerequisite(s): Grade 12 Latin or LAT*1110  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
LAT*4100  Directed Readings in Latin Literature  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A reading course in Latin Literature designed according to the needs and the interests of the individual student. To be arranged in consultation with a faculty member.
Prerequisite(s): 1 of CLAS*3060, CLAS*3120, CLAS*3300  
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
LAT*4150  Research Paper: Latin  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A major essay on an area of study to be determined in consultation with the Classics Faculty in the School.
Prerequisite(s): CLAS*3060 or CLAS*3120  
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph