Family Relations and Human Development (FRHD)
FRHD*1010 Human Development Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is an introduction to the study of the development of the individual throughout the life cycle. Emphasis will be placed on the interrelationships between physiological, sociological and psychological aspects of normal human development.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Restriction(s): Not available to Child, Youth & Family or Child, Youth & Family Co-op majors. This is a Priority Access course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*1020 Couple and Family Relationships Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
A survey of family dynamics throughout the life course, emphasizing themes of power, intimacy and family diversity. Topics may include; gender socialization, sexuality, mate selection, communication, abuse, couple interaction, parent-child relations, divorce, remarriage.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*1100 Life: Health and Well-Being Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course integrates the theory, application and research of various aspects of health-related topics across the lifespan, emphasizing relevance to the lives of young adults
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2040 Principles of Program Design for Children Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course will examine the elements involved in planning and implementing quality play-based programs for young children. Some of the issues include: the role of the teacher, meeting developmental needs, the materials and the organization of the environment, and instructional strategies. The course will involve a workshop component.
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in BASC Program (CYF, CYF:C, CSTU majors).
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2060 Adult Development and Aging Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides an overview of major theoretical approaches, research issues and methodologies, and significant research findings which relate to adult development and aging.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2100 Development of Human Sexuality Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course covers a social scientific analysis of human sexuality. Emphasis will be placed on the development of sexuality within an interpersonal context.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2110 Inclusive Practices for Children with Disabilities and Exceptionalities Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides an overview of disabilities and exceptionalities (including giftedness, ethno-racial, cultural, and linguistic diversity) in children ages 0-12. Models for understanding disability, such as medical, social, interpretive, and cultural models are discussed. Students learn strategies for creating and adapting programming and the learning environment to promote the development, learning, and inclusion of children with disabilities and exceptionalities. Consideration is given to children's lived experiences and their ability to access and actively participate in early learning opportunities with specific attention given to philosophies of inclusion and creating inclusive early learning environments. An introduction to critical disability studies in early childhood education and its application to professional practice is provided.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2270 Child Development Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is designed to provide students with a greater understanding of children's holistic development from birth to 12 years with emphasis on family, community, cultural, and societal contexts. Using developmental theoretical perspectives, as well as critiques of developmentalism, this course will consider the interrelationships among a child's physical, emotional, social, intellectual, communication, and spiritual development. Children's holistic development will be considered within the context of important relationships and the course will offer cross-cultural and globalized perspectives on child development.
Restriction(s): PSYC*2450. This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2280 Adolescent Development Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines psychosocial development in adolescence, emphasizing physiological, social and emotional changes.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*2400 Introduction to Human Services Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course explores the roles, responsibilities and competencies of work in human services, emphasizing the development of professional knowledge, skills and ethical values for working with individuals and families in a variety of settings. Major topics covered in this course will include working with diverse populations, developing professional communication skills, professional values and ethical practice, self-awareness, self-care, career exploration, program planning and implementation
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits including (1 of FRHD*1010, FRHD*2060, FRHD*2270, FRHD*2280, PSYC*2450)
Restriction(s): FRHD*2300, FRHD*2350. Restricted to students in BASC CYF, CYF:C, ADEV, ADEV:C, FSHD
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3040 Parenting and Intergenerational Relationships Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides a foundation in research and theory on parent-child and intergenerational relationships. It examines historical and cultural influences on theories of child socialization and parent-child relationships, and emphasizes contemporary critical approaches to understanding diverse expressions of parent-child and intergenerational relationships beyond Eurocentric, heteronormative and cis-normative conceptions of families.
Prerequisite(s): 8.00 credits including (1 of FRHD*1020, FRHD*2060, FRHD*2260, FRHD*2270, FRHD*2280, PSYC*2450)
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3060 Principles of Social Gerontology Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
A study of social and health aspects of individual and population aging, including theories and implications for understanding and working with the elderly.
Prerequisite(s): 8.00 credits including (1 of ANTH*1150, FRHD*1010, FRHD*1020, FRHD*1100, PSYC*1000, SOC*1100)
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3070 Research Methods: Family Studies Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is a critical examination of research methods in family studies across various research paradigms (e.g., positivist, post-positivist, interpretive, critical, and poststructural paradigm). The assumptions, values, and commitments of each of these research paradigms is covered, as well as the typical methods and methodologies used and the similarities and divergences between each paradigm, particularly as it pertains to research in family studies. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are covered, as well as brief mentions of those beyond qualitative methods (e.g., arts-based and Indigenist). This course will offer students preliminary understandings of the scientific method and its critiques, as well as how to develop a research question in qualitative and quantitative research, sampling techniques, and ethics in data collection and research in family studies and considerations of methodological rigor and validity.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in BASC.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3090 Poverty and Health Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course offers an in-depth examination of poverty and health. The factors associated with poverty across the lifespan, with a focus on the relationships between poverty, health and development, and the social and ecological determinants of health will be reviewed. Poverty within vulnerable groups, issues concerning inequality and strategies to address poverty and social medicine will also be explored.
Prerequisite(s): 8.00 credits including (1 of FRHD*1010, FRHD*2060, FRHD*2260, FRHD*2270, FRHD*2280, PSYC*2450)
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3180 Observation and Assessment Laboratory Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Direct observation as a strategy for collecting information on children's behaviour in applied and research settings is the focus of this course. Emphasis will be placed on theory, recording and interpreting observational data and communicating findings in written reports.
Restriction(s): Priority Access for CSTU students. Restricted to students in BASc.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3190 Administration of Programs for Children Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines the roles and responsibilities of administrators in programs for children with emphasis on the development of appropriate policies and procedures; management of human and financial resources; and internal and external communication within the context of multidisciplinary settings. Attention will be given to quality assurance, professional ethics, and continuing professional development.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3200 Practicum I: Child Fall and Winter (LEC: 3, LAB: 12) [1.00]
This practicum provides students with a seminar and supervised experience with children and is designed to demonstrate the application of theory studied earlier in the program. It will also provide opportunities for working directly with young people while examining such topics as the role of the teacher, teacher-child interaction, and program implementation. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the instructor during course selection.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*2040
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC program (CYF, CYF:C, or CSTU majors). Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the BASc Practicum Coordinator prior to the course selection period.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3290 Practicum I: Family Studies and Human Development Fall and Winter (LEC: 3, LAB: 12) [1.00]
This course offers students an opportunity to participate in seminar and supervised field placement in health and social service agencies. The practicum and seminar will develop students' helping roles in agencies and facilitate the integration and application of theoretical knowledge from previous course work with practice. It will also provide opportunities for students to work directly with individuals and/or groups and to participate in on-going programs or services. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the instructor during the course selection period.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*2350 or FRHD*2400
Co-requisite(s): FRHD*3400
Restriction(s): FRHD*3250. Restricted to students in BASC ADEV, ADEV:C, FSHD. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the BASc Practicum Coordinator prior to the course selection period.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3400 Communication and Counselling Skills Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is an examination and analysis of the theories and methods of communication as applied within the processes of family counseling and consultation.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits including (1 OF ANTH*1150, FRHD*1010, FRHD*1020, FRHD*1100, PSYC*1000, SOC*1100)
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations or semester levels during certain periods. Please see departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*3500 Research Internship in Family Relations And Human Development Summer, Fall, and Winter (LAB: 6) [0.50]
This course will give students a direct, initial experience in conducting research in Family Relations and Human Development. The internship focuses on familiarizing students with the research process and building research skills through active engagement in research under the direct guidance of a faculty member.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4020 Family Theory Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines theories about families that are used by social science researchers, policy-makers, and service-providers. It emphasizes the role of culture and critical approaches to understanding family and kinship relations and the role of theory in advancing equity, as well as social and environmental justice.
Prerequisite(s): 12.00 credits including FRHD*1020
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations or semester levels during certain periods. Please see departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4070 Topics in Family Relations and Human Development Unspecified (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Lecture-discussion or seminar on a selected topic in family studies. To be conducted by regular or visiting faculty with expertise in the area. Students should check with the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition to determine what topic will be offered during specific semesters and which prerequisites, if any, are appropriate.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4080 Topics in Family Relations and Human Development Unspecified (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Lecture-discussion or seminar on a selected topic in family studies. To be conducted by regular or visiting faculty with expertise in the area. Students should check with the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition to determine what topic will be offered during specific semesters and which prerequisites, if any, are appropriate.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4140 Selected Topics in Family Studies and Human Development Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
The advanced selected topics course explores topics or themes in family studies and human development that are especially relevant to the professional's role in advancing equity, inclusion, and social justice. Examples of topics include critical perspectives on aging, critical perspectives on disability, cross-cultural perspectives, critical perspectives on gender and sexuality, anti-racism in practice, and indigenization in practice. Specific topics being offered will be published prior to course selection.
Prerequisite(s): 14.00 credits
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in BASc. This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4190 Assessment in Gerontology Fall Only (LEC: 2, LAB: 2) [0.50]
This course provides an examination and critique of current methods of assessing older adults. Tools to be considered include those for assessing dementia, depression, and pain. Students will examine diagnostic criteria that form the underpinnings of most tests and then examine each test for its psychometric properties and appropriate use. An understanding of the ethical principles governing assessment will be gained.
Prerequisite(s): 12.00 credits
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4200 Issues in Human Sexuality Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
An advanced analysis of sexual development. Specific attention will be given to sexual problems, and the concepts, methods and issues associated with sex education and counselling.
Prerequisite(s): 13.00 credits including FRHD*2100
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in BASc.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4210 Senior Seminar in Early Education and Care Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
The course offers a study of the historical and philosophical basis of programs for young children evaluated from a developmental perspective. Emphasis will be on current approaches and programs and contemporary issues in early childhood programming.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*3200
Restriction(s): CSTU, CYF, CYF:C majors.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4250 Aging and Health Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course offers upper level undergraduates a forum to explore issues related to aging and health across the adult life span. More specifically, the conceptual groundwork necessary for understanding the roles of the life span developmental perspective, individual development, physiological changes in human aging, contextual influences and interactions, and several models/theories of aging and health will be examined. A primary objective of the course is the integration of models and theory to facilitate understanding of aging and health topics. Topics include but are not limited to: age changes and disease processes (both acute and chronic); mental health and illnesses; medication use; disease prevention and health promotion; influence of health on family relationships, caregiving, and housing/care decisions; systemic and societal influences on health; and ethical issues and controversies surrounding the end-of-life care and decision making, advanced directives, medical assistance in dying, and death and dying.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Some restrictions may apply during some time periods. Please see the departmental website for more information.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4290 Practicum II: Family Studies and Human Development Fall and Winter (LEC: 3, LAB: 16) [1.00]
This course enables students to extend their knowledge and professional skills in a second supervised placement in a health or social service agency. The practicum and seminar provides students with additional opportunities to integrate theoretical knowledge with practice experiences. Students are expected to assume additional responsibilities related to program design and implementation and in their supervised work with individuals and/or groups. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the instructor during the course selection period. [Restriction(s):FRHD*4340. Restricted to students in BASC.ADEV, BASC.FSHD. Students wishing to enroll in this course must consult with the BASc Practicum Coordinator prior to the course selection period.]
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*3290
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4320 Social Policies Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is focused on current social policies, programs, and services that affect individuals and families. Issues include policies that affect child development, family well-being, caregiving, financial security, social service provision and community resources.
Prerequisite(s): 13.00 credits including (1 of FRHD*2040, FRHD*2300, FRHD*2350, FRHD*2400, POLS*2230)
Restriction(s): FRHD*4260. Restricted to students in BASC.CSTU and BASC.FSHD.Department(s):Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4330 Practicum II: Child Fall Only (LEC: 3, LAB: 16) [1.00]
This course enables students to extend their knowledge and professional skills in a second supervised placement working with children in a health, education or social service agency. The practicum and seminar provides students with additional opportunities to integrate theoretical knowledge with practice experiences. Students are expected to assume additional responsibilities related to program design and implementation and in their supervised work with individuals and/or groups.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*3200 or FRHD*3250
Restriction(s): FRHD*4170, FRHD*4290, FRHD*4340, Restricted to students in CYF, CYF:C or CSTU major. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the BASc Practicum Coordinator prior to the course selection period.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4350 Practicum III: Child Winter Only (LEC: 3, LAB: 16) [1.00]
This course provides advanced undergraduate students with further direct experience working primarily with children aged 0-12 years within the context of a community or school setting. Students will continue to develop applied skills in leadership, communication, teamwork, and reflective practice; implement and evaluate effective programs/programming; assess personal interests and strengths in working with children; develop an appreciation of the role of the family in these settings; and examine the role of continuous professional learning for early childhood professionals.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*4330
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in CYF, CYF:C or CSTU major. Students wishing to enrol in this course must consult with the BASc Practicum Coordinator prior to the course selection period.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4400 Youth, Risk and Resilience Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines risk and resilience with a focus on youth. It considers developmental, cultural and critical perspectives on risk and resilience and highlights the ways in which marginalization, inequity and oppression shape young peoples' experiences of risk and resilience in contemporary Canadian society.
Prerequisite(s): 13.00 credits including (1 of FRHD*1010, FRHD*2060, FRHD*2270, FRHD*2280, PSYC*2450)
Restriction(s): Restricted to students in BASc.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4810 Thesis I Unspecified (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Planning, developing and writing a research proposal under individual faculty supervision. Topic to be decided by the student in consultation with the supervisory faculty member before they may course select or register for the course. Students are advised to contact the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition for further information.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*3070
Equate(s): CSTU*4810
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph
FRHD*4910 Thesis II Unspecified (LEC: 6) [1.00]
The student will conduct and write an undergraduate thesis under the direction of a faculty member.
Prerequisite(s): FRHD*4810
Equate(s): FRHD*4911/2
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Location(s): Guelph