European Studies (EURO)

EURO*1100  European Cinema  Fall Only  (LEC: 4)  [0.50]  
This course will examine European cinema in a socio-political context. It will focus on the interaction between aesthetic and narrative choices, and the political and cultural conditions in Europe. The topics to be discussed in the course will centre on major movements in European cinema, such as Italian Neo-Realism and the French New Wave, film genre, the representation of gender, national and ethnic identity, European versus Hollywood filmmaking, national and transnational cinema.
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*2200  Gender and Modernism in Europe  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course explores major trends in European culture in the period 1848-1920. Topics studied include major social changes and their significance for culture (e.g. political participation by women and other previously excluded groups, bourgeois liberalism, revolts in the mid-19th century, World War I), thinkers who have shaped the 20th century, avant-garde movements and innovation in the arts and letters (e.g. impressionism, futurism, expressionism, surrealism). Particular attention will be paid to the role of women and changing concepts of gender during this period.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*3100  Europe and the World  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The history of modern Europe is inextricably linked to the history of the non-European world. In this course, students will examine how encounters with non-European peoples and cultures have shaped European culture and society, between the 16th century and the present day. Through art, literature, and film, students will discover how Europeans have represented and problematized the transnational experiences of slavery, empire, and migration, as well as how non-Europeans have responded to Europe's "civilizing mission."
Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*3300  Violence and Culture in 20th Century Europe  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course explores major trends in European culture in the context of political and social events. The focus will be on political events and their significance for culture (e.g. fascism, World War II and the Holocaust and their effects in the second half of the 20th century, the political reorganization of Europe, protest movements, the social and political events that led to the fall of the Berlin Wall), new trends in thought (e.g. existentialism, structuralism, post-modernism, feminism) and the arts and letters (e.g. neorealism, epic theatre, new wave cinema).
Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits  
Restriction(s): EURO*2300  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*3400  Myth and Modernity  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course explores adaptations of ancient myths in modern European literatures and cultures. It investigates how and why myths have been repurposed to engage with socio-political, ideological and cultural questions, either to affirm or to critique the status quo. The focus will be on ancient Greek myths but comparisons to other traditions (e.g. Norse, Jewish, North American Indigenous) will also be included.
Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits including CLAS*2000  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*3700  Experiential Learning and Language  Summer, Fall, and Winter  [0.50]  
This course provides an opportunity for independent study based on an experiential project in European Studies. The project (approximately 70 hours) must be approved by a faculty member in the School of Languages and Literatures. It will include research about experiential learning, a reflective piece of writing and a public oral presentation about the project.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits including 1.50 credits in European Studies.  
Restriction(s): A minimum cumulative average of 70% in all European Studies course attempts. Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*4050  Contemporary Europe: New Landscapes in the Post-Cold War Era  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course examines the major trends and developments in European culture and society since the end of the Cold War and the post-1989 geo-political, social and cultural events. The course will focus on literature, film, art, political and economic theory and will address Europe's transcontinental relationships, inter-European immigration, the role of religious and cultural minorities, the impact of the financial crisis on the Eurozone and its repercussions on the social and cultural life of Europeans.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*4060  Bordering Identities in Contemporary Europe  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will examine the ways in which various actions around borders, such as the crossing, the erasure, and the rearrangement of boundaries, are fundamental to identity formation. It will reveal the complex ways in which writers and other artists, as well as activists of African descent in Europe conceive of identity and confront various sociopolitical, cultural and historical issues. The course will adopt a border poetics approach, which is designed to analyze representations of territorial and symbolic borders, as well as a decolonial perspective, and students will explore the ways in which monolithic notions of Europe are being challenged in popular contexts such as sports and music.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*4220  Models of Community - Senior Seminar  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will provide students with the opportunity to engage in the study of various models of community in a capstone seminar setting. Its content will depend on the areas of specialization of participating faculty members and will span different historical periods and cultural traditions. Communities may be studied historically, from a philosophical perspective, or from the perspective of their literary, artistic and cultural representation. This course will emphasize inclusivity and decolonization in both its methods and its subject of study.
Prerequisite(s): 14.00 credits  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*4600  Honours Seminar in European Studies  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
A seminar course designed to explore one or more topics of European culture, history and/or business, depending on the expertise of the instructor. Students should consult the Coordinator of European Studies for specific offerings.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits, (2 of ARTH*1520, EURO*1050, EURO*1100, EURO*1200, EURO*2200, EURO*2300, EURO*3000, EURO*3300, HIST*2510, HIST*3090, MUSC*1060, POLS*3450)  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph  
EURO*4740  Research Project in European Studies  Fall and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This is an independent study course that requires a research project on an aspect of European Studies. The topic must be approved by the Coordinator of the European Studies Program. Research is undertaken with the guidance of a faculty advisor and will result in the writing of a research paper.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits including, (EURO*1100 or EURO*1200), EURO*2200, EURO*3000, EURO*3300  
Restriction(s): Approval of the Coordinator for the European Studies Program.  
Department(s): School of Languages and Literatures  
Location(s): Guelph