Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT*1220  Introductory Financial Accounting  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts and practices of Financial Accounting. Students are expected to become adept at performing the functions related to the accounting cycle, including the preparation of financial statements.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Restriction(s): ACCT*2220. This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*1240  Applied Financial Accounting  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course requires students to apply the fundamental principles emanating from accounting's conceptual framework and undertake the practice of financial accounting. Students will become adept at performing the functions related to each step in the accounting cycle, up to and including the preparation of the financial statements and client reports. Students will also develop the skills necessary for assessing an organization's system of internal controls and financial conditions.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*1220 or ACCT*2220  
Restriction(s): ACCT*2240. This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*2230  Management Accounting  Fall and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course emphasizes the use of accounting information to facilitate effective management decisions. Topics include cost determination, cost control and analysis, budgeting, profit-volume analysis and capital investment analysis.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*1220  
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*2290  Accounting Information Systems and Data Analytics  Fall Only  (LEC: 3, LAB: 2)  [0.50]  
This course introduces the role accountants play in using, assessing, and recommending changes to accounting information systems (AIS) to solve business problems, deliver quality information to decision makers, and create value for the organization. Concepts and principles covered include business process modeling, database systems, data analytics, information fairness, AIS risks and controls (including to information integrity, availability, privacy, confidentiality, and security), AIS governance, and emerging technologies.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits including (ACCT*1240 or ACCT*2230)  
Restriction(s): MCS*2020. This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations or semester levels during certain periods.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3230  Intermediate Management Accounting  Winter and Summer  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course continues the managerial decision making focus of ACCT*2230. Topics include process costing, transfer pricing, the decision making process, variances and performance measurement.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*2230  
Equate(s): BUS*3230  
Restriction(s): Enrolment may be restricted to particular degrees or programs. See department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3280  Auditing I  Summer and Fall  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
Auditing I is an examination of the principles and theory underlying the practice of auditing. Concepts of materiality and audit risk are examined and discussed. Sources and techniques for gathering auditing evidence will also be examined. Modern organizations rely on information systems, technology and internal controls to manage and monitor their operations and the impact of these systems on the quality of information produced and on the scope of audits are important elements of this course.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3330  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3330  Intermediate Financial Accounting I  Fall and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course presents a critical evaluation of accounting concepts, principles and practices in relation to both the traditional and current value accounting measurement models. Emphasis will be on the effect of alternative accounting practices and measurement models on income determination and asset valuation.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*1220 or ACCT*2220  
Equate(s): BUS*3330  
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3340  Intermediate Financial Accounting II  Summer and Fall  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course focuses on how entities account for current and non-current liabilities and equity accounts, including, income taxes, leases, pensions and other post retirement benefits, share equity and retained earnings, stock options. Additional topics may include earnings per share, restatements and statement analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3330  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3350  Taxation  Summer and Fall  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The fundamentals of the tax system as it applies to all taxpayers will be the focus of the first half of the course. The second half will develop forms of business organizations from a tax perspective. Basic tax planning techniques which attempt to maximize the cash flows and returns on investments will then be studied. The emphasis in the course is on business decision making. A review of personal financial planning and investment decisions will also be included.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3330  
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular degrees or programs. See the department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*3400  Current Topics in Accounting  Unspecified  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course provides a lecture, discussion or seminar program on a selected topic or current issue in accounting. The specific topic of the course will be identified on an ad hoc basis as contemporary issues and topics in accounting arise.
Prerequisite(s): 9.00 credits  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4020  Sustainability Accounting and Accountability  Fall and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course provides students with an opportunity to examine a comprehensive range of topics and issues related to the accounting and control of sustainability related information in an organizational context. Key topics will include materiality; sustainability management accounting and control; context-based sustainability reporting; environmental, social and governance (ESG) and risk management; planetary boundaries; and external accounting and assurance.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*2230, MGMT*3020  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4220  Advanced Financial Accounting  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is a critical evaluation of issues and problems associated with business combinations, long-term intercorporate investments, foreign operations and accounting for not-for-profit organizations. There is a strong emphasis on applying this body of knowledge through practical problems.
Prerequisite(s): (ACCT*3330 or BUS*3330), (ACCT*3340 or BUS*3340)  
Equate(s): BUS*4220  
Restriction(s): Enrolment may be restricted to particular degrees or programs. See the department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4230  Advanced Management Accounting  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course provides advanced coverage of management accounting concepts and the application of management accounting information for managerial decision-making. This course extends the concepts covered in intermediate management accounting and also integrates pertinent situational problems from other functional areas of enterprises such as global trade and process controls.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3230 or BUS*3230  
Equate(s): BUS*4230  
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular degrees or programs. See the department for more information.  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4270  Auditing II  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course considers a number of advanced topics concerning both the auditor and audit techniques within the context of public accounting. It builds on the knowledge of the audit task derived in Auditing I - ACCT*3280 as well as the depth and breadth of knowledge gained in ACCT*3330 and ACCT*3340.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3280 or BUS*3280  
Equate(s): BUS*4270  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4290  IT Auditing and Data Analytics  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course introduces the student to the field of auditing within a computer based environment. Students will develop an enhanced understanding of information systems, information system risks, management controls, control evaluation, audit strategies, and computer assisted audit techniques. The course will also introduce data analytic techniques used to analyze structured and unstructured data.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3280 or BUS*4280  
Equate(s): BUS*4290  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4340  Accounting Theory  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will draw on accounting research, primarily empirical research. Rather than covering specific GAAP rules, the course will focus on how investors react to GAAP rules, why financial information is important, and how its use/misuse affects investor decision making and management behaviour. The course is thus about accounting, instead of about how to apply accounting standards.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits including ACCT*3340  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4350  Income Taxation II  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
An intensive study of the Canadian Income Tax Act and related statutes, this course will focus on the application to the taxation of individuals, partnerships and corporations. A strong emphasis will be placed on compliance and tax planning.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT*3350 or BUS*3350  
Equate(s): BUS*4350  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph  
ACCT*4440  Integrated Cases in Accounting  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will help students develop an analytical approach to analyzing accounting problems and improve professional judgement. Students will apply previously-gained technical knowledge of accounting, tax, assurance, finance, and corporate governance to various financial reporting and advisory problems and scenarios. They will develop an enhanced understanding of the impact of user and preparer objectives on the selection of accounting policies, and accounting estimates in an environment of some uncertainty.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits including ACCT*3280, ACCT*3340, ACCT*3350  
Department(s): Department of Management  
Location(s): Guelph