I. Statement of Students' Academic Responsibilities
Your success as a student depends above all on your own response to the opportunities and responsibilities that the university environment provides. The University of Guelph-Humber is committed to supporting you in your intellectual development and responding to your individual needs. To this end, a broad network of advising, counselling, and support services is provided to assist you in meeting your personal and academic goals. At the same time, we recognize that, as a student here, you are responsible for:
- knowing the University's Learning Outcomes and Objectives;
- familiarizing yourself with Undergraduate Degree Regulations & Procedures and understanding grading procedures and continuation of study regulations;
- selecting a program of study to meet both degree and diploma requirements and carefully reviewing your academic standing and progress each semester, and consulting with your Academic Advisor regarding the degree requirements you have completed and those still outstanding;
- contacting your Academic Advisor or Chair for appropriate approvals, for clarification of the University's rules and regulations, or for guidance in forming your educational goals and making academic plans. The name and location of your Academic Advisor is listed at https://www.guelphhumber.ca/advising/advisors/;
- attending first class meetings, obtaining course outlines, and meeting the course requirements as specified;
- familiarizing yourself with the Section III - Schedule of Dates with particular attention to deadlines;
- referring to the procedures for Section VII - Academic Consideration and initiating action by consulting your Academic Advisor if extenuating circumstances affect your academic performance;
- understanding what constitutes Section VII - Academic Misconduct and abiding by the University's policy;
- adhering to any rules of conduct including those relating to health and safety provided by an instructor or assistant, either on a course outline or in a class, laboratory or seminar;
- checking your assigned University of Guelph-Humber email account regularly for important communications. This account is the primary conduit by which the University will notify you of events, deadlines, announcements concerning grades, student financial accounts and other official information.
To achieve your full potential within the University environment, you are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous extra-curricular opportunities provided by the University, balancing them with your academic commitments.