Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC*1020  Indigenous Mental Health: A Global Perspective  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
In this course, students will learn about challenges faced by Indigenous communities worldwide, with a particular emphasis on the social determinants of mental health. Students will have the opportunity to examine the many distinct Indigenous Peoples throughout the world, who have a great diversity in their histories, religious practices, and socio-political organization. We will study how these groups have shared rapid culture change, marginalization, and absorption into colonial societies with little regard to their autonomy. These cultural dislocations have been linked to high rates of depression, substance abuse, suicide, and violence in many communities. There will be a focus on culture-through language, land, and tradition-as treatment. Students will learn about the great strength and resilience of Indigenous groups.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Department(s): Psychology, Liberal Studies  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*1110  Introduction to Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will introduce students to psychological theory, research, and methods. It will broadly cover major areas of interest in Psychology including research methods, biological psychology, behavioural psychology, cognitive psychology, emotion, human development, learning, memory, motivation, sensation and perception, social psychology, psychological disorders, and psychological treatments.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education  
Restriction(s): AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120  
Department(s): Psychology, Liberal Studies  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*1120  Foundational Skills for Psychology  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is designed to help students develop knowledge and skills that will help them succeed in the Psychology program and beyond, including the values of the discipline and standard practices in higher education. Students will focus on topics related to professionalism, effective learning, organizational, and communication skills, and recognizing academic and professional misconduct. Coverage of these topics will provide students with a strong foundation to make the most of their undergraduate careers, as well as their subsequent professional careers. Students will learn about careers in different subdisciplines of Psychology and identify transferable skills for potential careers within and related to the discipline.
Restriction(s): AHSS*1120  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*1130  Developmental Psychology I: Childhood Development  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will provide an introduction to the major theories of developmental psychology. Emphasis will be placed on the processes of development including physical growth, perception, cognition, personality and interactions with the social environment. The application of developmental psychology to educational and social issues will be discussed.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*1110 or PSYC*1110  
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*1210  Writing for Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
Core learning outcomes of the Psychology Program at UofGH include the ability to critically and independently generate research questions and formulate coherent, logical arguments and conclusions using appropriate literature. Graduates are expected to be able to analyze data using appropriate methods and communicate findings effectively both individually and collaboratively in written and oral forms. This course will assist Psychology students in developing communication competencies to aid in their coursework and success after graduation. The first half of the course introduces students to basic registers of scholarship in Psychology, along with a solid foundation in grammar. The second half focuses on discipline-specific competencies, including proper APA usage, literature reviews, and scientific writing.
Restriction(s): AHSS*1210, AHSS*1290, CSS*1210, FCSS*1210, JUST*1210. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*1250  Critical Thinking in Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
As responsible learners in the discipline of Psychology, students in this course will learn to become critical thinkers to equip them with the necessary tools to use and evaluate psychological evidence. This course introduces students to critical thinking as a concept and a tool; the strengths and limitations of the scientific method; and different forms of argumentation, types of reasoning, and ways in which faulty thinking can influence presentation of knowledge.
Restriction(s): AHSS*1250  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2030  Research Methods in Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is a general introduction to contemporary research methods in Psychology. The relationship between theory and research will be explored. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to research in the behavioural sciences will be discussed and introductory terminology and concepts defined. Current models of data collection, experimental design and analysis will be examined. Issues related to research including literature review, research ethics, and report writing will be contextualized within the field of Psychology.
Prerequisite(s): 3.00 credits  
Restriction(s): SCMA*2040  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2090  Cognitive Neuroscience  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an introduction to the neural mechanisms underlying different aspects of cognition, including perception, attention, memory, and executive function. This course will focus on primary cognitive neuroscience research to unpack the types of questions that are investigated and the various methods that are used to understand the link between cognition and brain function. Coverage of these topics will provide students with a deeper understanding of cognitive processes and theories, and the relation between the mind and brain.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education  
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Restriction(s): PSYC*2160  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2120  Quantification in Psychology I  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an introduction to statistical methods and research and includes the fundamental concepts and techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will gain an understanding of the mechanics and underlying rationale of the statistical procedures used by researchers in the behavioural sciences, in addition to the appropriate use and interpretation of statistical results.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2130  Social Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an introduction to the content and methodology of social psychology. Content includes social perception, attraction, conflict, conformity, aggression, group dynamics, and attitude change. Methods include examples of important social psychological experiments and both surveys and correlation analysis which are the most common methods of investigation.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2150  Personality  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course reviews the major personality theories, their development and research findings and comparisons and criticism of each. Details of the theories lives and impact will be briefly reviewed. The status and future of personality research methodology will also be examined.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2160  Neuroscience  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an introduction to the anatomical, physiological and neurochemical structure and function of the nervous system. The course emphasizes the link between brain mechanisms and behaviour. Of particular interest will be the acquisition of environmental signals, the control of movement, the regulation of food and water, sleep, sex and the psycho-physiological aspects of stress and emotion.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2180  Psychology of Exercise  Fall and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course investigates the psychosocial influences and consequences of exercise. Students will examine exercise behaviour, explore intervention approaches aimed at modifying exercise behaviour, and study the impact of exercise on various mental health states such as stress, anxiety, depression, emotional well-being, self-concept/self-esteem, and health-related quality of life.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits  
Restriction(s): Registration in BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2190  Developmental Psychology II: Adult Development & Aging  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course examines theories and research relating to the psychology of adult development and aging. Major topics include biological and psychological theories of aging; age changes in cognition, personality and social relations; cultural factors; and end-of-life issues.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2200  Cognitive Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is designed to be an introduction to the fundamental phenomena and theories of cognition, including: information processing, perception, attention, memory, language, and problem solving.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2210  Psychology of Learning  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course provides an introduction to the basic principles and concepts of learning. Theories of classical and operant conditioning will be explored, in addition to selected theories of motivation and memory. Basic neurobiological mechanisms underlying various learning and memory processes will also be introduced.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Restriction(s): PSYC*2220  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*2220  Applied Memory and Learning  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is designed to help students examine the convergence of basic and applied research on memory and learning. Student will focus on topics related to methods for understanding and applying basic memory theory, and the understanding of practical memory research. Coverage of these topics will provide students with a better understanding of how to investigate memory and apply basic memory theory, as well as problems in basic and applied memory research.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2200  
Restriction(s): PSYC*2210  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3120  Quantification in Psychology II  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course builds on students' understanding of basic statistics for psychology with emphasis on conducting, interpreting, and communicating outputs of statistical analysis. This course serves as a continued introduction to statistical methods and analyses for conducting independent research and writing reports of empirical studies.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2120  
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3130  Psychological Measurement  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an introduction to psychological measurement and the measurement procedures presently used in psychology. Coverage will include such topics as reliability, validity, test construction, and the measurement of ability, personality, attitudes, interest and achievement.
Prerequisite(s): (PSYC*2030 or SCMA*2040), (PSYC*2120 or SCMA*3040)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3140  Clinical Psychology and Mental Health  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course examines current theory and research in the field of mental health and mental illness in terms of various models (biological, behavioural, cognitive, psychological, social and psychodynamic). Selected topics may include: stress and anxiety, affective disorders, schizophrenia, trauma, personality disorders and mental health.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*1210, PSYC*2150  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3150  Drugs and Behaviour  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course develops a critical understanding of contemporary psychological approaches to addiction. Students are introduced to psychological theories of addiction from the fields of biological, behavioural, social and cognitive psychology, and the research and clinical evidence that support them. Students consider the relative contribution of each approach to the understanding, treatment and prevention of both drug-related addictions and selected addictive behaviours, such as gambling and eating.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits, (PSYC*2090 or PSYC*2160)  
Restriction(s): CSS*3010  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3160  Learning Difficulties and Disabilities  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The course covers applied and theoretical aspects of learning disabilities and other disabilities that interfere with learning and lays a foundation for work in the area of education and intervention with children and adolescents who have exceptional learning needs.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education.  
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits, PSYC*1130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3170  Persuasion and Facilitation  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will expose students to persuasion, and facilitation, which has been of interest to human beings through the ages. From the ancient Greeks to the executives on Madison Avenue, persuading and influencing others has been a primary concern. This course is designed to expose students to the theories, principles, and strategies relevant to persuasion and will help students become familiar with empirical investigations on persuasion and compliance-gaining. The course also focuses on how empirical findings and theory may be applied to our daily interactions.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2130 and 10.00 credits  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3180  Applied Study in Psychology  Winter and Summer  (LEC: 1, LAB: 6)  [0.50]  
In this course, students combine academic study with 100 hours of workplace experience in a community-based setting. Students will be required to complete a paper that integrates relevant psychological theories and research with their workplace experiences. Workplace positions can be voluntary or paid placements that begin no later than week two of the semester and end no earlier than week twelve. Students are responsible for securing a workplace position in consultation with the appropriate University of Guelph-Humber Field Placement Officer prior to the start of classes.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.  
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits including PSYC*1110 or (AHSS*1110, AHSS*1120)  
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3190  Case Studies and Qualitative Methods  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the foundations and philosophies of qualitative methodologies in psychology and their place in psychological research. The different paradigms of qualitative methodology and the ways in which qualitative and quantitative methods are similar, different, and complementary are examined. Practical experience in carrying out qualitative research is achieved as students undertake a range of in class qualitative methods exercises.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2120, (PSYC*2030 or SCMA*2040)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3200  Psychology of Group Dynamics  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the fundamental aspects of human behaviour in groups of various sizes (from dyads to entire cultures). The investigation of human behaviour in group situations will be investigated from theoretical, empirical, and applied perspectives. The topics that will be explored include issues of group development, performance, and leadership. The course is designed to engage students with the material experientially through the integration of small group activities with lectures and audiovisual presentations.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3230  Research Communication and Proposal Writing  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will guide students through the successful preparation and submission of proposals for the purposes of: research grant funding, funding of services and interventions, publication, and psychology conference submission. Academic writing skills and APA style will be emphasized throughout including how to present ideas and plans clearly, concisely and persuasively. Students will work collaboratively to critique and improve each other's work and to develop presentation and proposal writing skills.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2120, (PSYC*2030 or SCMA*2040)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3530  Health Psychology  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course covers research in health psychology. Possible topics include the interplay of psychosocial factors, behaviour, and physical health; pediatric health psychology; health interventions at the individual, family, group or community levels.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3540  Ethics in Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course examines the ethical responsibilities of and issues confronted by psychologists in clinical and academic settings, as well as psychology researchers practising in a variety of professional contexts. Some issues include: professional and personal boundaries, dual relationships, confidentiality and privacy issues, conflicts of interest, psychometry and the reporting of test results, forensic assessments, trust and deception in the context of research, and scientific integrity.
Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits  
Restriction(s): AHSS*2200  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3580  Forensic Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will examine a number of issues related to the interaction between psychology and law. The methods, theories, and findings of social psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology as applied to legal processes will be emphasized. Included among the issues to be examined are: theories of criminal behaviour; aggression and violence; the psychological foundations of police investigations; the psychology of eyewitness testimony; the psychological impact of victimization; legal issues related to mental health; and the role of psychological factors in the trial process.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits including (AHSS*1110 or PSYC*1110)  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3590  Psychology and Gender  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course will introduce students to key concepts, research, and issues in Psychology and Gender using psychological literature. Experiences of diverse peoples including but not limited to cis-gender, non-binary, and 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals will be explored using a psychological lens. Focusing on social justice, students will be expected to develop an advocacy toolkit to highlight important issues and potential solutions informed by the discipline of psychology for matters related to gender and gender diversity.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits, PSYC*2130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3600  Field Study  Summer Only  (LEC: 3)  [1.00]  
This field study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue an applied course of study while engaging with an organization or local community. The topic selected will be determined in agreement between the student and the faculty member with expertise in the area. The projects will involve students, under the supervision of a faculty advisor, working with a community or industry partner. The course format and description of projects will depend on the type of organization and selected topic.
Prerequisite(s): 12.00 credits and 75% cumulative average  
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations or semester levels during certain periods. Please see the Psychology website for more information. Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3610  Organizational Psychology  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course examines current theories and practices in organizational psychology. Selected topics may include motivation, turnover, absenteeism, leadership, job design, work attitudes, organizational justice, organizational development, and change.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*2130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*3630  Psychology and Education  Unspecified  (LEC: 2, LAB: 1)  [0.50]  
This course examines the theoretical and empirical bases for learning and teaching and their application to an array of contexts, particularly the fields of education and parenting. The content addressed includes various theories of teaching and learning, cognitive and moral development, and motivation, as well as instructional planning, classroom management, and assessment of student learning. The course focuses on the current, and sometimes controversial, issues which are at the forefront of research on the relationship between principles and educational practice.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*1170 or PSYC*1130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4000  Historical and Critical Perspectives in Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course aims to deepen students' appreciation and understanding of the socio-historical and theoretical context of modern psychological research and practice. By drawing on historical, theoretical, and philosophical perspectives, students will critically evaluate the assumptions that underlie modern psychology. They will explore historical and current controversies within the field, shedding light on the complexities and nuances of psychological theory and practice. Students will learn to analyze and interpret the implications of different, critical perspectives on the field, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of psychology's evolution and its role within broader societal contexts.
Prerequisite(s): 14.00 credits  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4130  Applications of Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 2, LAB: 1)  [0.50]  
This course will acquaint students with the ways in which psychological research and techniques can be applied to areas such as law, business, education, and the health sciences. This senior seminar course will offer students an opportunity to gain in-depth familiarity with research applications in their field of interest.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits  
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4160  Mediation and Conflict Resolution  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course focuses on the research and theories underlying the skills and techniques used to reach resolution in a variety of conflict situations. Through lectures, group work and role-playing, students study the fundamental principles of negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution. Students have the opportunity to reflect on their own style of conflict resolution and the relevance of course material to their own lives.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits  
Restriction(s): CSS*4060. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4170  Theories of Psychotherapy I  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is the first of two courses designed to examine the philosophy and theory of providing psychotherapy services to clients. Focusing on theory, students learn a number of therapeutic frameworks and their application in the field. A critical examination of their key concepts, assumptions, therapeutic goals, and techniques is included as are factors common to all.
Prerequisite(s): 14.00 credits including PSYC*3140  
Restriction(s): CSS*2000, CSS*2070, CSS*4000, FCSS*2000, FCSS*2070, FCSS*4000. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4180  Theories of Psychotherapy II  Winter Only  (LEC: 2, LAB: 1)  [0.50]  
This course will build on the theoretical knowledge of psychotherapy through lectures and interactive discussion. Students will participate in active listening exercises and personal reflection exercises. Ethical and cross-cultural issues will also be explored.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*4170  
Restriction(s): CSS*3040, CSS*4000, FCSS*3040, FCSS*4000. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4200  Honours Seminar in Psychology  Winter Only  (LEC: 3)  [1.00]  
This seminar course will provide senior psychology students with an opportunity to engage in discussion addressing the theoretical and applied aspects of the discipline of psychology. The seminar will allow students to synthesise prior learning in psychology with current issues as presented by the instructor.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits  
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.PSYC program.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4210  Thesis I  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
This course is an opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience in carrying out a piece of psychological research. In this first of these two thesis courses, the focus will be on defining a research question, conducting a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and designing a research study in Psychology. Under the supervision of a faculty member, the student will develop a research proposal and make a formal PowerPoint presentation describing their proposal to the class.
Prerequisite(s): 14.00 credits including PSYC*3120, PSYC*3130 with a minimum grade of 75% in PSYC*3120  
Restriction(s): Minimum cumulative average of 80%. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program. Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4220  Thesis II  Winter Only  (LEC: 3, LAB: 10)  [1.00]  
This course focuses on implementing the research proposed in Thesis I. Under the supervision of a faculty member, individual students conduct an approved study in the proposed setting, analyze the data collected, report on the research in a formal presentation and write a thesis paper.
Prerequisite(s): PSYC*4210  
Restriction(s): Minimum cumulative average of 80%. Registration in the BASC.PSYC program. Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4230  Independent Study in Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare an integrated paper or literature review. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the program head.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 Credits and 75% grade point average  
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required. Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4260  Independent Study in Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare an integrated paper or literature review. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the program head.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits and 75% grade point average  
Restriction(s): Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4270  Independent Study in Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare an integrated paper or literature review. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the program head.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits and 75% grade point average  
Restriction(s): Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4280  Independent Study in Psychology  Summer, Fall, and Winter  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
The independent study option is designed to provide senior undergraduate students with an opportunity to pursue library or field research under faculty supervision and to prepare an integrated paper or literature review. Formal agreement between the student and the faculty supervisor is required, as is approval of the program head.
Prerequisite(s): 15.00 credits and 75% grade point average  
Restriction(s): Program Head consent required.  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus  
PSYC*4340  Cross-Cultural Psychology  Fall Only  (LEC: 3)  [0.50]  
In this course, students will explore cultural influences on human behaviour and psychological processes. Different methodological tools used in comparative studies and how they have enhanced knowledge of similarities and differences between cultures will be discussed. Application of knowledge obtained through investigations of cultural influences on human behaviour and psychological processes will include areas such as health care, counselling, education, immigration, communities and organizations.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits including PSYC*2130  
Department(s): Psychology  
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus