Arts, Humanities, Social Science (AHSS)
AHSS*1000 Microeconomics Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Microeconomics introduces students to the ideas of how society and individuals use limited resources to meet their needs. It focuses on the individual and the firm within the Canadian economy to develop competencies in understanding current events through the application of microeconomic theories including supply, demand, prices, wages, unemployment, markets, competition and monopoly. It examines the concept of market failure and the need for government intervention to achieve social and political goals. This course provides the foundation for further study of the accumulative effects of these elements in macroeconomics.
Department(s): Business Administration
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1010 Macroeconomics Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Macroeconomics is the study of the operation of the economy as a whole. This course, building beyond the concepts and theories of microeconomics provides the theoretical constructs that are essential to understanding the total Canadian production and spending. It develops competencies in understanding current economic events through assignments and case studies, which examine how governments may manipulate fiscal and monetary policy to control the economy and achieve economic goals and the concerns of interest rates, unemployment, inflation and the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*1000
Department(s): Business Administration
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1020 Human Security and World Disorder Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines an interdisciplinary approach to the study of human security. Drawing on resources from psychology, philosophy, history and political science, students examine the policies and procedures used to address security issues in the 20th century and evaluate their applicability in facing future challenges. In this process, students study key concepts in the works of such thinkers as Freud, Nietzsche, Hobbes, Marx, Arendt, Rawls and Bourdieu.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1030 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course in Organization Behaviour examines and analyzes organizations as open systems and focuses on key variables including organizational culture, the external environment, organizational structure, motivation, group dynamics, leadership, change management and communication. The student will demonstrate increased competency by applying their knowledge and skills to contemporary business situations through case studies and other activities.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Business Administration, Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1040 Currents in Twentieth Century Global History Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the main currents of twentieth century global history with a particular emphasis on Asia, Africa and Latin America. It focuses on themes of hegemony and resistance; great power imperialism and nationalist resistance; post-colonial struggles against foreign domination; challenges to global economic and political structures; race and gender hierarchies; and technological and environmental movements.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1050 Sociology of Consumption Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course analyses the consumption of goods and services that is both the driver of our economy and a daily personal activity. Patterns of consumption vary according. Patterns of consumption vary according to class, ethnicity, and gender, and this course examines these differences in detail. The possibility of resistance to prevailing trends and the question of ecological constraints on consumption are probed as alternatives to the dominant mythology of the market. The growth of consumer culture is examined from a variety of classical and contemporary perspectives, including thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Veblen, Simmel, Adorno, Galbraith, and Bourdieu.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1070 Film Study Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This is an introductory survey of the cinema as a form of 20th Century art. It analyzes the basic elements of movies - shots, angles, camera movements, editing and composition - and explores the language of film through viewing and analysis of notable examples from various decades and genres. Propaganda and documentaries are also studied, along with the ways popular cinema can deal with ideologically oppressed groups.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1080 Ethical Issues in Media Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to prevailing philosophical approaches to understanding ethics and moral reasoning, and asks them to consider these relative to their roles as media professionals. Students consider and analyze a variety of ethical issues in media including propaganda versus persuasion; objectivity versus salesmanship and advocacy; truthfulness versus sensitivity to public mores; the public's right to know versus individual privacy and conflicts of interest. They also examine behavioural and business guidelines published and promoted by professional media associations and organizations and analyze how these have addressed ethical issues in various sectors of the industry.
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1100 The Examined Life Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students are introduced to the art of philosophical reasoning and reflection through a diverse selection of writing drawn from philosophy, religion, art, science and meditation. Students explore their intellectual legacy to find their own unique perspectives. The course encourages students to appreciate the connections between philosophy and other modes of intellectual inquiry.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1110 Introductory Psychology: Dynamics Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students are introduced to the discipline of psychology's basic concepts, theories, research methods, and practices in four sub-areas --Developmental, Personality, Abnormal, and Social Psychology. Psychology developed as a social and behavioural science, as well as a profession. Its research findings are applicable in such contexts as education, early childhood settings, social work, the justice system, and the work place.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1120 Introductory Psychology: Principles Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides an introduction to the experimental study of the evolving nature of human and animal behaviour. Particular emphasis is placed on linking the biological, behavioural and cognitive scientific findings that describe the life long processes involved in learning, perception, memory, thinking, consciousness, motivation and emotion.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1130 Principles of Sociology Summer and Fall (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Sociology is the systematic study of the groups, cultures and societies, which constitute collective human life. It examines patterns of social organization, and the resulting influences and constraints within which we all operate. This course introduces students to the major theories, perspectives and topics in sociology. Major sociological theories are explored and applied to the analysis of economic power, cultural values, family, religion, gender, ethnicity, class, age, and race.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1140 Public Sector Management Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
The changing nature of public sector management in Canada is the key focus of this course. By the end of World War Two, governments were playing a far more important role in society than ever before. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, the traditional public service came under attack for its size, its lack of innovation, and widespread inefficiencies. The rhetoric of public management grew. Students become acquainted with a number of the ideas associated with public management including alternative service delivery (ASD), privatization, contracting out, and the infusion of other management techniques from the private sector into the public service.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1150 Introduction to Law Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students analyze the elements of offences, classify offences, and identify possible defenses in criminal cases. They also examine the rights and obligations of citizens involving areas of civil law. Students learn to recognize the responsibilities and limitations of citizens and police officers in light of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They develop legal research and analysis skills to locate, interpret and apply statute and case law.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1160 Crime and Criminal Justice Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students examine the literature on crime and criminal justice from a sociological perspective. Particular attention is given to cross-national and cross-cultural issues by way of comparison, in order to allow students to gain a broader sense of criminological theory, research and practice. Topics include an examination of social criminological theories, data sources, research methods, types of criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice system.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1170 Lifespan Development Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This is an interdisciplinary course drawing on psychology, sociology and human biology in providing an overview of how human development unfolds across the life cycle. It will provide students with repeated opportunities to explore implication and applications for both work and family settings, and for enhancing their own self-understanding. This course will be conducted exclusively over the web and will bring students into close interactive contact with their instructor and with the other students in the class.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Restriction(s): AHSS*2040, AHSS*3040, CSS*1040, CSS*3100, ECS*1050, FCSS*2030, FCSS*3100, PSYC*1130. Not available to students registered in (BASC.CSS or BASC.FCSS) and BASC.ECS and BASC.PSYC program
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1200 Issues in Social Welfare Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students develop knowledge, understanding and analytical skills of the current status and future choices concerning Canada's social welfare system. They study the current social and economic trends and their impact on social welfare programs, clients, agencies and social service workers. Students examine the different value systems underlying current government proposals for social welfare reform at both the provincial and federal levels as well as the underlying values of other stakeholders such as consumer groups and social welfare agencies. They develop the skills to analyze the implications of the reforms for clients, communities and social service workers.
Prerequisite(s): 6.00 credits
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1210 English I: Reading and Writing Effectively Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Good communication skills are essential for good citizenship and for successful participation in the complex world of the 21st century. This course offers foundational training in written communication, using models of effective writing from many areas of contemporary life and representing various important social and cultural issues. Students practice their own writing through a number of assignments, while developing a critical awareness of their society through classroom discussion, oral presentations, and the course readings. Assignments are tailored to the needs of various applied disciplines, including business writing.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1220 Teaching Drama to Children Winter Only (LEC: 2, LAB: 3) [0.50]
Beginning with a discussion of what constitutes "drama", the course explores drama as a site of learning for young children. Students evaluate the role of the teacher in working with children at various stages of development, and the materials and organization that are necessary for establishing a successful drama program in the classroom.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1230 Introduction to Classical Culture Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course offers a wide-ranging look at essential features of Greek and of Roman culture and society. Considerable emphasis will be given to the classical views of the human condition.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1240 Introduction to Indigenous Studies Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course will provide an introduction of human settlement in Canada with an emphasis on the factors (past and current) that affect children, their families and communities. Students will gain an understanding of the traditional perspectives of child development, family structure and parenting roles. Students will gain an insight into the role of children in Indigenous communities and explore current Indigenous community initiatives that maintain and promote cultures and identities.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Early Childhood Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1250 Critical Thinking Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will be challenged to think about thinking and to recognize faulty reasoning and to support reliable conclusions in their own arguments.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1260 Modern and Contemporary Philosophy Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Philosophy can be defined as the "love of wisdom." More specifically, philosophy is the rational and critical inquiry into the fundamental questions of human existence: Does life have a meaning or is it simply absurd? Does God exist or is belief in God merely a myth? In this course, we will take a historical approach to the central issues of philosophy by examining such questions as: What is the nature of reality (metaphysics)? What can we know (epistemology)? Do good and evil exist (ethics)? What is beauty (aesthetics)? Through the investigation of these timeless questions, we will participate in "the great conversation" that has shaped the world in which we live. This course continues the historical approach to the central problems of philosophy. Students will study the modern and more contemporary philosophers who have influenced our understanding of modernity. Beginning with Descartes, the Utilitarians will be studied. The course will also examine Nietzsche's critique of conventional morality and rationalistic philosophy.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1270 Everyday Economics Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course offers an introduction to economics designed for a wide audience of students. Core economics concepts such as prices, supply and demand, opportunity costs, and incentives will be addressed. But these will be covered in such a way as to probe everyday aspects of our lives, such as relationships, culture, politics, religion, and education. Students will learn how economics informs the choices we make and how it illuminates the way societies function.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1280 History of Art & Architecture Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the history of art and architecture from the earliest human communities to the present as well as classic and contemporary works from Eastern and Western civilizations, including works which draw on religious, mythological, and political themes. The course offers an introduction to interpreting art and architecture within particular contexts as well as introduction to why selected works are considered to be of universal importance.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1290 University Writing Skills for Early Childhood Studies Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces Early Childhood Studies students to the process of writing at a university level through in-class exercises, research practice, essay writing, and a review of grammar, mechanics, and compositions. Students will learn strategies for developing a topic related to the field of early childhood studies, researching the topic, organizing their thoughts into writing, and using different sources of research. Students will practice documenting anecdotal observations and reflective writing, which are specific to the profession and requirements for registration with the College of Early Childhood Educators.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Restriction(s): AHSS*1210, CSS*1210, FCSS*1210, JUST*1210, MDST*1040, PSYC*1210. Registration in BASC.ECS program
Department(s): Early Childhood Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1300 Sociology of the Everyday Unspecified (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course investigates the social practices through which common-sense understandings are woven into the fabric of daily life. Drawing on sociological theories of everyday life as well as social and philosophical inquiries into the character of the body, time, space, work, death and intimacy, students reflect upon how they as social actors constitute the world and establish its order and sensibility through routine and ongoing practices that are otherwise taken for granted.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1310 Health Counselling and Behaviour Change Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course integrates social and health science concepts for the purpose of investigating the prevention of chronic disease through individual behaviour change. Topics covered will include social cognitive theories of exercise behaviour, principles of behaviour change, behaviour change strategies, application of the transtheoretical model of behaviour change, adherence and motivation to exercise, counselling skills, the development of interpersonal skills in dealing with clients, and the process of health and fitness goal setting.
Restriction(s): This is a Priority Access Course. Enrolment may be restricted to particular programs or specializations. See Guelph-Humber Registrarial Services website for more information.
Department(s): Kinesiology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1320 Aging Studies Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This interdisciplinary course examines the economic, cultural and social stresses resulting from a dramatic increase in average life expectancy and an aging population in Canada. Drawing on scholarship from areas such as biology, public health economics, gender studies, anthropology, and sociology, students will look at cross-cultural attitudes towards aging and elderly persons, and the search for meaning in late life.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1330 Principles of Anthropology Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is an introduction to the study of cultural anthropology. Exploring different cultural traditions and worldviews, this course will examine divergent peoples across nations and cultures, their socialization and the impact of overarching forces, such as globalization, war and nationalism. The course will investigate how gender, social class, race and age shape people's lives and the decisions they make. This course exposes students to relevant research methodologies that seek to address these topics and provides a focus on analyzing various forms of "development" and how they intersect with global economic, political and cultural order.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1340 American Sign Language Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the foundations of American Sign Language, its grammatical structure, and vocabulary. Students practice the body movements, and hand and facial gestures that comprise the language, with emphasis on everyday communication. Students will learn about the history of signing generally and American Sign Language in particular. The course will also cover Deaf culture and history.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1350 Intercultural Communication Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces the foundational theoretical frameworks of intercultural communication studies. Students will discover, explore, and analyze cultural values and their function in order to develop essential tools to communicate and behave effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations and to see themselves as cultural beings. Theoretical models and case studies will be used to assist students in the development of their understanding and appreciation of the multifaceted nature of intercultural situations.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1360 Chinese Language and Culture Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the language and culture of China. Students learn basic Chinese grammar and vocabulary. The specific dialect studied will be Standard Mandarin Chinese. Since language and culture are inextricably linked, students will also gain cultural literacy, including historical, social, and economic developments in China.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1370 Food Studies Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This interdisciplinary course examines the culture of food in human society through fields that include anthropology, gender studies, religion, and economics. The course begins with foraging societies and moves through to today with the Green Revolution and industrial agriculture. Students will learn how trade and immigration have transferred cuisines around the world, creating fusions of foods from different cultures. As food is key to identity, both communal and personal, students will also have an opportunity to reflect on the role of food in their own lives as it moves from farm to table.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1380 Happiness and the Good Life Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
-This course will look at happiness in our lives in both the short-term and the long-term, with a special concentration on finding purpose and meaning in the human condition. The last two decades have seen an explosion of happiness research, and we will look at the science behind the habits that make happiness possible and see how to put those habits into practice. Students will reflect on those elements that typically nurture a good life: family and friendship, accomplishment and creativity, etc. This interdisciplinary course draws on psychology, economics, literature, and philosophy, among other subjects.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1390 The Cinema of Horror Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course travels through the history of horror films, from classics to contemporary. Students will explore the cultural aspects of horror movies and why specific films have resonated at specific historical moments. From the psychological to the supernatural, different horror genres are surveyed. Parts of movies will be screened in class and we will study filmmaking as a craft.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1400 Women in Contemporary Canada Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Through a historical lens, this course introduces some of the central issues for women in Canada today. We will look at the history of women's movements and changes in public policy, at triumphs and continuing challenges, from the end of World War II to now. The course examines the shifts in gender roles and expectations, and how these shifts have affected the economy and culture. We will also consider topics such as sexuality, family, gendered violence, and activism. As Canada has become home to landed immigrants, but is founded on Indigenous territories that predate European arrival, there will be a special focus on diverse populations: immigrant and Indigenous.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1410 Spanish Language and Culture Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the language and culture of Hispanic societies. Students will learn basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary. Since culture and language are inextricably linked, students will also gain cultural literacy which will include historical, social and economic developments in the Spanish-speaking world.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1420 French Language and Culture Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the language and culture of Francophone societies. Students will learn basic French grammar and vocabulary. Since culture and language are inextricably linked, students will also gain cultural literacy which will include historical, social and economic developments in the French-speaking world.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1430 Human Impact on the Environment Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides foundational understanding in the social dimensions of environmental issues and how some of the world's most pressing environmental issues - climate change, biodiversity loss, water pollution, and so on - have their roots in social structures and human decisions. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach by integrating environmental science and the study of biophysical processes with social science and the study of social institutions, human behaviour, and technological change.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1440 Introduction to Linguistics Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students will learn the basic concepts and methods used by linguists in the scientific study of human language. While many key aspects will be illustrated using evidence derived primarily from English, we will discuss evidence from a variety of languages in order to better demonstrate the richness of linguistic diversity. Students will become familiar with how linguists approach and analyze language in primary fields of linguistic analysis such as morphology (word structure), syntax (phrases and sentences), semantics (meaning), phonetics (types of sound), and phonology (rules of phonetic processes), and language in society, and writing.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1450 Emerging Technologies Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course explores emerging technologies and the influence future developments will have on the relationship between people and technology. Moreover, it will examine the implications on organizations, industry sectors and societies. Students will be introduced to trending, high-potential technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, smart cities, quantum computing, and the internet of things. In addition to understanding the way these technologies can be applied to their field of study, students will examine challenges related to security, privacy, law and ethics.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1460 Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course covers selected events and issues in Indigenous history in the Americas, including such topics as origin narratives, self-governance, intertribal contact, transatlantic trade, treaty-making, stages of colonization, Indigenous rights and Indigenous protest movements. Themes may focus on specific regions of the Americas and may be examined through notable Indigenous figures, law and policy, technology, food, material culture, or moments of conflict.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1470 Innovation & Design Thinking Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course offers foundational skills needed to develop an innovative mindset in order to keep pace with and stay relevant in the rapidly changing global workforce. This course offers foundational skills needed to develop an innovative mindset. Through practice, students will develop the skills needed to effectively ideate in team settings. Design thinking principles will be utilized as students find creative solutions to case studies that deal with personal, organizational, and societal challenges. Students will be introduced to leading innovation frameworks and theories while exploring common organizational barriers to innovation.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1480 Mental Health Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the biological and socio-cultural determinants of mental health, how mental health and illness are represented in popular culture, and legal and policy issues around the subject. Through a practical component, students will receive training in mental health first aid, and will be awarded a certificate upon successful completion.
Restriction(s): Not available to students registered in BASC.PSYC and BASC.CSS or BASC.FCSS
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*1490 History of India Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course explores the history of India and South Asia from the earliest human settlements on the Indian subcontinent to the present day. The course addresses the development of Indian society from tribe to state to civil society and analyzes the political organization and the significant socio-religious movements that emerged in ancient and medieval Indian civilization. In particular, the course stresses the nature of cultural contacts and exchanges, and the development of a composite culture and civilization in the region. The course will also examine European and British imperialism in India; Indian reactions to imperialism; socio-religious movements; the birth of nationalism and the nation-state in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka; civil society and social issues in a developing nation; regionalism; foreign policy; and India's place in the 21st century.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2000 Creative Writing Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will have the opportunity to explore and develop their skills in the fundamentals of writing fiction and expand their understanding of writing from a writer's perspective. Through lectures, readings and in-class exercises, students will learn about aspects of the art of narrative and incorporate crucial elements of storytelling into their own work in order to create original, compelling narrative. Through group workshopping and peer feedback, they will gain insight into the effectiveness of their own writing.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2010 Documentary Film and Television Fall Only (LEC: 2, LAB: 2) [0.50]
This course examines topics in the history and rhetoric of documentary and non-fiction film and television, through critical analyses and comparison of classic and contemporary examples of the form. Students also study the central modes of documentary production and distribution, including public and commercial television, theatrical distribution and film festivals, within various cultural contexts including Canada.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*1070
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2020 Presentations and Persuasion Winter Only (LEC: 2, LAB: 2) [0.50]
In this study of public presentation and the psychology of persuasion, rhetoric and argumentative techniques, students examine how these concepts are used differently across various media platforms. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of different persuasive techniques and strategies, and apply these to the creation and delivery of several oral presentations in class.
Prerequisite(s): MDST*1020
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2030 Contemporary Narrative Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Starting with the premise that storytelling - from stories told around a campfire to sprawling epics on the big screen - is an integral aspect of the human communication, this course explores different variations of narrative as it exists across multiple media platforms. Students examine how writers, theorists, artists, and media practitioners articulate the narrative, and how those expressions are influenced by the social, cultural, political, and economic circumstances associated with their authorship.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2100 Propaganda Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will explore the theme of media as a weapon in war and peace. Through assigned readings, films and group discussions, students will be expected to acquire an understanding of the ethics of media use and manipulation. We will consider the development of media propaganda and how it was used during war and peace from antiquity to the present. Special attention will be paid to World War II. Students will examine and reflect on the historical use of propaganda and the modern application of the same techniques.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2110 Criminological Theory I Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course will examine the development of criminological theory from the late 1700's to contemporary times. In particular biological, psychological and sociological modes of inquiry in criminological theory are studied, analyzed and applied.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*1160
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2130 Subcultures in Mainstream Media Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Subcultures, as social groups organized around shared interests and practices, can take on many forms. The term implies that these groups differentiate themselves in opposition to mainstream culture. This course examines the many levels of resistance and appropriation that occur within the mainstream media pertaining to subcultures as outsiders and as audience. Readings, screenings and written assignments assist the student to develop a critical understanding of subcultures and the media.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2150 City Life Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines how it feels to live in cities as well as how different cities afford different experiences among their citizens. Students are expected to do a comparative analysis of different cities and to reflect on their own experience of the city.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2180 Greek and Roman History Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
The course examines the history of Ancient Greece and Rome from the Bronze Age to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2190 History of Communication Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course students explore the historical, cultural and social evolution of human language and communication. Students study communication in oral and literate societies before examining the impact of technological change, from the introduction of the printing press to the digital communications revolution.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2210 Classical Mythology Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
An examination of the nature and function of myth in Classical Antiquity, this course shows how the narrative and symbolic structure of myths orders individual and communal experience. The myths that have influenced Western civilization receive special emphasis.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2220 Canada: A Regional Synthesis Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is designed to provide a better understanding of the nature and basis of Canadian regionalism. The first section of the course stresses the biophysical base and the inequality of the natural resource endowment. The historical geographic approach and the systematic overviews of contemporary Canada stress respectively the development and nature of the Canadian space-economy. The final section on regions, regionalism and nationalism provides an overview of the heartland-hinterland dichotomy and centrifugal and centripetal forces operative in the nation.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2240 Contemporary Canadian Issues Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is a study of selected issues in modern Canadian history. The subjects investigated such as Indigenous peoples, the environment, the state and the family will vary with the expertise of the instructor.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2250 Politics: An Introduction Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course is an introductory exploration of the forces determining the conduct of governments. After outlining the essence of government and the sources of its authority, the course examines the different forms of government. Also analyzed are the factors shaping public policy, such as interest groups, political parties, media, elections, and the courts. In this course, students will also consider the military, political, and economic facets of international relations.
Prerequisite(s): 2.50 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2260 War and Society Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Concentrating on developments following the introduction of gunpowder, the course will consider the evolution of military strategy and tactics, the impact of technology on warfare, and the relationship between war and civilian populations.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2270 Global Citizenship Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines both the practical and theoretical understandings of global citizenship. Students will explore topics relevant to gaining an understanding of global citizenship. This includes contested meanings of citizenship, as well as the consequences of globalization and engaged citizenship. Assigned readings and classroom discussion/debate will provide opportunities to think critically about global issues, such as human migration, climate change, poverty, and educational inequality. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of justice in a global society.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2280 Popular Music Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Popular music is an important mode of cultural expression world wide. This course is primarily concerned with popular music in the United States and Britain. Issues such as the relation of popular music to race, class and gender will be addressed, in addition to considerations of the impact of technological change on the transmission of popular music. Students need not have formal training in music to take the course.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2300 Travel and Tourism Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course surveys the history and character of modern tourism. It critically explores how tourists have encountered people, places, and institutions. These include hotels and motels, tour guides and guidebooks, airports and roads. The course also explores the environmental, cultural, and economic imprints of tourism, and encourages critical reflection on the relationship between travel and globalisation from an historical perspective.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2310 Leadership and Motivation Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course presents leadership theories and research findings, teaches students to apply leadership theories and concepts, emphasizes the development of leadership skills, and examines the importance of communication and the communication process. In addition, the major theories of human motivation are studied in order to provide the student insight into the processes that activate human behaviour.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Restriction(s): Not available to students registered in BASC.ECS or BBA
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2320 Religion and Society Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course surveys the major trends in religious beliefs and practices and their social impact since the Reformation. The focus of the course is on the British Isles and North America with some discussion of developments in Continental Europe.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2330 Hockey and Canadian Nation Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Hockey has had a significant social, economic, political and cultural impact on the Canadian nation. This course will enable students see how the national game has reflected prevailing Canadian attitudes toward many issues including national identity, societal norms and values, war and militarism, masculinity and femininity, professionalism and amateurism, class, race, memory and mythmaking.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2340 Modern & Contemporary Literature Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the diversity of modern and contemporary literature, from the 19th century to today. After reading and discussing selected texts, students will be able to parse out the author's intentions and motivations, as well as understand the historical, social, and cultural conditions that provide the framework for the text. The course will also consider how literature expresses persistent universal human concerns such as love, death, and the search for meaning. Texts may include novels, short stories, drama, or poetry. All readings will be in English or English translation.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2350 Immigration & Identity in Canada Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines the historical movement of peoples into Canada since the late eighteenth century. Attempting to explore modern Canadian identity and notions of hybrid and hyphenated identity, the course will focus on the arrival and settlement of a range of different nationalities and ethnic groups into Canada.
Department(s): Liberal Studies, Psychology
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2360 Judaism, Christianity & Islam Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the comparative study of religion in history and the interaction of religion with general social and cultural traits over time. A focus on the cultural roots of these three specific traditions will account for their spread across social and national boundaries. This course will provide students with a deep understanding of the social impact of religion in general and of these religions in particular. The course will also analyze the relations among the three through an examination of the historical roots of areas of co-operation and of conflict.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2370 The Science of Career Success Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Combining social-science research and practical competencies, this course aims to enhance lifelong student accomplishment by focusing on skills necessary to flourish in a fast-changing, globalized world and economy. Students will cultivate essential employability skills such as teamwork, emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, and self-marketing, to set short and long-term career and professional goals and develop strategies to achieve them.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2380 Introduction to Education Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to the philosophical, historical, scientific, and cultural foundations of education and learning. We will focus on questions around the very idea of education, its historical trajectories, scientific theories of learning, and the diverse manifestations of education and educational theory around the world. This course may include topics such as motivation, pedagogy and access. Students will also have an opportunity to reflect upon their own past, current, and future education.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Restriction(s): Not available to students registered in BASC.ECS program.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2390 Shakespeare Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines the major tragedies, histories, and comedies of William Shakespeare. While the Shakespeare's plays emerge from Elizabethan England, they speak to universal matters, the big questions, and the recurring patterns and habits of human nature. Students will learn about the historical and social trends of Shakespeare's time, with a focus on why his words endure in language and culture. The class will also consider how his plays have been staged and performed around the globe, adapted to new locales and new contexts, and in new media such as television and film.
Prerequisite(s): 4.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2400 Human Rights Summer, Fall, and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This introductory and interdisciplinary course presents an overview of contemporary and perennial issues of human rights in a pluralistic and interconnected world. While we will discuss ongoing human rights issues, the course asks what we can discern from history to inform our understanding today. Among topics, students will learn about and reflect on the history of human rights; how rights are positioned in Indigenous, Canadian, and international law; the histories of racism and genocide; and representations of human rights in culture.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2410 Religious Traditions of Asia Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course introduces students to some of the major religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto) that originated in Asia. Students will study the history, sacred texts, practices, and beliefs of these traditions within the political and cultural contexts of India, Tibet, China, and Japan. The course also considers the cultural influence and philosophical salience of these religions in contemporary North America. Students will also learn the methodology of the academic approach to religion.
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*2450 Europe from the Renaissance to the Present Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course presents a broad survey of European history from the 15th century to today, beginning with the Renaissance through the creation of the modern nation-state to the present. It focuses on seminal events such as the Industrial and French Revolutions, World Wars I and II, and the creation of the European Union. Additionally, the course introduces students to some of the key modern political ideologies that originated in Europe but have had lasting consequences for the entire world. Students will also study influential European cultural and intellectual traditions.
Prerequisite(s): 2.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3050 Canadian Social Problems Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students critically examine Canadian social problems using a variety of sociological theories including Symbolic Interactionism, Conflict Theory, Feminism and Structural Functionalism. Topics studied include; poverty and inequality, crime and deviance, drugs and addictions, ethnocentrism and racism, mental and physical illness, work and unemployment and gender issues. Particular emphasis is placed on a theoretical critique of social responses to these topics.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits including: AHSS*1130
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.JS or BAAG.JPS programs.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3060 Criminological Theory II Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course builds on the foundations of criminological theory and provides a sophisticated appreciation of contemporary criminological theory. Also examined are recent trends in criminological theory and how criminologists constitute the subject matter of their discipline. Theories are discussed in relation to recent developments in crime, social policy trends and their ideological underpinnings.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits including: AHSS*2110
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.JS or BAAG.JPS programs.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3080 Introduction to Web Design Fall Only (LEC: 3, LAB: 2) [0.50]
This course examines the principles of successful website design and communication. Students learn basic wireframing techniques, develop functional sitemaps, and explore the fundamentals of information architecture while developing their skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Lectures and supervised lab sessions enable students to create compelling digital portfolios that communicate a fluency in UX design.
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3200 Desire and Discontent Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This interdisciplinary course examines the insights of philosophy, psychoanalysis, and psychology in the attempt to understand the human cycle of desire and discontent. Focusing on experiences of passion, acquisitiveness, success, and their attendant emotions of happiness, despair, guilt, hope, shame, regret and anger, this course examines the role which desire and discontent play in motivating human behaviour and shaping personality.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3220 Law and the Media Fall Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides a thorough introduction to the relationship between media and the laws of Canada, beginning with the origin and development of Media Law. An understanding of media/communications law and its forms and applications is necessary to ensure the success of any endeavour in media/communications, especially with the ongoing and rapid development of electronic technology. Identification of legal issues is emphasized. This knowledge, in turn, assists the student to communicate ethically and responsibly to recognizing legal issues and consequences and handling effectively and professionally.
Prerequisite(s): 7.50 credits
Restriction(s): Registration in the BMCS program.
Department(s): Media & Communication Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3230 Trends in Gender Issues Winter and Summer (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This interdisciplinary course explores contemporary issues and theoretical approaches concerning women and gender. Through an examination of popular cultural, literary and academic sources, this course will acquaint students with the main current trends in women's studies. The philosophical tensions concerning gender equality and difference, "Third World" feminism, "Black" feminism, rights-based feminism, and post-modernism provide context for consideration of specific issues such as violence against women, prostitution, and reproductive rights.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 5.00 credits
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3500 International Field Study Summer Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will explore a topic or theme by participating in an international study tour. Themes and topics will vary with the instructor's expertise, the location of the study tour, and the nature of the visit. Through assigned readings and group discussions, students will be expected to acquire an understanding of the subject-matter associated with the study tour. At the end of the course, students are expected to complete a substantial research paper or project on a topic related to the tour. Detailed information regarding course requirements, the associated costs in addition to tuition and fees, and applications deadlines is available on the Study Abroad website:
Prerequisite(s): 9.50 credits
Restriction(s): Program Head Consent required
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3510 International Field Study Summer Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will explore a topic or theme by participating in an international study tour. Themes and topics will vary with the instructor's expertise, the location of the study tour, and the nature of the visit. Through assigned readings and group discussions, students will be expected to acquire an understanding of the subject-matter associated with the study tour. At the end of the course, students are expected to complete a substantial research paper or project on a topic related to the tour. Detailed information regarding course requirements, the associated costs in addition to tuition and fees, and applications deadlines is available on the Study Abroad website:
Prerequisite(s): 9.50 credits
Restriction(s): Program Head Consent required
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3520 International Field Study Summer Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will explore a topic or theme by participating in an international study tour. Themes and topics will vary with the instructor's expertise, the location of the study tour, and the nature of the visit. Through assigned readings and group discussions, students will be expected to acquire an understanding of the subject-matter associated with the study tour. At the end of the course, students are expected to complete a substantial research paper or project on a topic related to the tour. Detailed information regarding course requirements, the associated costs in addition to tuition and fees, and applications deadlines is available on the Study Abroad website:
Prerequisite(s): 9.50 credits
Restriction(s): Program Head Consent required
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*3530 International Field Study Summer Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
In this course, students will explore a topic or theme by participating in an international study tour. Themes and topics will vary with the instructor's expertise, the location of the study tour, and the nature of the visit. Through assigned readings and group discussions, students will be expected to acquire an understanding of the subject-matter associated with the study tour. At the end of the course, students are expected to complete a substantial research paper or project on a topic related to the tour. Detailed information regarding course requirements, the associated costs in addition to tuition and fees, and applications deadlines is available on the Study Abroad website:
Prerequisite(s): 9.50 credits
Restriction(s): Program Head Consent required
Department(s): Liberal Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4050 Youth and the Law Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines selected topics on young offenders in Canada and elsewhere. Topics studied include: public perceptions about youth crime and its control; the history of youth crime and legislation; the measurement of youth crime; theories of delinquency; crime among marginal youth; female offenders; the long term consequences of youthful offending; and the policing, sentencing and punishing of youth.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4060 Law and Society Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines the social basis of law. Specific topics include the law as an instrument of stability or change, and the role of lawmakers, law enforcers and interpreters, including the legal profession, the police, judges and courts. Although the primary focus of this course is Canadian, there will be a comparative component particularly as it relates to theoretical perspectives. This course specifically focus on: types of law, theories of law, origins of law, social control and punishment, the legal profession, assessing the impact of the law, existing biases in the law particularly as it relates to women, and law and social change. In the Canadian context, particular attention is given to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its effect on law, society and policy.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4070 Issues in Ethnicity and Class Summer and Fall (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course provides students with an advanced theoretical and empirical understanding of social class and ethnicity in the context of Canadian society. In addition, the course encourages students to apply their knowledge to contemporary institutions.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): AHSS*3050
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4080 Transition to Work Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course examines various aspects of the transition from school to work. Changes taking place in organizations and work, and the advanced level, general skills needed by university graduates in the workplace and explored. In addition, transition issues, such as the change from the role 'student' to 'employee' or 'entrepreneur', are examined.
Prerequisite(s): 12.75 credits
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4090 Ethics and the Justice System Fall and Winter (LEC: 3) [0.50]
Students study primary sources that set out the major schools of ethical thought and moral reasoning. Various models are used to critically analyze Canadian criminal cases and social issues such as euthanasia, abortion, capital punishment and animal rights. In addition, students have the opportunity to reflect upon their own ethical reasoning and consider alternative approaches.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus
AHSS*4100 Public Policy: Challenges and Prospects Winter Only (LEC: 3) [0.50]
This course covers dominant theories of policy making in Canada, including governmental and non-governmental actors. Fiscal and monetary policy, Indigenous policy, and criminal justice policy are examined. The course offers a balance between gaining an awareness of the "real world" of public policy and the policy-making process and acquiring theoretical and analytical tools to understand public policy and the policy process.
Offering(s): Also offered through Distance Education format.
Prerequisite(s): 10.00 credits
Restriction(s): Registration in the BASC.JS or BAAG.JPS programs.
Department(s): Justice Studies
Location(s): Guelph-Humber Campus