IV. Admission Information
Admission Requirements to University Programs
Entry Points
Admission is available in the Fall semester, Summer for students with Advanced Standing applying to the Kinesiology program.
1. Applicants from Ontario Secondary Schools
Students seeking admission to a degree program must present the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, and a minimum of six Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses, including English 4U. All specific subject requirements must be Grade 12, 4U courses. Specific subject requirements for admission to the various degree programs are outlined in this section. Students are also advised to consult Section IX – Programs to note those subjects which are recommended for specific programs.
Student Profile Form
All semester one applicants have the opportunity to complete and submit the Student Profile Form (https://www.guelphhumber.ca/admission/supplementary-info) which is considered during the third round of high school offers in May. Leadership and citizenship qualities as well as extenuating circumstances of a medical or compassionate nature are considered for applicants whose admission average falls within a discretionary range below the determined program admission average.
Supplementary Information Form for Students with Disabilities
The University of Guelph-Humber strives to provide equal opportunity for academically qualified students with disabilities. All semester one applicants who feel their admission average does not reflect their true academic ability as a result of a disability, are encouraged to complete the Supplementary Information Form for Students with Disabilities (https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/forms/gh/sp/index.php). This form is taken into consideration along with academics for applicants whose admission average falls within a discretionary range below the determined program admission average.
Offers of Admission
Offers of Admission will be released starting in December. All offers of admission which are based on interim grades will be conditional upon completion of the OSSD with six 4U/M courses (or equivalent) including specific subject requirements. The minimum final admission average which the applicant will have to achieve will be stipulated in the condition. Conditions are specified in the offer letter. Grades in specific subject requirements are included in the calculation of the admission average. The University reserves the right to revoke the offer of admission should a student fail to meet any condition in the offer.
Students will not be required to respond to the offer until the common response date for all Ontario universities. Those wishing to respond earlier may do so. Applicants who have not received an offer of admission by the end of May, may become eligible for admission consideration to all non-limited enrolment programs by submitting their final grades. Admission consideration will be given on the basis of final grades only when places are still available in the program and/or specialization to which the student has applied at the time that the final grades are received. Applicants may be required to possess an admission average higher than those used prior to the end of May.
Submission of Documents
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure their Guidance Counsellor or School Administrator submits all final grades, and confirmation of OSSD completion to the Ontario Universities Application Centre by the deadline specified in the offer of admission.
All offers based on self-reported information are conditional upon receipt of the official document.
Conditions of Offers of Admission
All offers of admission which are based on interim grades will be conditional upon completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses (or equivalent) and including specific subject requirements. The minimum final admission average which the applicant must achieve is 70% as stipulated in the conditions listed in the offer of admission. Grades in specific subject requirements are included in the calculation of the admission average. The University reserves the right to revoke the offer of admission should a student fail to meet any condition in the offer.
Responding to the Offer of Admission
Students will not be required to respond to the offer until the common response date for all Ontario universities through the Ontario Universities Application Centre. Those wishing to respond earlier may do so.
International Baccalaureate
Students applying for admission on the basis of the IB Diploma should possess a minimum score of 24. Reported bonus points may be taken into consideration. Applicants are advised that some programs will require a higher score for admission consideration. Students currently in their final year of the IB program are encouraged to present "predicted" scores on the seven-point scale, which will be taken into consideration to extend conditional offers of admission. The predicted scores can include grades from the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge. Students must include, among their higher and standard levels, the specific subject requirements for the program to which they are applying. Applicants who have completed higher level courses with a minimum grade of 5 may be eligible for university credit to a maximum of 2.00 credits. Specific transfer credits and exemptions, where applicable, will be assigned upon receipt of official final results. Students may request a change to unspecified credit on an individual basis within the first 30 days of the semester in which they commence their studies.
Ontario high school students registered in an IB program will automatically have their IB courses converted into Ontario U and M level equivalents. IB scores will be converted into grades on a percentage scale out of 100 by the applicant's high school. Admissions and scholarships will be determined using the conversions submitted to the Ontario Universities Application Centre by the applicant's high school.
The English Proficiency Requirement will be waived for applicants who have completed the Diploma where the language of instruction is English.
Advanced Placement
Advanced Placement courses may be used to determine admissibility and also granting of credit or exemption. Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement courses with a minimum grade of 4 may be eligible to receive university credit to a maximum of 2.00 credits. The granting of credits and exemptions is at the discretion of the appropriate faculty, and will be based on official final results.
2. Applicants from Outside Ontario
Applicants whose preparation to enter the University has been completed outside the Ontario secondary school system must have achieved, as a minimum requirement, academic standing equivalent to that required of Ontario students and must satisfy the specific subject requirements for the program desired. Students should refer to the information for Ontario applicants regarding specific subject requirements. The University will take into consideration the availability of specific course requirements in other countries or provinces to ensure that the applicant is not disadvantaged if particular senior secondary courses are not offered. Please refer to the information following this section regarding specific subject requirements and equivalents.
Student Profile Form
All semester one applicants have the opportunity to complete and submit the Student Profile Form (https://www.guelphhumber.ca/admission/supplementary-info) which is considered during the third round of high school offers in May. Leadership and citizenship qualities as well as extenuating circumstances of a medical or compassionate nature are considered for applicants whose admission average falls within a discretionary range below the determined program admission average.
Supplementary Information Form for Students with Disabilities
The University of Guelph-Humber strives to provide equal opportunity for academically qualified students with disabilities. All semester one applicants who feel their admission average does not reflect their true academic ability as a result of a disability, are encouraged to complete the Supplementary Information for Students with Disabilities (https://www.guelphhumber.ca/admission/supplementary-info). This form is taken into consideration along with academics for applicants whose admission average falls within a discretionary range below the determined program admission average.
- Other Provinces and Territories of Canada Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon: Grade 12. Quebec: Senior High School Leaving Certificate or High School Leaving Certificate plus 12 academic credits from an appropriate CEGEP program.
- United States of America Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.7 from an accredited high school. In addition, they must present a minimum combined SAT score of 1100 or ACT score of 24. Where class rankings are reported on the transcript, a ranking in the top quarter is preferred. Students should include, among their senior level courses, specific subjects that are required for admission to the degree program of their choice.
- British Patterned Education Systems - Applicants must present either the GCSE (or IGCSE) and the GCE showing one of:
- Minimum of two Advanced level passes and three GCSE or IGCSE (Ordinary level) passes.
- Two Advanced Supplementary (AS) level courses may be substituted for one Advanced level course
- Applicants who have completed GCE Advanced level examinations with a minimum grade of 'B/C' may be eligible to receive a maximum of 3.00 unspecified credits (1.00 credit per course). Specific transfer credits and exemptions, where applicable, will be assigned upon receipt of official final results. Students may request a change to unspecified credit on an individual basis within the first 30 days of the semester in which they commence their studies
- Other Countries The secondary school graduation certificate which admits to an internationally recognized university in another country is normally acceptable, provided that it is the equivalent of admission requirements for the University of Guelph-Humber.
Note: Possession of these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Required levels of academic preparation may vary according to the jurisdiction or country in which course work was completed. Applicants are encouraged to contact Admission Services prior to formal application in order to obtain specific information on admission requirements. They are strongly advised to provide detailed information on their particular situation.
3. Applicants for Admission as Mature Students
Statement of the Regulation
Applicants who do not possess the published minimum requirements for admission consideration may be considered for admission to degree programs as space permits and if, prior to the beginning of the Fall semester, they
- will have been out of secondary school for at least two years.
- will have normally not attended another post-secondary institution.
- have completed their secondary school diploma, or equivalent.
In addition, applicants must meet specific subject requirements or equivalents, with acceptable academic standing, as outlined below for the degree programs to which they have applied. Admission as a Mature Student is available in the Fall semester only
B.A.A. - Program - Media and Communication Studies
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and two additional Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M courses, one of which must contain a writing component (or equivalent).
B.B.A. Program - Business
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and a one Grade 12, 4U Mathematics and one additional Grade 12, 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent).
B.A.Sc. Program - Early Childhood Studies, Community Social Services, Justice Studies, Psychology
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U and two additional 4U or 4M courses (or equivalent). A 4U Mathematics is recommended, but is not required.
B.A.Sc. Program – Kinesiology
Students who meet the requirements to be considered for admission as mature applicants must have acceptable standing as follows: ENG4U, one 4U level math, and SBI4U.
General Notes and Recommendations
The minimum average required for admission consideration will normally be that required for regular admission from secondary school. Students applying under the Mature Student Regulation must submit official transcripts from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended. Applicants are also encouraged to write a letter explaining their activities since their last academic semester. The complete academic record will be considered by the Admission Committee in reaching an admission decision.
Advanced Standing Admission
1. Advanced Standing Applicants from a Recognized University or College in Canada
Applicants for admission to the University of Guelph-Humber transferring from an accredited university or college are normally subject to the following admission policy:
- Applicants must have completed the Ontario Secondary School Diploma including subject specific entry requirements at the Grade 12, 4U and/or 4M level, or equivalent, for admission to the University of Guelph-Humber, prior to the commencement of the academic session for which application is made.
- Applicants must be eligible for readmission and registration on a full-time basis at the last university or college attended in the academic session for which application is made. Applicants whose academic records at another university or college have rendered them ineligible to continue study at that university or college will be considered for admission only when the stipulated period of rustication has expired.
- Students registered in a preliminary year, bridging year or first year at a recognized university or college to which students are admitted without having completed the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or the equivalent are eligible to apply for admission to first year at this University provided that their first or preliminary year program includes subjects equivalent to those Grade 12, 4U or 4M courses required for admission to each program. Credit towards graduation from the University of Guelph-Humber is not normally granted for work taken in the first year of the university program which does not require completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent for admission.
- Admission of students transferring from another university or college is not guaranteed. Transfer applicants will be assessed in competition with other new applicants, taking into consideration the academic requirements and enrolment limitations which pertain at the time the application is complete. In addition, an offer of admission will not imply in any way that space will be available in the course(s) in which the applicant wishes to register, though every effort will be made to facilitate the course selection and academic planning process for transfer students.
Subject to the degree and specialization to which the applicant is admitted, and to grade and program requirements, any course offered for credit by another Ontario university shall be accepted for credit when there is an essential equivalency in course content. - The University of Guelph-Humber subscribes to the following General Policy on the Transfer of Course Credits, as adopted by the Council of Ontario Universities: Acceptance of transfer credits among Ontario Universities shall be based on the recognition that, while learning experiences may differ in a variety of ways, their substance may be essentially equivalent in terms of their content and rigor. Upon admission, and insofar as possible, acceptance of transfer credit should allow for the maximum recognition of previous learning experience in passed university-level courses.
Subject to the degree and specialization to which the applicant is admitted, and to grade and program requirements, any course offered for credit by another Ontario university shall be accepted for credit when there is an essential equivalency in course content. - In addition, the University of Guelph-Humber supports the intent of the Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits to develop consistent, fair and efficient systems to facilitate student mobility and program completion. In consideration of the principles of the Protocol, the University of Guelph-Humber undertakes to ensure that all course work completed by transfer students in the first two years of university study in Canada (including the final year leading to a diploma of college studies (DCS) in Quebec and the transfer courses offered by community colleges in British Columbia and Alberta) are recognized and, subject to degree, grade and program requirements are credited for the purpose of granting a degree provided that:
- the applicant is deemed admissible and has been offered admission
- a passing grade has been achieved in each course to be transferred and the grade is at the level that normally would be required of students at the University of Guelph-Humber, and
- the credits earned are related to the program of study in which the transfer student will register, or the credits can be counted as electives in the program of study.
- Candidates from non-Ontario recognized universities or students with completed college diploma applying for advanced standing must submit, with the application, detailed course descriptions, or a calendar of the institution at which they studied. The provision of such information will greatly facilitate the evaluation of previous work and the consideration of possible transfer of credits. The amount of transfer credit granted is at the discretion of the Campus Registrar and the Chair of the program concerned.
Note: Where necessary, the grades from other recognized universities or colleges whose marking schemes differ from those of this University shall be translated into the equivalent grades of the University of Guelph-Humber and admissibility assessed in those terms. Applicants for transfer, for whom English is a second language, must submit with their application, evidence acceptable to this University of Proficiency in English (see English Proficiency in this section). - Applicants who have been required to withdraw from the University of Guelph-Humber or another post-secondary institution and who pass university credit courses during the period of rustication, may be eligible for up to 1.00 credit (one full-year course) provided the criteria for admission or re-admission and transfer of credit are met. If university credit courses are successfully completed after the rustication period, transfer credit may be granted for all courses provided the criteria for admission or re-admission and transfer of credit are met. Applicants who have been debarred for academic misconduct will not receive credit for courses taken during the period of debarment.
- Applicants should contact Admission Services regarding specific transfer credit.
The application of these transfer credits will vary depending on the degree. The applicant must satisfy degree graduation requirements and residency requirements as outlined in Section VII – Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures.
Specific graduation requirements will be determined in consultation with the Academic Advisor.
Applicants will be informed of the amount of advanced standing credit granted when they receive the offer of admission. Acceptance by the student of the offer of admission shall imply the student's agreement to the advanced standing credit granted.
2. Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
Applicants from appropriate programs may be considered for admission with advanced standing in accordance with the following policy:
- Transfer credits are determined by the Admissions Committee of the program to which the student is admitted. Acceptance of an offer of admission implies acceptance of credit assessment completed by the Admissions Committee.
- Transfer credits will be based on courses completed at a CAAT normally with a grade of 'B' or better, where those courses are deemed appropriate to the program to which the student is admitted at this University. A minimum overall average of 'B' is normally required in CAAT diploma programs for consideration of any transfer credit.
- Up to 10.00 credits (equivalent of two full-time years of study) may be granted to students transferring from a 'recognized' three-year diploma program, and up to 5.00 credits may be granted to students transferring from a 'recognized' two-year diploma program. Recognized diploma programs are defined as those with a close affinity in subject matter to the program applied for at the University of Guelph-Humber (i.e. Business diploma for applicants to our BBA program).
- Should a student transfer to a different program after admission to the University of Guelph-Humber, credits assigned upon admission will be re-assessed where deemed appropriate by the Admissions Committee of the program.
3. CEGEPS - Province of Quebec
- Applicants who present the Diplôme des Etudes Collegiales may be eligible for advanced standing, to a maximum of 5.00 credits.
- For more specific information candidates may contact Admission Services - University of Guelph-Humber.
Advanced Standing Entry Points
All undergraduate programs consider students applying from another post-secondary institutions as advanced standing applicants to the Fall entry point. Select programs have a summer entry point available.
Applicants are considered as 'Advanced Standing' if they have attended another post-secondary institution (college and/or university) and will receive 2.00 or more transfer credits upon admission.
Because enrolment in certain courses is limited by the availability of resources, the University cannot guarantee that all students wishing to take a particular specialization will be accommodated.
Application Procedures
Ontario Secondary School Applicants
See information on "Admission Requirements" for specific subject requirements for the various programs. The Ontario Universities Application Centre should be used by all applicants who are currently enrolled in an Ontario Secondary School as a day school student https://www.ouac.on.ca/.
Applicants to the University are requested, where possible, to indicate on the application form their subject of primary interest. In many cases, the program code to be inserted on the form will include the subject of primary interest. It should be noted that an offer of admission applies to the degree program specified in the offer. Because enrolment in certain courses is limited by the availability of resources, the University cannot guarantee that all students wishing to take a particular specialization will be accommodated.
Amendments to the Application Form
A student who has applied via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) will receive a Verification/Amendment as soon as the Application Centre has processed the application. This verification may be used to make biographical and academic status changes to the original application. If any revisions to the application are made, the University of Guelph-Humber will be notified of the applicable changes approximately one week after the OUAC receives the amendment. Although all amendments are important to the processing of each application, changes to academic program choice, entry points, residence status, surname, mailing and home addresses are of significant importance and should be reported via an OUAC amendment as soon as the situation arises. Amendments must be received by the published application deadline dates.
Applications are considered on a space-availability basis will continue to be processed beyond set deadlines. However, in order to ensure full consideration, applicants are strongly encouraged to be aware of and meet all deadlines.
Applicants from Ontario Not Currently Enrolled in Secondary School
Applicants who are not currently enrolled in an Ontario secondary school as a day school student should use the OUAC application form https://www.ouac.on.ca/. This includes the following types of applicants: adult, night school, correspondence, those who previously obtained the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
All Other External Applicants
All other students should complete the application form https://www.ouac.on.ca/ or the University of Guelph-Humber single application form at https://www.ouac.on.ca/apply/guelphugrad/transfer/. These applicants would include those applying from:
- secondary school outside Ontario
- recognized college or university
- College of Applied Arts and Technology and Institutes of Technology and Advanced Learning
- home schooled applicants
- mature students
Applying from Outside Canada - International Applicant
If you do not have citizenship or landed immigrant status in Canada and the majority of your education has occurred in a country other than Canada. Applications to the University of Guelph-Humber must be made through the Ontario Universities Application Centre at https://www.ouac.on.ca/ or the University of Guelph-Humber single application at https://www.ouac.on.ca/apply/guelphugrad/transfer.
It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all official school transcripts (secondary and post-secondary and other official documentations (e.g. TOEFL scores) are sent directly to the University of Guelph-Humber, Admissions Services at the address below.
For full consideration, applicants from International Secondary Schools should send their secondary school grade results (official transcript or school progress report) including courses that may be in-progress by May 1st. This should include final grade data from the first semester of the senior year or predicted final grades. All grades will be considered in making an admission decision. Further admission information can be found at https://www.guelphhumber.ca/futurestudents.
If you are currently enrolled in a college or university level program, you are required to send all grade results to date to facilitate a timely admission decision. Official final transcripts will be required if an offer of admission is extended and accepted.
In order to ensure that the admission process is efficiently completed, applicants from outside of Canada are encouraged to make applications for fall entry and arrange for all documents required for an admission decision by or before May 1st.
The Admission Committee, upon receipt of a completed application form and all pertinent documentation, will make specific admission assessments for individual applicants.
University of Guelph-Humber
Admission Services
207 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, ON
M9W 5L7
English Translation of Documents
If you are submitting transcripts or other official documents in a language other than English, you must also submit notarized literal translations of these documents in English.
English Proficiency
Lectures, seminars and examinations in the University are, for the most part, conducted in English and it is essential that all students have an adequate knowledge of written and spoken English in order for them to be successful in their university studies. Applicants for admission will be required to present evidence of English proficiency if:
- their primary or first language (meaning the language first learned as a child) is not English; and
- they have had fewer than four years of full-time secondary or post-secondary study, demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, in an English-language school system.
Francophone Canadian citizens educated in Canada will not be required to meet the English Language Proficiency Requirement. Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma where English was the language of instruction will be considered as having met the English Proficiency Requirement. Students who successfully complete the Advanced Level of the English Language Certificate program at the University of Guelph will be considered as having met the English Proficiency requirement for undergraduate studies; for more information, visit the website at: Guelph ELP - UofG OpenEd. The University reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who do not demonstrate satisfactory facility in English, regardless of academic qualifications.
Applicants required to meet the English Proficiency Requirement must do so by submitting the required scores in one of the following tests or battery of tests as outlined in points 1-6. Test results must be submitted to Admission Services prior to admission by the published document deadline.
Applicants for admission will be required to present evidence of English proficiency if their primary or first language is not English and they have had less than four years of full-time secondary school study in an English-language school system. Applicants required to provide evidence of English proficiency must do so by submitting the required scores in 1 to 6 below:
- The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a minimum overall score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.
- The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a score of 600 (paper-based) or 250 (computer-based) or Internet-based with a minimum total score of 89, with no individual scaled score less than 21, and Test of Written English (TWE) with a score of 5.
- Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL) is accepted for admission purposes. A minimum overall band score of 70.
- Pearson Test of English (PTE) – minimum overall score of 60 with no score less than 60 in the individual components.
- Advanced Level, English Language Certificate Program, University of Guelph
- Duolingo English Test - Minimum overall score of 110.
- Cambridge English Test - C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency.
Successful completion of the Advanced Level of the English Language Certificate Program at the University of Guelph. For more information, visit the University of Guelph English Language Program website at: https://opened.uoguelph.ca/student-resources/guelph-elp/.
Program Transfer
You fall into this category if:
- You are currently attending the University of Guelph or the University of Guelph-Humber and wish to change programs.
- You have previously attended the University of Guelph or the University of Guelph-Humber and wish to change programs.
Applicants in this category may apply directly to the University of Guelph-Humber using the Application for Program Transfer form. Applicants must complete this form and return it directly to the University of Guelph-Humber - Admission Services. These forms are available at uofgh.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/documents/Program%20Transfer%20Application%202025.pdf.
Applicants in this category do not need to send transcripts from the University of Guelph or the University of Guelph-Humber. Transcripts of academic work completed at any post-secondary institution other than the University of Guelph-Humber or the University of Guelph must be submitted along with the Application for Program Transfer.
Communication of Admission Decisions
Admission Services will use the email address supplied by the applicant to communicate decisions. The University will not be held responsible for decisions sent to these addresses but not received. Applicants who are not currently in any secondary or post-secondary program can normally expect to receive an admission decision within a three to four week period following receipt of the application and all official documents by Admission Services, provided they have not applied to a limited enrolment program. Typically applicants for limited enrolment programs will be considered at the same time in competition for the spaces which are available.
Students currently enrolled in a post-secondary program will normally be required to submit all official transcripts at the conclusion of their studies before a final admission decision is made. An applicant who submits an official post-secondary transcript at the conclusion of the fall semester of their current academic year may receive an early offer of admission. This offer of admission will be conditional upon successful completion of the student's current academic year and conditions specified by the Admission Committee for the degree program to which the student is admitted. Official final transcripts and other official documents specified in the offer of admission, must be received in Admission Services by the published deadline
Articulation Agreements
An articulation agreement is a contract between institutions of higher learning that allow students who have completed a specific program at one institution to be considered and assigned advanced standing credits in a specific program at another institution post-admission to the second program. Information about all agreements between all institutions in Ontario can be accessed through the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) website.
Bachelor of Applied Science, Early Childhood Studies (ONCAT Pathway ID # 2658)
The articulation agreement between the University of Guelph-Humber and recognized Ontario Colleges that offer a two-year diploma in Early Childhood Education. Graduates from this diploma with a minimum cumulative average of 75% will be considered for admission into the Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Studies with 10.00 advance standing credits.
Bachelor of Applied Science, Community Social Services (ONCAT Pathway ID # 2655. #2679, & #2677)
The articulation agreement between the University of Guelph-Humber and recognized Ontario Colleges that offer a two-year diploma in Social Service Worker (#2655), Developmental Service Worker (#2679), or Child Youth Care (#2677). Graduates from these diplomas with a minimum cumulative average of 75% will be considered for admission into the Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Community Social Services with 10.00 advance standing credits.
Bachelor of Applied Science, Justice Studies (ONCAT Pathway ID # 2671)
Admission to the Honours Bachelor of Applied Science, Justice Studies major will be for graduates from a 2-Year Ontario College Diploma program in either:
A Police Foundations (POL) Community and Justice Service (CJS), Law and Security Administration (LASA), Protection, Security and Investigations (PS&I) diploma (or recognized equivalents) with a minimum final cumulative average of 75% (or equivalent) or better.
ENG4U (or equivalent)
Applications will be competitive, with admission being offered to the highest performing applicants. College graduates will receive 10.00 advanced standing credits. Prospective applicants should contact Admission Services for details.
Deadline Dates - Advanced Standing
Summer Entry
Program | Application Deadline | Document Deadline |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology (Bridge) | February 1 | February 15 |
Fall Entry
Program | Application Deadline | Document Deadline |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media and Communication Studies | May 1 | May 15 |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Studies | May 1 | May 15 |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Community Social Services | May 1 | May 15 |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies | May 1 | May 15 |
Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Psychology | May 1 | May 15 |
Honours Bachelor of Business Administration | May 1 | May 15 |
Bachelor of Arts in Justice and Public Safety | June 1 | June 15 |
Admission consideration cannot be guaranteed for applications and documents received after the deadlines due to space limitations which may exist within programs.
Visiting Students & Letter of Permission
University graduates, permanent staff, or visiting students who wish to enrol in degree courses to upgrade their degree or to gain credit for admission to a graduate or other academic program should apply as a Visiting/Non-degree student at: https://www.guelphhumber.ca/admission/visiting. Applicants are required to submit official post-secondary transcripts to ensure pre-requisites requirements are met or a Letter of Permission from the home institution.
Acceptance as a visiting student does not imply that space will be available in the course(s) in which the applicant wishes to register.
Students who register in the non-degree category and who subsequently want to change to a degree status will be required to meet admission requirements for that program, and credit granted for courses taken in the non-degree category will be subject to the regulations pertaining to that program.
Second Degrees
Students from the University of Guelph-Humber or from another university may be admitted to and graduate with a second undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph-Humber, under the following conditions:
- Students who have graduated with their first degree must apply to the University of Guelph-Humber for admission to the second degree program. A maximum of 10.00 credits may be transferred from the initial degree program.
- The course content of the second degree program must be substantially different from that of the first. A second degree is judged to be substantially different if:
- The specializations are in different subject areas as listed in Section XI -- Course Descriptions; or
- The schedule of studies requirements are substantially different (no more than 25% overlap)
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
At the University of Guelph-Humber, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is an acceptable process for assigning credit at the undergraduate level for learning stemming from experience acquired independently of courses taken at university. PLA provides a mechanism whereby credit may be given for equivalence in a university course to those students who have mastered the content of the course concerned without having taken a formal course in the subject area. Such mastery may have been acquired, for example, through work experience, independent study or from non-degree courses. In the absence of a certificate or other formal acknowledgement of competence by an appropriately accredited institution, the student can challenge the appropriate specific course(s) offered by the University to a maximum of 5.00 credits in a degree program. Prior Learning Assessment is a post-admission process which is facilitated by the Chair (or faculty member designated by the Chair) for the program of study the student applied to.
Each academic program is responsible for determining which of its courses may be subject to PLA challenge. The challenge process could include one or more assessment methods, including standardized tests, written and/or oral examinations, performance evaluations, interviews, and portfolio assessments. These assessments require that the individual demonstrate, to a qualified faculty member, that pre-determined knowledge and skills have been acquired. The Chair (or designated faculty member) will inform Admissions Services of any successful PLA applications, so that appropriate credit can be assigned and charges can be raised on the students account.
Previously registered University of Guelph-Humber students must apply to Admissions Services - for readmission under any of the conditions outlined below:
- They were required to withdraw from their program for a period of two or more semesters.
- They were suspended from the University for academic misconduct.
- They have graduated from this University and wish to register in order to take additional courses.
- If they were admitted to the University but withdrew from all courses, registered in a program or courses at another post-secondary institution, and they wish to return to the University of Guelph-Humber.
- They have not registered at the University of Guelph-Humber for six or more consecutive semesters.
- They are attending the University of Guelph-Humber on a letter of permission and wish to continue past the term of the letter of permission agreement.
Readmission to a program at the University of Guelph-Humber is not automatic. Students who are required to withdraw must apply for readmission to the University after completing the minimum two semesters of rustication. Students should consult sub-sections regarding appropriate admission requirements and deadline dates in this section. Applications for readmission should include a statement which outlines the basis for readmission. Criteria used for readmission may differ by academic program. Students considering readmission should consult with the appropriate Academic Advisor regarding procedures and criteria for readmission to that program.
On December 19, 1995, the University Senate approved the following policy for the granting of credit while on rustication:
- Students who have been required to withdraw, and who take university credit courses during their rustication period, will be eligible for up to 1.00 credit (one full-year course) provided they meet the criteria for readmission and the criteria for the transfer of credit.
- Students who take university courses after the two-semester rustication period may transfer all these credits provided the student meets the criteria for readmission and the criteria for the transfer of credit.
- Students who have been suspended for academic misconduct will not receive any credit for courses taken during the suspension period.
Note: This policy applies to any university credit course taken during the rustication period, be it distance or on-campus, taken in open learning programs from either our university or at another university.
Right of Selection
It should be carefully noted that possession of the minimum requirements does not in itself guarantee admission to any of the programs or specializations offered at the University of Guelph-Humber. For all programs for which the number of qualified applicants exceeds the capacity, the University reserves the right to select the quota from among the qualified applicants.
For students applying to enter the University for the first time, the decision of the Admissions Committee is final and there shall be no appeal to that decision.
An applicant for readmission may, under specific circumstances, appeal the decision of the Admissions Committee to deny re-admission.
Applicants are reminded that the University is a dynamic institution and that information pertaining to admission may change. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ascertain admission requirements at the time of application.
Specific Subject Requirements and Recommendations
Requirements stated below reference Ontario Secondary School courses. Applicants from other jurisdictions must present equivalent entry requirements (typically secondary school graduation with academic subjects at the senior secondary level specific to meet the required Grade 12, 4U course requirements. Please reference the course specific entry requirements listed in the Admission Requirements Chart.
Admission Requirements Chart
Programs | OUAC Code | Required Grade 12/4U Courses | Recommended Grade 12/4U Courses |
Business: Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Diploma in Business Administration | GDB |
Advanced Functions and Calculus and Vectors |
Early Childhood Studies: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Early Childhood Studies Diploma in Early Childhood Education | GHE |
4U Math and 4U Biology |
Community Social Services: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Community Social Services Social Service Worker Diploma | GHF |
4U Mathematics |
Justice Studies: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Justice Studies Diploma in Police Foundations or Community & Justice Services | GMP |
4U Mathematics |
Kinesiology: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion | GHK |
Media and Communication Studies: Honours Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media and Communication Studies Diploma in Media Communications | GMT |
Psychology: Honours Bachelor of Applied Science in Psychology General Arts and Science Diploma | GMA |
Submission of Documents
Each of the following applicable documents must be sent in support of an application. Please note that official transcripts submitted will become the property of the University of Guelph-Humber. Normally, official transcripts must be sent directly to the University by the institution issuing the document. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all documents are received in Admission Services by the document deadline. No decision will be made until all documents have been received. Applications with incomplete documentation after the document deadline date will not receive consideration.
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent Senior Matriculation Certificates, (Alberta Grade 12, G.C.E. etc.) Students currently enrolled in their final secondary school year in Ontario are not required to submit documentation as decisions for early admission are based on interim grades reported by the secondary school to the OUAC.
- Official transcripts of all academic work taken at the post-secondary level (e.g. university, college, private school, etc.).
- Transcript of marks from the last secondary school attended.
- Any other documents demonstrating academic results or ability, or explaining the level of academic performance.
- Any supplementary information required as part of the application.
Letter of Permission (LOP) & Post Degree
University graduates who wish to enrol in degree courses to upgrade their degree or to gain credit for admission to a graduate or other academic program should apply to a non-degree category (e.g., non-degree Visiting Students). Applicants must hold a degree which is recognized as equivalent to a Canadian university's undergraduate or graduate degree. A student from another university wishing to register at the University of Guelph-Humber to take courses for credit at the home university must present The Visiting Student application and a Letter of Permission from the Registrar, Dean or program supervisor of the home institution authorizing a program selection. The Post-Degree and Visiting Student (LOP) categories are not normally open to applicants who do not meet University of Guelph-Humber general regulations for continuation of study outlined under Continuation of Study, Undergraduate Degree Regulations, Section VII of the Undergraduate Calendar and transfer requirements. An offer of admission to post-degree or on the basis of Letter of Permission does not imply in any way that space will be available in the course(s) in which the applicant wishes to register. Information on course availability and application/admission information can be found at https://www.guelphhumber.ca/admission/visiting.
Students who register in the non-degree category and who subsequently want to change to a degree status will be required to meet admission requirements for that program, and credit granted for courses taken in the non-degree category will be subject to the regulations pertaining to that program. Students should visit Admission Services for details.
Residence Requirements
Canadian citizens or individuals who have Permanent Resident Status of at least one year's duration are eligible to apply as domestic students if they also satisfy the Ontario residency requirement. 'Resident' in this context is interpreted to mean someone who has resided in Ontario for twelve months, exclusive of time spent in post-secondary institutions.