XIII. Administration and Faculty

Administrative Officers

R. Van Acker, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Guelph

B. Rosehart, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

A. Vaughan, President and CEO, Humber Polytechnic

M. Spence-Ariemma, Vice-Provost

G. Bragues, Associate Vice-Provost, Academic

K. Rowe, Chair, Business

N. Martyn, Chair, Early Childhood Studies

O. Boukydis, Interim Chair, Community Social Services

G. Galbraith, Chair, Justice Studies

L. Auger, Chair, Kinesiology 

V. Molos, Chair, Liberal Studies

K. Ullyott, Chair, Media and Communication Studies

A. Kim, Chair, Psychology

G. Kerr, Campus Registrar

C. Grech, Department Head, Communications and Public Affairs

R. Perez, Department Head, Finance and Administration

S. Thomas, Department Head, Student Services

The University of Guelph-Humber is a joint venture between the University of Guelph and Humber Polytechnic. The academic structure of the University of Guelph-Humber is based on program offerings, led by the Vice-Provost and Chairs, each of which is supported by an academic unit (college or school) within the two institutions.

For a complete listing of the University of Guelph Senior Administration, visit https://www.uoguelph.ca/about/senior-admin/.

For a complete listing of Humber Polytechnic Senior Administration, visit https://humber.ca/brand/humber-executive-and-board-governors

For information about the University of Guelph Senate and the Board of Governors, including membership, visit the University Secretariat website.

For information about Humber Polytechnic governance, including the Board of Governors, visit: https://humber.ca/about-humber/corporate-info/