Public Health
The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is a five-semester professional degree with concentration in epidemiology, environmental public health, infectious diseases, and zoonotic, foodborne, and waterborne diseases. This program is of interest to individuals holding an undergraduate degree in science or applied science seeking a career in public health.
The objective of the MPH program is to prepare students for careers in public health. The curriculum is based on the core competencies for public health in Canada. Required courses prepare students in all aspects of public health practice. Additional elective courses provide students with the opportunity to develop added strength in specific areas, namely epidemiology, environmental public health, infectious disease, and zoonotic, foodborne, and waterborne diseases. Courses incorporate case-based material and community-engaged exercises to provide students with the opportunity to use a variety of problem-solving and communication skills. Further information can be found at the MPH program website.
The program also offers a combined degree pathway between the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health programs at the University of Guelph. The DVM/MPH Combined Degree Program enables completion of both degrees in five years rather than the six it would take to acquire them independently. This combination builds on the One Health focus in the DVM curriculum, introduces veterinary students to public health practice and associated opportunities earlier in their academic careers, and ultimately serves as a first step towards better integration of public health and veterinary training. Questions regarding this combined degree should be directed to the Graduate Program Coordinator (DVM/MPH).
A Graduate Diploma is also offered for those individuals with public health-related experience who wish to increase their knowledge or acquire focused learning.
Administrative Staff
Graduate Program Coordinators (MPH and Graduate Diploma)
Lauren Grant (201 Population Medicine Building)
Jennifer McWhirter (209 Population Medicine Building, Ext. 58951)
Graduate Program Coordinator (DVM/MPH)
Jane Parmley (2524 Stewart Building, Ext. 54595)
Graduate Program Assistants
OVC Main Building Room 2656, Ext. 54743
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Cathy A. Bauman
DVM, MPH, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Olaf Berke
B.Sc., M.Sc. PhD Dortmund (Germany) - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Katie M. Clow
B.Sc., DVM, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Catherine E. Dewey
DVM, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Basem Gohar
BA Laurentian, M.Sc. Springfield College (US), PhD Laurentian - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lauren Grant
B.Sc., M.Sc. McMaster, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Claire Jardine
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc. British Columbia, DVM, PhD Saskatchewan - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andria Q. Jones
DVM, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jennifer E. McWhirter
B.Sc., PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Papadopoulos
B.A.Sc. Ryerson, MBA York, PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jane Parmley
DVM Saskatchewan, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David L. Pearl
B.Sc. McGill, M.Sc. York, DVM, PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Zvonimir Poljak
DVM Croatia, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Kelsey Spence
B.Sc. Trent, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
J. Scott Weese
DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVIM - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jeffrey Wichtel
B.V.Sc., PhD Massey - Professor and Dean, Ontario Veterinary College
Graduate Faculty
MPH Program
Admission Requirements
Eligible applicants include those with an honours BSc in Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences or Public Health, or those with a DVM, BScN or MD professional degrees (or their equivalent). Students with an honours degree without a biological or health focus will be required to complete the distance education BSc course PATH*3610 Principles of Disease by the conclusion of the first semester of their degree program. Candidates should have earned a B+ average in their honours BSc degree or at least a B- average in a professional degree (e.g., BScN, DVM, or MD). All applicants will submit a one-page statement of interest including career goals in public health. Students will be admitted into the Fall semester. Additional information can be found on the MPH program website.
Program Requirements
The MPH program at the Ontario Veterinary College will typically consist of five consecutive semesters of full-time study. Full-time students will take three semester-length courses for four semesters (total 12 courses), the POPM*6570 Public Health Capstone course and a 12- to 16-week Public Health Practicum (POPM*6560), as outlined below. As part of the 12 courses, students are required to complete two courses from the below Restricted Electives list (1.00 credits) and two courses from either that list or from those listed elsewhere in the graduate calendar (1.00 credits). Students taking POPM*6590 Public Health Practicum II (1.0 credit) are required to take only two additional 0.50 credit elective courses. The MPH Graduate Program Coordinator must approve all electives in advance.
Students will begin their program in September. Students can complete the program in four semesters if they choose by adding one additional elective to their course load during each of the Fall and Winter first-year and Fall second-year semesters (four courses per academic semester).
Students will complete at least six (0.50 credit) courses before they begin their practicum placement. The practicum will provide an opportunity to add function to the knowledge base achieved during the didactic portion of the program. A poster and public presentation developed from data gathered during the practicum will illustrate the cumulative experience during the Public Health Capstone course. This is an in-person program as core courses and many electives are not offered through distance education. Students may enroll part-time while they continue to work in their public health or regulatory careers. Part-time students will normally take one or two courses per semester. Please note that since this is a non-thesis-based degree, applicants are not required to obtain an advisor prior to applying. An advisor will be assigned once students have been admitted into the program.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
PABI*6500 | Infectious Diseases and Public Health | 0.50 |
POPM*6200 | Epidemiology I | 0.50 |
POPM*6510 | Health Promotion | 0.50 |
POPM*6520 | Introduction to Epidemiological and Statistical Methods | 0.50 |
POPM*6530 | Health Communication | 0.50 |
POPM*6540 | Concepts in Environmental Public Health | 0.50 |
POPM*6550 | Public Health Policy and Systems | 0.50 |
POPM*6560 | Public Health Practicum | 1.00 |
POPM*6570 | Public Health Capstone | 0.00 |
POPM*6580 | Public Health Leadership and Administration | 0.50 |
Restricted Electives | ||
EDRD*6100 | Disaster Planning and Management | 0.50 |
EDRD*6690 | Program Evaluation | 0.50 |
ONEH*6000 | One Health Approaches to Research | 0.50 |
ONEH*6100 | Master's Seminar in One Health | 0.50 |
PABI*6550 | Epidemiology of Zoonoses | 0.50 |
POPM*6210 | Epidemiology II | 0.50 |
POPM*6290 | Epidemiology III | 0.50 |
POPM*6350 | Safety of Foods of Animal Origins | 0.50 |
POPM*6590 | Public Health Practicum II | 1.00 |
POPM*6600 | Applied Public Health Research | 0.50 |
POPM*6800 | Infectious Disease Modeling | 0.50 |
POPM*6950 | Directed Studies in Population Medicine | 0.50 |
POPM*6960 | Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis | 0.50 |
The student's program is established, and progress kept under review by the Department of Population Medicine. The day-to-day responsibility will rest with the Graduate Program Coordinator, Master of Public Health program. There will be an Advisory Committee of at least two graduate faculty members, the chair of which will be the Graduate Program Coordinator, Master of Public Health program. The Advisory Committee must be established, and the Advisory Committee Appointment form submitted to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies not later than the 20th class day of the student's second registered semester.
DVM/MPH Combined Degree Program
Admission Requirements
Prospective DVM/MPH students must meet the admission requirements of both individual programs. Applicants must have previously applied to and currently be registered in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program to be considered for the DVM/MPH.
DVM students may apply to the DVM/MPH combined degree program in their third or fourth year of the DVM program. Eligible applicants who began the DVM program prior to completing an honours BSc (in Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Public Health), BScN, or MD (or their equivalent), if admitted, will receive an offer conditional upon completion of the DVM. Candidates should have earned a B+ average in their honours BSc degree or at least a B- average in a professional degree (e.g., BScN, DVM, or MD). Additionally, applicants must complete the One Health module as part of Health Management III in Phase 3 of the DVM program. All applicants must submit a one-page statement of interest including career goals at the intersection of veterinary and public health.
Students will be admitted into the Fall semester. Additional information can be found on the OVC website.
Please note that since this is a non-thesis-based degree, applicants are not required to obtain an advisor prior to applying. One will be assigned once students have been admitted into the program.
Program Requirements
The MPH portion of the DVM/MPH combined degree program consists of 5.00 credits of work, typically completed over three consecutive semesters of full-time study. Only the required courses are necessary for this combined degree. No elective courses are required.
Combined DVM/MPH students will complete the Public Health Capstone course during their first MPH semester where they will reflect and present on the how their DVM training aligns with and complements the field of public health, a One Health project the student was involved with, or on their experience during a public health-related externship.
Students will complete their practicum placement in their third semester. The Public Health Practicum will provide an opportunity to add function to the knowledge base achieved during the didactic portion of the program.
The student's program is established and progress kept under review by the Department of Population Medicine. The day-to-day responsibility will rest with the Graduate Program Coordinator, DVM/MPH combined degree program. There will be an Advisory Committee of at least two graduate faculty members, the chair of which will be the Graduate Program Coordinator, DVM/MPH combined degree program. The Advisory Committee must be established and the Advisory Committee Appointment form submitted to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies not later than the 20th class day of the student’s second MPH semester.
Graduate Diploma
Admission Requirements
Eligible applicants include those with an honours BSc in Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences, or Public Health, or those with a DVM, BScN or MD professional degrees (or their equivalent). Students with an honours degree without a biological or health focus will be required to complete the distance education BSc course PATH*3610 Principles of Disease by the conclusion of the first semester of their degree program. Candidates should have earned a B average in an honours degree or in a professional degree. All applicants should submit a one-page statement of interest and career goals in public health. Students will be admitted into the Fall semester. Additional information can be found on the MPH program website.
Program Requirements
This stand-alone graduate diploma program at the Ontario Veterinary College consists of four courses, including POPM*6600 Applied Public Health Research, at least two courses from the MPH "Required Courses" list, and one elective course. Typical duration of the Graduate Diploma program is two semesters.
Students may request a transfer from the Graduate Diploma into the MPH and, if accepted, will receive credit for the courses taken. Students interested in this option must apply to the MPH program prior to initiating graduation procedures from the Graduate Diploma.
Collaborative Specializations
International Development Studies
The MPH program participates in the collaborative specialization in International Development Studies (IDS). Students in this option must register in the MPH program and IDS. Those faculty members whose research and teaching expertise includes aspects of international development studies may serve as advisors for MPH students. Please consult the International Development Studies listing for a detailed description of the MPH collaborative specialization and the special additional requirements for each of the participating departments.