Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
The Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program offers MSc degrees by thesis, MSc degrees by course work and project, and PhD degrees in the three fields listed below.
- Biomechanics
- Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism
- Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences
The focus of these programs is on physical activity and diet as powerful lifestyle determinants of human health. The interaction between genetics and environmental factors determines human health and lifestyle is a major component of our environment.
Our graduate programs offer advanced experiential learning experiences in the broad areas of nutritional and nutraceutical sciences, general and exercise physiology and biomechanics within the focus of lifestyle, genetics and human health. Within these broad fields, the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences addresses the issues at the level of the individual, not community or populations. The research efforts are focused on understanding the basic underlying biological aspects of health, which are further applied to understanding aging, neurological/sensory disorders and osteoarthritis, and chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and type II diabetes.
See the department website for additional information.
Administrative Staff
Coral L. Murrant (354 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 56173)
Associate Chair
Lindsay E. Robinson (336B Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 52297)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Stephen Brown (335 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 53651)
Assistant Graduate Program Coordinator for MSc by Coursework and Project
Alison M. Duncan (347 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 53416)
Graduate Program Assistant
Mira Jashari (352 Animal Science/Nutrition Bldg., Ext. 56356)
Graduate Admissions Assistant
Karen White (3479 Science Complex, Ext. 52730)
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Marica Bakovic
B.Sc., M.Sc. Belgrade, PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Leah Bent
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Graduate Faculty
William J. Bettger
B.Sc., PhD Missouri - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stephen H. M. Brown
BHK, MHK Windsor, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Keith Brunt
B.Sc. Saskatchewan, M.Sc., PhD Queen's - Associate Professor, Pharmacology, Dalhousie University
Associated Graduate Faculty
Jamie Burr
BA Western, M.Sc., PhD York - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Clara E. Cho
B.Sc., PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrea L. Clark
B.Sc. Loughborough, PhD Calgary - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ashleigh Domingo
H.B.Sc. Toronto, M.Sc. British Columbia, PhD Waterloo - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Alison M. Duncan
B.A.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc. Toronto, PhD Minnesota - Professor
Graduate Faculty
David J. Dyck
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mazyar Fallah
BA Johns Hopkins, MA, PhD Princeton - Professor and Dean, College of Biological Sciences
Graduate Faculty
Graham P. Holloway
BA McMaster, M.Sc. Waterloo, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), College of Biological Sciences
Graduate Faculty
Lorraine C. Jadeski
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc. Waterloo, PhD Western - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David W. L. Ma
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Michael McBurney
B.Sc. Carleton, M.Sc., PhD Cornell - Nutrition Consultant
Associated Graduate Faculty
Philip J. Millar
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jennifer Monk
B.Sc. PhD University of Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jennifer M. Monk
B.Sc., PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Coral L. Murrant
B.Sc., PhD Guelph - Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
David M. Mutch
B.Sc. Queen's, PhD Lausanne - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Genevieve S. Newton
B.Sc. Laurentian, DC Chicago, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Scientific Director, FRINGE, Online Education for Medical Professionals
Associated Graduate Faculty
Geoffrey A. Power
BKin, M.Sc. Memorial, PhD Western - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Dan Ramdath
B.Sc. Toronto, M.Sc., PhD West Indies - Manager/Clinical Research Scientist (Human Nutrition), Guelph Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Associated Graduate Faculty
Kerry L. Ritchie
B.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lindsay E. Robinson
B.Sc. Acadia, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jeremy A. Simpson
B.Sc., Guelph, PhD Queen's - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lawrence Spriet
B.Sc. Waterloo, M.Sc. York, PhD McMaster - Professor Emeritus
Associated Graduate Faculty
John Z. Srbely
B.Sc. Laurentian, DC Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Michael Tymko
B.H.Sc. Mount Royal, M.Sc., PhD British Columbia - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Luc van Loon
M.Sc., PhD Maastricht - Professor, Maastricht University
Associated Graduate Faculty
Amanda J. Wright
B.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David C. Wright
BPE Calgary, M.Sc. Arizona State, PhD Ball State - Professor, University of British Columbia
Associated Graduate Faculty
John L. Zettel
BS Waterloo, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
MSc Program
Admission Requirements
To be considered, applicants must meet the requirements of a four-year honours science degree with a minimum 75% average during the final two years or 4 semesters of undergraduate study. Applicants should have completed a course in statistics. Each applicant must obtain the support of a faculty member willing to serve as their advisor.
Admission may be granted in September, January or May. Completed applications should be uploaded at least one full semester (four months) before the expected date of admission. Applications from international students should be uploaded at least eight months prior to the expected date of admission.
All components of the application, including transcript(s), graduate certificate(s), grading scale(s), language test results, assessment forms, a statement of interest and the name of the faculty advisor must be uploaded no later than two months after an application is submitted through the OUAC portal. Applications that are incomplete after this time period will be closed.
Admission Process
Graduate student applications to programs in the College of Biological Science are handled by the Office of the Associate Dean, Research (ADR). Before submitting an application, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the information found on the CBS-ADR website to learn more about the application process.
Complete application submission instructions may also be found on the Office of Graduate Studies webpage or in the Graduate Calendar.
Program Requirements
The Department offers programs of study leading to an MSc by thesis and an MSc by coursework and project. Students enrol in one of these two study options. Within the MSc thesis study option, students must complete a minimum of 1.5 graduate credits and defend an acceptable thesis, which comprises an account of the student's research. Within the MSc coursework study option, students must complete a minimum of 4.0 graduate credits, which include credits for research experience.
Students must complete and defend an acceptable thesis which comprises a scientifically defensible account of the student's research on a particular, well-defined research problem or hypothesis. Such research should begin with the practical expectation that it could be completed and the thesis defended in not more than 5 semesters. Paramount to the notion of acceptability of the thesis is its quality with respect to problem identification, the approach used to address the problem, and the evaluation of the results.
In addition they must successfully complete courses totaling not fewer than 1.5 graduate credits. The graduate credits of course work will consist of:
- at least one of:
Course List Code Title Credits HHNS*6040 Research Fronts in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences 0.50 HHNS*6500 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology 0.50 HHNS*6700 Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism 0.50 HHNS*6800 Research Frontiers in Integrative Biomechanics and Neurophysiology 0.50 - at least 1.0 credits of electives as determined with the Advisory Committee
Course Work and Major Research Project (MRP)
Students must complete at least 4.0 graduate credits as follows:
Code | Title | Credits |
HHNS*6010 | Seminar in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences | 0.50 |
HHNS*6320 | Advances in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences Research | 0.50 |
Select at least one of the following: | ||
HHNS*6910 | Basic Research Techniques and Processes | 0.50 |
HHNS*6920 | Applied Research Techniques and Processes | 0.50 |
HHNS*6930 | Research Project | 0.50 |
Select at least one of the following: | ||
HHNS*6040 | Research Fronts in Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences | 0.50 |
HHNS*6500 | Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology | 0.50 |
HHNS*6700 | Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism | 0.50 |
HHNS*6800 | Research Frontiers in Integrative Biomechanics and Neurophysiology | 0.50 |
Select at least 1.0 to 2.0 graduate credits of electives | 1.0-2.0 |
PhD Program
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a recognized Master’s degree in a related field obtained with a minimum academic standing of 80% in their postgraduate studies, and the endorsement of a potential thesis advisor. Applicants should have completed a course in statistics. Under exceptional circumstances admission directly to a PhD program with an appropriate honours degree alone, or transfer from MSc to PhD program without completing the MSc thesis requirements, is also possible.
Admission may be granted in September, January or May. Completed applications should be uploaded at least one full semester (four months) before the expected date of admission. Applications from international students should be uploaded at least eight months prior to the expected date of admission.
Each applicant must obtain the support of a faculty member willing to serve as their advisor.
All components of the application, including transcript(s), graduate certificate(s), grading scale(s), language test results, assessment forms, a statement of interest and the name of the faculty advisor must be uploaded no later than two months after an application is submitted through the OUAC portal. Applications that are incomplete after this time period will be closed.
Admission Process
Graduate student applications to programs in the College of Biological Science are handled by the Office of the Associate Dean, Research (ADR). Before submitting an application, applicants are strongly encouraged to review the information found on the CBS-ADR website to learn more about the application process.
Complete application instructions may also be found on the Office of Graduate Studies webpage or in the Graduate Calendar.
Program Requirements
The major part of a student's time will be devoted to research in fulfilment of the dissertation requirement. Course work would be established through discussion with the student's Advisory Committee.
PhD students will become candidates for the PhD degree upon completion of a qualifying examination, which must be conducted not later than the fifth semester of the PhD program. The examination will be primarily research focused.
Thesis Requirements
Submission and defence of an acceptable dissertation complete the requirements for a PhD. An acceptable dissertation comprises a report of the candidate's research on a particular and well-defined research problem or hypothesis. It should represent a significant contribution to knowledge in that field. Emphasis is placed on the quality of the work judged by the expression of mature scholarship and critical judgment in the dissertation. Dissertation approval implies that it could be published in reputable, refereed journals in its field.
Collaborative Specializations
The Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences participates in the MSc/PhD collaborative specialization in neuroscience. Please consult the Neuroscience listing for a detailed description of the MSc/PhD collaborative specialization.
One Health
The Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences participates in the collaborative specialization in One Health. Master’s and Doctoral students wishing to undertake thesis research or their major research paper/project with an emphasis on one health are eligible to apply to register concurrently in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences and the collaborative specialization. Students should consult the One Health listing for more information.
Regenerative Medicine
The Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences participates in the collaborative specialization in Regenerative Medicine. MSc and Doctoral students wishing to undertake thesis research or their major research paper/project with an emphasis on regenerative medicine are eligible to apply to register concurrently in Human Health and Nutritional Sciences and the collaborative specialization. Students should consult the Regenerative Medicine listing for more information.
The Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences participates in the master's/doctoral collaborative specialization in toxicology. The research and teaching expertise of these faculty include aspects of toxicology; they may serve as advisors for master's and doctoral students in Toxicology. Students choosing this option must meet the requirements of the Toxicology collaborative specialization, as well as those of their home department. Please consult the Toxicology listing for a detailed description of the master's/doctoral collaborative specialization.