Criminal Justice and Public Policy
The MA in Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP) is a program jointly run by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Department of Political Science. As such, the program provides students with an advanced understanding of crime and criminology, criminal justice policy, and the governance and administration of the justice system in Canada. The program blends academic theory and methods with applied experiential opportunities to equip students with the skills required to pursue further graduate studies, employment, or career advancement.
Administrative Staff
Carolyn Yule (635 MacKinnon, Ext. 53546)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Ryan Broll (612 MacKinnon, Ext. 53554)
Graduate Program Assistant
Urvikumari Patel
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Dennis Baker
BA McMaster, LLB Toronto, PhD Calgary - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ryan Broll
BA, MA, PhD Western - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Myrna Dawson
BA York, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Minh Do
BA Victoria, MA Waterloo, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Tuğçe Ellialti-Köse
PhD Pennsylvania - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Paulina García-Del Moral
BA, MA Queen's, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mark Harding
BA St. Thomas (Fredericton), MA, PhD Calgary - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Hathaway
BA, MA Calgary, PhD McMaster - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stephanie Howells
BA, MA, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Laura MacDiarmid
BA Western, MA OISE Toronto, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mavis Morton
BA Carleton, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
William O'Grady
BA, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto - Professor Emeritus
Associated Graduate Faculty
Patrick Parnaby
BA, MA Queen's, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Kate Puddister
BA, MA Guelph, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Troy Riddell
BA, MA Calgary, PhD McGill - Associate Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Byron M. Sheldrick
BA Carleton, LLB Toronto, MA, PhD York - Associate Professor and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
Graduate Faculty
Julie M. Simmons
BA British Columbia, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Dave Snow
BA St. Thomas (Fredericton), MA, PhD Calgary - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David Walters
BA, MA Western, PhD McMaster - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Carolyn Yule
BA British Columbia, MA, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Admission Requirements
The program requires a 4-year honours bachelor’s degree in a social science or humanities program with at least 5 credits in criminology and/or public policy. Applicants with an undergraduate major in Sociology, Criminology, or Political Science are preferred. The program requires a minimum of a “B+” average to be considered for admission. Generally, those admitted will have a higher academic average.
Program Requirements
Students enrol in one of two study options:
- course work; or
- thesis.
Students are required to complete six (6) core courses and two (2) electives for a total of 4.0 credits, as follows:
Code | Title | Credits |
CJPP*6100 | Governing Criminal Justice | 0.50 |
CJPP*6200 | Professional Seminar in CJPP | 0.50 |
CJPP*6300 | Research Methods in Criminal Justice | 0.50 |
CJPP*6350 | Society, Crime and Control | 0.50 |
CJPP*6400 | Current Issues in Criminal Justice and Public Policy | 0.50 |
CJPP*6800 | Criminal Justice and Public Policy in Practice (Two electives) | 0.50 |
Two electives | 1.00 |
Code | Title | Credits |
POLS*6150 | Constitutionalism and Judicial Politics | 0.50 |
POLS*6630 | Approaches to Public Policy Analysis | 0.50 |
POLS*6640 | Canadian Public Administration: Public Sector Management | 0.50 |
POLS*6950 | Specialized Topics in Political Studies | 0.50 |
SOC*6070 | Sociological Theory | 0.50 |
SOC*6130 | Data Science for Social and Applied Research | 0.50 |
SOC*6140 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.50 |
SOC*6270 | Diversity and Social Equality | 0.50 |
SOC*6600 | Reading Course | 0.50 |
CJPP*6650 | Major Research Paper | 0.50 |
With the permission of the graduate coordinator, students may complete an elective course in Political Science or Sociology and Anthropology that is not listed as an elective for CJPP or a graduate course in another department.
Students are required to complete four (4) core courses and a thesis, as follows.
Code | Title | Credits |
CJPP*6100 | Governing Criminal Justice | 0.50 |
CJPP*6200 | Professional Seminar in CJPP | 0.50 |
CJPP*6300 | Research Methods in Criminal Justice | 0.50 |
CJPP*6350 | Society, Crime and Control | 0.50 |
Thesis |