Clinical Studies
The Department of Clinical Studies offers graduate programs leading to MSc and DVSc degrees.
The Department of Clinical Studies also participates in the course-based Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS) program.
Administrative Staff
Christopher Riley (2141 CS, Ext. 54051)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Adronie Verbrugghe (2148 OVC Bldg. 49, Ext. 54034)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Fiona James (2156 Clinical Studies)
Graduate Program Assistants
(OVC Main Building Room 2657, Ext. 54743)
Administrative Assistant to the Chair and Faculty
Denise Bovaird (2142 OVC Bldg. 49, Ext. 54069
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Sarah Abood
B.Sc., DVM Michigan, PhD Ohio - Associate Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Ryan Appleby
B.Sc. Western, DVM Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Luis Arroyo
DVM Nacional, D.V.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Shane Bateman
DVM, D.V.Sc., Dipl. ACVECC - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Hugues Beaufrere
DVM Lyon, PhD Louisiana - Associate Professor, University of California-Davis
Associated Graduate Faculty
Alexa Bersenas
B.Sc., DVM, M.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVECC - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Sylvain Bichot
DVM Toulouse, DVSc Guelph -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Shauna Blois
B.Sc., Mount Allison, DVM Prince Edward Island, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVIM - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Brigitte Brisson
DMV Montreal, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Allison Collier
DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Nicola Cribb
BA, Vet.M.B, MA Cambridge, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Alice Defarges
DVM Alfort, M.Sc. Montreal, Dipl. ACVIM - Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), Ontario Veterinary College
Graduate Faculty
Tiffany Durzi
B.Sc., DVM Guelph -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Christopher Dutton
B.Sc., B.V.Sc., M.Sc. UK, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ECZM -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Sonja Fonfara
DVM Hanover, Dr.Med.Vet Justus-Liebig (Germany), PhD Helsinki, CertVC, Dipl. ECVIM - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Luis Gaitero
DVM Barcelona, Dipl. ECVN - Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Clinical Program
Graduate Faculty
Courtney Graham
B.Sc. Victoria, M.Sc. British Columbia, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Caitlin Grant
B.Sc., DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph - Assistant Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Joanne Hewson
DVM, PhD Guelph, Dipl. ACVIM (LA) - Professor and Associate Dean, Students & Academic
Graduate Faculty
Samuel Hocker
BS Illinois, DVM, MS Kansas State, Dipl. ACVIM - Assistant Professor, Kansas State University
Associated Graduate Faculty
Mark B. Hurtig
DVM Guelph, M.V.Sc. Saskatchewan, Dipl. ACVS - Professor Emeritus
Associated Graduate Faculty
Fiona James
B.Sc. Toronto, M.Sc. Western, DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVIM - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Monica Jensen
B.Sc., DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph - Diagnostic Imaging Specialist Veterinarian, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Carolyn L. Kerr
DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, PhD Western, Dipl. ACVAA - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Judith Koenig
DVM, M.Sc.Vet. Austria, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS/ECVS, Dipl. ACVSMR - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Amy Lack
B.Sc. Findlay, DVM Missouri, M.Sc. Mississippi State -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Melissa MacIver
B.Sc., DVM Guelph, MS Texas - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Alejandro Merchan Munoz
DVM Madrid, DVSc Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Noel Moens
DVM Liege (Belgium), M.Sc. Saskatchewan, Dipl. ACVS/ECVS - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Anthony Mutsaers
DVM Guelph, PhD Toronto, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology) - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stephanie Nykamp
DVM Guelph, M.Sc. Western, Dipl. ACVR -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Michelle Oblak
DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Chantale Pinard
DVM Guelph, MS Kansas State, Dipl. ACVO - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Shari Raheb
B.Sc. Guelph, DVM Prince Edward Island, DVSc, Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Christopher Riley
B.Sc., B.V.Sc. Melbourne, M.Sc., PhD Saskatchewan, Dipl. ACVS - Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Andrea Sanchez Lazaro
DVM Murcia, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVAA - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Melissa Sinclair
DVM Prince Edward Island, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVAA - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ameet Singh
B.Sc. Mount Allison, DVM Atlantic Veterinary, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVS - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ashley Spencer
DVM Guelph, M.H.Sc. Toronto, Dipl. ACVIM - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Tainor Tisotti
DVM Rio Grande do Sul, D.V.Sc. Guelph - Assistant Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Alexander Valverde
DVM Costa Rica, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVAA - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lauren Van Patter
B.Sc., MA, Guelph, PhD Queen's - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Adronie Verbrugghe
B.Sc., DVM, PhD Ghent (Belgium), Dipl. ECVCN - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
J. Paul Woods
DVM Guelph, MS Wisconsin, Dipl. ACVIM (Internal Medicine, Oncology) - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Xiu Ting Yiew
DVM Putra Malaysia, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVECC - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Florian Zeugswetter
DVM Vienna -
Associated Graduate Faculty
Alexander Zur Linden
B.Sc. Simon Fraser, DVM Saskatchewan, Dipl. ACVR - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
MSc Program
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have either an honours baccalaureate degree in a relevant field with at least a B- (70% Ontario equivalent) over the last 2 years of full-time study, or a DVM (or equivalent) degree with at least an overall B- (70% Ontario equivalent) in the DVM program; licensure to practice veterinary medicine in Ontario is not required.
Candidates are accepted based on adequate background preparation and availability of an advisor in the area of interest. Applicants should contact potential faculty advisors with established research programs listed in the department website.
Acceptance into the MSc by thesis program will be dependent on stipend funding opportunities that may be available through faculty advisors, scholarships or sponsorship. There is usually no stipend support for MSc course work students.
Program Requirements
Students enrol in one of two study options:
- thesis, or
- course work and major research paper.
The thesis option requires a minimum of 6 semesters (2 years) of full time study. The program provides focused research training in areas related to veterinary medicine. Research projects may examine aspects of clinical practice or concepts but are not considered discipline or specialty training.
The program involves a minimum of three 0.50 credit graduate level courses, totaling a minimum of 1.50 credits overall. Candidates are required to carry out an independent research study and produce a thesis. The course selection will be made by the student in consultation with the advisory committee and tailored to the student’s particular research interest, and will be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator, on behalf of the Departmental Graduate Studies and Research Committee.
Course Work and Major Research Project (MRP)
The course work option requires a minimum of 3 semesters (1 year) of full-time study. The program provides course work and focused research training in areas related to veterinary medicine. Research projects may examine aspects of clinical practice or concepts but are not considered discipline or specialty training.
The course work plus major project option will comprise a minimum of 4.0 credits, including six 0.5-credit graduate courses and a mandatory 1.0 credit, multi-semester major project course. The major project course will be supervised by the student’s advisory committee, and will consist of a literature review, participation in a research project related to veterinary medicine, preparation of a manuscript suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and presentation in a Departmental seminar. A mark will be assigned by the advisory committee, based on the manuscript and oral presentation.
There are no required courses beyond the 1.0 credit project course. The remaining courses will be chosen from courses within the Department of Clinical Studies and other courses provided across the University. The course selection will be made by the student in consultation with the advisory committee and tailored to the student’s particular research interest, and will be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator, on behalf of the Departmental Graduate Studies and Research Committee.
DVSc Program
The Doctor of Veterinary Science (DVSc) degree is offered in large animal surgery, small animal surgery, large animal medicine, small animal medicine, anesthesiology, cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, radiology, emergency and critical care, companion animal nutrition, and oncology, depending upon availability. The program provides advanced academic preparation in both clinical training and research and is a unique post-professional doctoral-level degree. The DVSc differs from PhD training by emphasizing the development of both clinical research and applied skills in the various areas of clinical specialization appropriate for preparation for Specialty Board Certification.
DVSc positions are usually funded positions, and are typically advertised and selected through the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians' website at which can be accessed in early October. The start date of DVSc positions is typically early August. Occasionally specialty training positions become available outside this timeline and are advertised on our website and through appropriate veterinary channels.
The DVSc is currently an interdepartmental program and receives input from all academic departments in the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC):
- Biomedical Sciences,
- Clinical Studies,
- Pathobiology and
- Population Medicine.
Admission Requirements
Minimum of Ontario Equivalent average of 'B' (73% minimum) or GPA 3.0/4.0 in a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program or equivalent. Applicants must be eligible for licensure by College of Veterinarians of Ontario. In addition, a completed internship or equivalent is usually required.
Program Requirements
This program involves two-thirds of the time in applied clinical practice. and one-third of the time taking a minimum of five 0.5-credit graduate courses, conducting a research project related to the veterinary specialty, a written and oral qualifying exam to be taken before the end of the 6th semester, writing a thesis in a publication ready format, and a thesis defense in front of an examination committee. Candidates are required to develop investigative skills in their chosen area of specialization by carrying out an original study, generally related to animal health. The results of the research must make a significant contribution to the candidate's area of specialization and be written up as a thesis.
Collaborative Specializations
The Department of Clinical Studies participates in the Master’s and Doctoral collaborative specialization in neuroscience. Please consult the Neuroscience listing for a detailed description of the Master’s and Doctoral collaborative specialization.
One Health
The Department of Clinical Studies participates in the collaborative specialization in One Health. Master’s and Doctoral students wishing to undertake thesis research or their major research paper/project with an emphasis on one health are eligible to apply to register concurrently in Clinical Studies and the collaborative specialization. Students should consult the One Health listing for more information.
Regenerative Medicine
The DVSc program participates in the collaborative specialization in Regenerative Medicine. DVSc students wishing to undertake thesis research with an emphasis on regenerative medicine are eligible to apply to register concurrently in the DVSc program and the collaborative specialization. Students should consult the Regenerative Medicine listing for more information.