Bioinformatics is the development and application of computational and statistical techniques for solving problems involving complex biological data. This emerging discipline is growing rapidly alongside technological developments for large-scale data generation in the life sciences, such as in genomics, proteomics, functional pathway analysis, health sciences, and biodiversity. Demand is accelerating for new approaches for data storage, retrieval, analysis, and applications. A new generation of professionals is required to meet this demand, having bioinformatics skills and the capacity to create new approaches.
Administrative Staff
Jennifer Geddes-McAlister (4457 Science Complex, Ext. 52129)
Graduate Program Coordinator
Steffen Graether (2255 Science Complex, Ext. 56457)
Course-Based Master's Program Coordinator
Emily Berzitis (4451 Science Complex, Ext. 56474)
Graduate Admissions Assistant
Karen White (3479 Science Complex, Ext. 52730)
Graduate Program Assistant
Kate Artuso (2483 Science Complex, Ext. 56097)
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Elif Acar
B.Sc. Middle East Technical, M.Sc. New Hampshire, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Sarah J. Adamowicz
B.Sc. Dalhousie, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Imperial College - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
R. Ayesha Ali
B.Sc. Western, M.Sc. Toronto, PhD Washington - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Emma Allen-Vercoe
B.Sc. London (UK), PhD Open (UK) - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Melanie Alpaugh
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Christine Baes
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc. Hohenheim, PhD Christian-Albrechts - Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Joey Bernhardt
B.Sc. Brown, PhD British Columbia - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Emma Borkowski
DVM, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Elizabeth G. Boulding
B.Sc. British Columbia, M.Sc. Alberta, PhD Washington - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Joseph L. Colasanti
B.Sc., PhD Western - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Karl A. Cottenie
M.Sc., MS, PhD K.U. Leuven - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Angela Cánovas
B.Sc. Lledia, M.Sc. Valencia, PhD Lledia - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Sanjeena Dang
B.Sc., M.Sc. PhD Guelph - Associate Professor, Carleton University
Associated Graduate Faculty
Rozita Dara
B.Sc. Shahid Teheshti, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lorna Deeth
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Giannina Descalzi
BA Guelph, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jeremy Dettman
B.Sc., M.Sc. British Columbia, PhD California-Berkeley - Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Associated Graduate Faculty
Hermann J. Eberl
Dipl. Math (M.Sc.), PhD Munich Univ. of Tech. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mehrzad Eskandari
B.Sc., Arsenjan Azad Univ., M.Sc., Karaj Azad Univ., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mazyar Fallah
BA Johns Hopkins, MA, PhD Princeton - Professor and Dean, College of Biological Sciences
Graduate Faculty
Vahab Farzan
DVM Tehran, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Research Associate, Population Medicine, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Zeny Feng
B.Sc. York, MMath., PhD Waterloo - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jinzhong Fu
B.Sc. Nankai, M.Sc. Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD Toronto - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Edeline Gagnon
B.Sc. McGill, M.Sc., PhD Montreal - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jennifer Geddes-McAlister
B.Sc., M.Sc. Lethbridge, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jacqueline Goordial
B.Sc. Toronto-Scarborough, M.Sc., PhD McGill - Assistant Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Steffen P. Graether
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Queen's - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Thomas Graham
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Wageningen - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
T. Ryan Gregory
B.Sc. McMaster, PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Cortland K. Griswold
B.Sc. Wisconsin, M.Sc. Toronto, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mehrdad Hajibabaei
B.Sc. Tehran Azad, PhD Ottawa - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Hamilton-Wright
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andreas Heyland
B.Sc., M.Sc. Zurich, PhD Florida - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Rui Huang
B.Sc. Peking, PhD Michigan - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Niel A. Karrow
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc., PhD Waterloo - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stefan Keller
DVM, Berlin, Dr.Med.Vet. Zurich, PhD California-Davis - Associate Professor, University of California-Davis
Associated Graduate Faculty
Jibran Khokhar
B.Sc. Queen's, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor, Western University
Associated Graduate Faculty
Cezar Khursigara
B.Sc. Ryerson, PhD McGill - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Peter T. Kim
BA Toronto, MA Southern California, PhD UC San Diego - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Stefan C. Kremer
B.Sc. Guelph, PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew Kropinski
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD British Columbia - Adjunct Faculty, Pathobiology, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Jasmin Lalonde
BA Ottawa, MA, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jonathan LaMarre
DVM, PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Brandon N. Lillie
DVM, PhD Guelph, Dipl. ACVP - Associate Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Lewis N. Lukens
B.Sc. Carleton College, PhD Minnesota - Professor
Graduate Faculty
John S. Lumsden
B.Sc., DVM, M.Sc., PhD Guelph, Dipl. ACVP - Professor
Graduate Faculty
David W. L. Ma
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Baozhong Meng
B.Sc., M.Sc. Hebei Agricultural (China) - Professor
Graduate Faculty
David M. Mutch
B.Sc. Queen's, PhD Lausanne - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Khurram Nadeem
B.Sc., M.Sc. Karachi, PhD Alberta - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
John Nash
B.Sc., PhD Monash (Australia) - Senior Research Scientist & Chief, National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada
Associated Graduate Faculty
K. Peter Pauls
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Waterloo - University Professor Emeritus
Associated Graduate Faculty
Zvonimir Poljak
DVM Croatia, M.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ryan Prosser
BEd Wollongong, B.Sc., PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Gurjit Randhawa
B.C.A, M.C.A. Guru Nanak Dev (India), M.Sc., PhD Western - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Nicole Ricker
B.Sc. Guelph, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
J. Andrew B. Robinson
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Cornell - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Flavio S. Schenkel
BBA, B.Sc., M.Sc. Brazil, PhD Guelph - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Rebecca Shapiro
B.Sc. McGill, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Justin Slater
B.Sc. Dalhousie, M.Sc. Queen's, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
M. Alexander Smith
B.Sc., M.Sc. Trent, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Deborah A. Stacey
B.Sc. Guelph, M.A.Sc., PhD Waterloo - Retired Faculty, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
Dirk Steinke
B.Sc., M.Sc. Konstanz, PhD Goethe - Associate Director, Centre for Biodiversity, University of Guelph
Associated Graduate Faculty
John Sulik
B.Sc., MS, PhD Florida State - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Leonardo Susta
DVM Perugia, PhD Georgia, Dipl. ACVP - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Edward Sykes
M.Sc. McMaster, PhD (Ed) Brock, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Graham Taylor
B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc. Waterloo, PhD Toronto, P.Eng. - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ian Tobias
B.Sc., PhD Western Ontario - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Dan Tulpan
B.Sc. Burcharest, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Siavash Vahidi
PhD Western - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
George van der Merwe
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Stellenbosch (South Africa) - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Terry Van Raay
B.Sc. Windsor, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Utah - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Geoffrey A. Wood
DVM Guelph, PhD Toronto, D.V.Sc. Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Samuel Workenhe
DVM Addis Ababa, M.Sc. Tromso, PhD Prince Edward Island - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Yan Yan
B.Sc. Northwestern Polytech, PhD Saskatchewan - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Krassimir (Joseph) Yankulov
B.Sc. Sophia, PhD ICRF London - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mohsen Yoosefzadeh Najafabadi
B.Sc., M.Sc. Tehran, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
John L. Zettel
BS Waterloo, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
MBINF Program
Admission Requirements
Students will be admitted to the Master of Bioinformatics program from a range of undergraduate programs in the life sciences. Students from undergraduate programs in the physical or computational sciences will be considered for admission if they are considered to have sufficient biological background. Students must begin the Master of Bioinformatics program in a fall semester. To be considered for admission, applicants should meet the minimum requirements of a four-year degree from a recognized post-secondary institution with a minimum 75% average over the last two years of full-time equivalent study. Additionally, all applicants must have taken at least one prior university course in genetics or molecular biology and at least one university course in statistics or biostatistics. Students whose first language is not English require a minimum TOEFL score of 93 with a minimum score of 22 in each of the four categories, or a minimum IELTS score of 7.0, with a minimum of at least 6.5 in each component.
Space in the program is limited and prospective students are encouraged to apply by the application deadline to be considered for admission. Application details are posted on the program website.
Program Requirements
A total of 4.0 credits are required, which must include:
Code | Title | Credits |
BINF*6110 | Genomic Methods for Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
BINF*6210 | Software Tools for Biological Data Analysis and Organization | 0.50 |
BINF*6890 | Topics in Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
BINF*6970 | Statistical Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
BINF*6999 | Bioinformatics Masters Project | 1.00 |
The advisory committee and/or the Graduate Program Committee may require additional courses.
Advisory Committee
Students taking the Master of Bioinformatics will have an advisor and a co-advisor. Both the advisor and the co-advisor must be members of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty such that one has expertise in the life sciences and the other has expertise in statistics, mathematics or computing.
Duration of the Program
Students normally take 3 courses per semester for two semesters (3.0 credits) and complete the Bioinformatics Master’s Project (1.0 credit) in a third semester. Therefore, the program typically takes 12 months of full-time study. There is, however, the option to continue the Bioinformatics Master’s Project into a second fall semester, in which case the program will take 16 months of full-time study.
MSc Program
Admission Requirements
Students may be admitted to the MSc in Bioinformatics program from a range of undergraduate programs in the life, physical, statistical, mathematical, and computational sciences. To be considered for admission, applicants should meet the minimum requirements of a four-year degree from a recognized post-secondary institution with a minimum 75% average over the last two years of full-time equivalent study.
Applicants must indicate their research interests and their agreed advisors. Prospective students should commence discussions with faculty well in advance of applying. Offers of admission will only be issued in cases where a member of Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty has agreed to be the advisor. Applicants can view the Bioinformatics Faculty Page for a listing of the faculty members and links to their department homepages which include their research interests and contact information. Applicants should only begin their application once one such faculty member has agreed to be the advisor.
Program Requirements
A total of 2.0 credits are required, which must include:
Code | Title | Credits |
BINF*6110 | Genomic Methods for Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
BINF*6210 | Software Tools for Biological Data Analysis and Organization | 0.50 |
The advisory committee and/or the Graduate Program Committee may require additional courses. When the course work is satisfactorily completed, the submission and successful defence of an appropriate thesis on an approved topic completes the requirements for the MSc in Bioinformatics.
Advisory Committee
Students taking the MSc in Bioinformatics will have an advisory committee comprising at least two members of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty. The advisor must be a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty. Usually, if there is a co-advisor, they will also be a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty; under special circumstances, the Director, after consultation with the Bioinformatics Program Committee, may approve a co-advisor who is not a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty.
Duration of the Program
The program typically takes 16-24 months of full-time study.
PhD Program
Admission Requirements
- Applicants with a master's degree
Applicants holding either a Master of Bioinformatics, an MSc in Bioinformatics, or a masters in a related discipline with a GPA above 80 over the last two years equivalent of full time study will be considered for admission. - Applicants without a master's degree (i.e., direct entry)
Strong applicants (GPA>80) may be admitted without holding a master's degree provided that their undergraduate major is appropriate. In these cases, the program committee will assign necessary courses to ensure sufficient preparedness for research. - General Requirements
Applicants must indicate an agreed advisor at the time of application. Prospective students should commence discussions with faculty well in advance of applying. Offers of admission will only be issued in cases where a member of Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty has agreed to be the advisor. Applicants can view the Bioinformatics Faculty Page for a listing of the faculty members and links to their department homepages, which include their research interests and contact information. Applicants should only begin their application once one such faculty member has agreed to be the advisor.
Program Requirements
A minimum of 1.0 credit is required, which must include:
Code | Title | Credits |
BINF*6500 | PhD Research Writing in Bioinformatics | 1.00 |
The program committee and the advisory committee may, and usually will, require additional courses. After the prescribed course work is satisfactorily completed, a qualifying examination is taken. Finally, the submission and successful defence of an appropriate thesis on an approved topic completes the requirements for the PhD in Bioinformatics.
Advisory Committee
Students taking the PhD in Bioinformatics will have an advisory committee comprising at least three members of the Graduate Faculty, at least two of whom should be Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty. The advisor must be a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty. Usually, if there is a co-advisor, they will also be a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty; under special circumstances, the Director, after consultation with the Bioinformatics Program Committee, may approve a co-advisor who is not a member of the Bioinformatics Graduate Faculty.
Duration of the Program
The completion period of the program is 12 semesters of full-time study.
Collaborative Specializations
Artificial Intelligence
The MSc in Bioinformatics program participates in the collaborative specialization in Artificial Intelligence. MSc students wishing to undertake thesis research with an emphasis on artificial intelligence are eligible to apply to register concurrently in Bioinformatics and the collaborative specialization. Students should consult the Artificial Intelligence listing for more information.
Some courses may not be offered every year. Students planning to take a courses from the above list should consult with the Graduate Program Assistant for availability and scheduling.
Biological Sciences
Code | Title | Credits |
ANSC*6100 | Special Project | 0.50 |
ANSC*6240 | Topics in Animal Genetics and Genomics | 0.50 |
ANSC*6330 | Topics in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
ANSC*6370 | Quantitative Genetics and Animal Models | 0.50 |
ENVS*6450 | Multivariate Environmental Data Analysis | 0.50 |
HHNS*6440 | Nutrition, Gene Expression and Cell Signalling | 0.50 |
MCB*6370 | Protein Structural Biology and Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
PLNT*6160 | Advanced Plant Breeding II | 0.50 |
PLNT*6500 | Applied Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
Students may take the Machine Learning Modelling section of ANSC*6100 Special Project which is offered in Winter only.
Computer Science
Code | Title | Credits |
CIS*6020 | Artificial Intelligence | 0.50 |
CIS*6060 | Bioinformatics | 0.50 |
CIS*6080 | Genetic Algorithms | 0.50 |
CIS*6120 | Uncertainty Reasoning in Knowledge Representation | 0.50 |
Mathematics and Statistics
Code | Title | Credits |
STAT*4340 | Statistical Inference | 0.50 |
STAT*6801 | Statistical Learning | 0.50 |
STAT*6802 | Generalized Linear Models and Extensions | 0.50 |
STAT*6950 | Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences | 0.50 |
Some courses may not be offered in every semester. Students planning to take a course from the above list should consult with the department offering the course to check for availability and scheduling.