Graduate Diplomas
The University offers three types of graduate diploma programs for those who want to develop and upgrade skills, as follows:
Type 1: Recognizes completion of a prescribed proportion of the requirements of another (usually master's) graduate program.
Type 2: Offered in conjunction with a master's or doctoral degree, the admission to which requires that the candidate be already admitted to a master's or doctoral program.
Type 3: A stand-alone, direct-entry program, generally developed by a unit already offering a related master's or doctoral degree, and designed to meet the needs of a particular clientele or market.
There are three means of entry to a graduate diploma program, based on type, as follows:
Type 1: Awarded when a candidate admitted to a graduate program leaves the program after completing a prescribed proportion of the requirements. Students are not admitted directly to these programs.
Type 2: Admission to a type 2 graduate diploma program requires that the student already be admitted to a master's or doctoral degree program. Admission may be granted on recommendation of the department as set out in the Admission Requirements, with at least a 'B-' in the work of the final two years.
Type 3: Admission to a type 3 graduate diploma program as a regular student may be granted on recommendation of the department as set out in the Admission Requirements, with at least a 'B-' in the work of the final two years.
Individual programs may have additional admission requirements. Before applying, applicants are responsible for consulting the specific program in this calendar regarding such requirements.
Minimum Duration
The typical duration is one to four semesters (depending on the program) of full-time study devoted to the diploma program. For a student registered part-time, the minimum duration period is two to eight part-time semesters.
The student's program is established and progress kept under review by the academic unit in which the student is enrolled (see Enrolment and Registration). The day-to-day responsibility will rest with the Advisor, who will be the Graduate Program Coordinator by default unless otherwise established.
Type 2 graduate diploma students will receive formal advising from the Advisor/Graduate Program Coordinator of their primary master's or doctoral program. The Graduate Program Coordinator of the graduate diploma program shall work collaboratively with the students' Advisor to ensure that the student's program meets graduate diploma requirements.
A graduate diploma program at the University of Guelph requires the completion of no fewer than four (4) regular graduate courses, or equivalent activities, and may require completion of a professional and/or applied project. The curriculum for the graduate diploma is established by the graduate program committee. Individual programs may require more than four graduate courses. Students are responsible for consulting the specific program in this calendar regarding any such requirements.
Double counting of credits is routine for students who are completing a graduate diploma and are registered in a master's or doctoral degree program. Up to 50% of the requirements for a type 2 graduate diploma may also be applied toward a master's or doctoral program. For more information on double-counting regulations, graduate students should consult with the graduate program coordinator for the graduate diploma they seek to complete.
In order to qualify for graduation, the student must obtain an overall weighted average grade of at least 'B-' in the required courses (see Prescribed Studies).