The Neuroscience Collaborative Specialization offers an opportunity for graduate students engaged neuroscience research to enhance their departmental degree program with additional multidisciplinary experience. This unique study combination provides students with the best possible foundation for academic careers in neuroscience and related areas. The Collaborative Specialization in Neuroscience includes participation from core faculty members in the following departments: Animal Biosciences, Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Studies, Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, Integrative Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Pathobiology, Philosophy, Population Medicine and Psychology. Students wishing to pursue a Master's or PhD degree with the designation Neuroscience must enter the Collaborative Specialization in Neuroscience through a participating department.
Administrative Staff
Director and Graduate Program Coordinator
Jasmin Lalonde (3460 Science Complex, Ext. 54706)
Graduate Program Assistant
Laura Faris (4481 Science Complex, Ext. 53815)
College Representatives
Craig Bailey (OVC)
Jasmin Lalonde (CBS)
Boyer Winters (CSAHS)
Graduate Faculty
This list may include Regular Graduate Faculty, Associated Graduate Faculty and/or Graduate Faculty from other universities.
Naseem Al-Aidroos
B.Sc. Waterloo, MA, PhD Toronto - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Sarah Alderman
BA, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Melanie Alpaugh
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Craig Bailey
B.Sc., PhD Queen's - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andrew J. Bendall
B.Sc. Australian National, PhD Macquarie - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Leah Bent
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD British Columbia - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Nicholas J. Bernier
B.Sc. McGill, Diploma Aquaculture Malaspina College, M.Sc. British Columbia, PhD Ottawa - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Elena Choleris
B.Sc., PhD Parma - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Nuria Daviu
BA, M.Sc., PhD Autonomous University Barcelona - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Donald Dedrick
BA, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Giannina Descalzi
BA Guelph, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Mark J. Fenske
B.Sc. Lethbridge, MA, PhD Waterloo - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Christopher Fiacconi
B.Sc. Western, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Andreas Heyland
B.Sc., M.Sc. Zurich, PhD Florida - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Fiona James
B.Sc. Toronto, M.Sc. Western, DVM, D.V.Sc. Guelph, Dipl. ACVIM - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Nina Jones
B.Sc. Guelph, PhD Toronto - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Bettina E. Kalisch
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD Queen's - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Frederic Laberge
B.Sc., M.Sc. Laval, PhD Manitoba - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jasmin Lalonde
BA Ottawa, MA, PhD McGill - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Francesco Leri
BA, MA, PhD McGill - Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
Ray Lu
B.Sc. Wuhan (China), M.Sc. Beijing Medical, PhD Saskatchewan - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
David W. L. Ma
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Georgia Mason
BA, PhD Cambridge - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Daniel V. Meegan
BA SUNY Albany, PhD McMaster - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Robert T. Mullen
B.Sc., PhD Alberta - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Jennifer Murray
B.Sc. Nebraska-Kearney, MA, PhD Nebraska-Lincoln - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lee E. Niel
B.Sc. Simon Fraser, PhD British Columbia - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Samantha Payne
B.Sc., M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Toronto - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Melissa Perreault
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD McMaster - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Geoffrey A. Power
BKin, M.Sc. Memorial, PhD Western - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Scott Ryan
B.Sc. Memorial, PhD Ottawa - Associate Professor, University of Calgary
Tarek M. Saleh
B.Sc., PhD Western - Professor and Chair
Graduate Faculty
Shaun Sanders
B.Sc., PhD British Columbia - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Angela Scott
B.Sc. Saskatchewan, PhD British Columbia - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Rebecca Shapiro
B.Sc. McGill, PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
John Z. Srbely
B.Sc. Laurentian, DC Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, PhD Guelph - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Ian Tobias
B.Sc., PhD Western Ontario - Assistant Professor
Graduate Faculty
Lori A. Vallis
B.Sc., MA Ottawa, PhD Waterloo - Professor
Graduate Faculty
Terry Van Raay
B.Sc. Windsor, M.Sc. Guelph, PhD Utah - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Boyer D. Winters
BA Dalhousie, PhD Cambridge - Professor
Graduate Faculty
John L. Zettel
BS Waterloo, M.Sc., PhD Toronto - Associate Professor
Graduate Faculty
Admission Requirements
Students in the collaborative specialization in Neuroscience must meet the admission requirements of the participating department in which they are enrolled. The application process has two stages: first, application to the primary program of interest, identifying interest in the collaborative specialization as a secondary focus. If the student is admitted to the primary program, the second stage is then admission to the collaborative specialization.
Program Requirements
MA/MSc/MBS Requirements
The collaborative specialization in Neuroscience enables students engaged in neuroscience research to combine their departmental degree program with a multidisciplinary specialization in the field of neuroscience.
Students in the MA/MSc/MBS collaborative specialization must complete NEUR*6000 Principles of Neuroscience and a major project/paper or thesis in the field of Neuroscience. Further, student must register for NEUR*6100 Seminar in Neuroscience each term that they are in the collaborative specialization. In NEUR*6100 Seminar in Neuroscience, students and faculty will meet once a month to discuss issues/hear talks/present research in neuroscience.
Requirements of this collaborative specialization may also serve as elective requirements in the student’s home program.
Doctoral Requirements
If a student enters the PhD collaborative specialization in Neuroscience at the doctoral level, students must complete NEUR*6000 Principles of Neuroscience, or show evidence of course equivalence in prior training. Students must be engaged in neuroscience dissertation research. During each term of their program of studies, doctoral students must enroll in NEUR*6100 Seminar in Neuroscience. The seminar will meet monthly. Students must take their qualifying exams within five semesters of entering the program, as required by University graduate policies. One member on the qualifying exam committee must be a core member of the collaborative specialization in Neuroscience outside the student’s home department or a faculty member from another university approved by graduate studies. As well one member of the student’s advisory committee must be a core member of the neuroscience collaborative specialization outside the student’s home department or a faculty member from another university approved by graduate studies.
Requirements of this collaborative specialization may also serve as elective requirements in the student’s home program.