Family Relations and Applied Nutrition (FRAN)

FRAN*6000  Quantitative Research Methods  Winter Only  [0.50]  
This course includes critical appraisal of the research literature. Research ethics, subject selection, measurement issues, survey design, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, cross-sectional and longitudinal designs, scale development, questionnaire development and sampling strategies are discussed.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6010  Applied Statistics  Fall Only  [0.50]  
Students learn conceptual and practical applications of statistical analyses with emphasis on hypothesis formation, data screening, test selection, inferential statistics, univariate and multivariate analysis of variance/covariance (including repeated measures designs), simple and multiple regression, logistic regression, regression diagnostics, model building and path analytic techniques.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations & Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6020  Qualitative Research Methods  Winter Only  [0.50]  
This course teaches students how to use qualitative methods as a mode of inquiry for understanding issues in human development, nutrition and family relationships. The emphasis is on project design, data collection techniques, analysis strategies and procedures for final write-up.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6090  Practicum in Couple and Family Therapy  Unspecified  [1.00]  
This course features supervised clinical practice in couple and family therapy. It involves regular clinical work with couples, families, and individuals. Students meet with faculty each week for up to six hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve both group and individual/dyadic meetings.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrtion students in the Couple and Family Therapy field.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6180  Research Issues in Couple and Family Therapy  Fall Only  [0.50]  
The focus of this course is on research in Couple & Family Therapy, including issues related to evidence-based practice, therapeutic outcome, and therapeutic process. A selected review of quantitative and qualitative research methods and exemplary research is included.
Offering(s): Odd-numbered years  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6200  Special Topics in Family Relations and Human Development  Unspecified  [0.50]  
Contemporary research in family relations and human development. Research topics vary.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6210  Program Evaluation  Fall Only  [0.50]  
An examination of the theoretical principles and practical applications of evaluation issues and strategies. Special attention is given to services for children and families across the life span.
Offering(s): Even-numbered years  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6221  Evidence-Based Practice and Knowledge Translation  Unspecified  [0.50]  
The principles of evidence-based practice are examined using various examples of psychosocial, behavioural and health interventions. The levels of evidence, criteria for efficacy and effectiveness, and the importance and limitations of evidence-based practice will be evaluated. The process of moving knowledge derived from high quality evidence into practice will be appraised throughout the course. Students will have the opportunity to build knowledge in their own areas of interest.
Offering(s): Odd-numbered years years  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6260  Practicum in Family Relations and Human Development  Unspecified  [0.50]  
Supervised practicum experience in a variety of agencies or services. Interested students are encouraged to discuss this option with their faculty advisor. Placements are arranged on an individual basis subject to the requirements of students' programs of study and must be negotiated with faculty in advance of registration.
Offering(s): Occasional years  
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6270  Issues in Family-Related Social Policy  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course investigates definitions of social policy, comparative family-related social policy, selected issues in Canadian family policy and frameworks for analysis of social policy. Issues in policy-related research are also explored.
Offering(s): Even-numbered years  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6280  Theorizing in Family Relations and Human Development  Unspecified  [0.50]  
An examination of the meaning of science and theory in relation to the study of families and human development. Included is a discussion of the major social science paradigms including positivism, critical theory, social constructionism and post-modernity. This course is designed for doctoral students.
Offering(s): Odd-numbered years  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6320  Human Sexuality Across the Life Span  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course covers research, theoretical and substantive issues relevant to studying human sexuality across the life span. Topics include: child and adolescent sexuality, sexual identity, sexuality in adulthood and old age, sexual assault, international research and sex education.
Offering(s): Odd-numbered years  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6330  MSc Research Seminar  Fall and Winter  [0.25]  
This course exposes MSc students to major theories, issues, and methodologies driving research in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. Students learn to critically evaluate presentations by researchers and how to effectively communicate their own research. The course also provides students opportunities to develop professional skills and facilitate community building within the department through mentoring and peer support. Students in this course attend weekly seminars in each Fall and Winter semester of their program of study.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition MSc students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6340  Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Family Relations and Human Development  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course serves as an introduction to graduate studies in Family Relations and Human Development. It examines the epistemological, ontological and axiological foundations of various approaches to the study of family relations and human development, including developmental theories, critical approaches, and Indigenous Ways of Knowing. It explores questions of what constitutes a discipline and the challenges and possibilities of interdisciplinary approaches in research. Emphasis will be placed on student exploration of their own relationships with knowledge and emerging identities as researchers.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6350  Major Research Paper  Unspecified  [1.00]  
The major research paper is an option open only to MSc students within the Couple and Family Therapy area. Students must demonstrate their ability to accurately synthesize and critically evaluate the literature in a specific area of interest. Detailed guidelines are provided.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students in the Couple and Family Therapy field.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6440  Applied Factor Analysis & Structural Equation Modelling  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course introduces students to exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Topics include: model selection and validation, multiple group models, measurement equivalence/invariance and latent mean analyses. This course is data-driven and students will learn through hands-on analytic experiences accompanied by in-class lectures and readings.
Offering(s): Even-numbered years  
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6000, FRAN*6010  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6460  Introduction to Critical Family and Kinship Studies  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course serves as a foundational introduction to Critical Family and Kinship Studies. It examines the boundaries of human being and relationships, emphasizing critical and posthuman perspectives on family and kinship relationships.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6510  Nutrition in the Community  Winter Only  [0.50]  
Concepts and knowledge of nutrition as applied in community and public health nutrition. Examination of current programs in applied nutrition.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6550  PhD Research Seminar  Fall and Winter  [0.25]  
This course exposes PhD students to major theories, issues, and methodologies driving research in Family Relations and Applied Nutrition. Students learn to critically evaluate presentations by researchers and how to effectively communicate their own research. The course also provides students opportunities to develop professional skills and facilitate community building within the department through mentoring and peer support. Students in this course attend weekly seminars in each Fall and Winter semesters of their program of study.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Family Relations and Applied Nutrition PhD students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6560  Topics in Applied Human Nutrition  Unspecified  [0.50]  
Contemporary research and topics in applied human nutrition. Course content is unique to each offering.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6610  Advances in Clinical Nutrition  Fall Only  [0.50]  
An advanced overview of clinical nutrition with emphasis on using the nutrition care process to integrate theory and practice for a variety of health care settings.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition and Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students in the Applied Human Nutrition field.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6710  Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition I  Fall Only  [1.50]  
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6720  Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition II  Winter Only  [1.50]  
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6710 - Minimum grade 065.  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6730  Practicum in Applied Human Nutrition III  Summer Only  [1.50]  
This course provides a practicum of 3 days per week with a dietetic-related agency or organization to develop and perform dietetic competencies (internship experience). In weekly seminars, students discuss and reflect on theory and dietetic practice issues.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6720  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6740  Management and Leadership in Dietetics  Winter Only  [0.50]  
Students will apply knowledge of Food Service Management to complex case study scenarios to continue to develop their skills in dietetics-related management. Students will explore and develop skills for leadership in dietetics and healthcare.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition and Family Relations and Applied Nutrition students in the Applied Human Nutrition field.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6750  Fundamentals of Dietetic Practice-Based Research  Fall Only  [0.50]  
In this course, students learn the fundamentals of dietetic practice-based research, including critical appraisal, quantitative methods, qualitative methods and quality improvement.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Applied Nutrition students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6800  Orientation to Clinical Practice  Summer and Fall Reg Required  [0.00]  
This course prepares students in the MRFT and MP programs to engage with clients through the Maplewoods Centre and as part of their respective practicum series of courses.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy and Master of Psychotherapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6810  Practicum 1 - Relational Systemic Practice  Summer Only  [1.00]  
This is the first in a series of six practica in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum provides an advanced understanding of a variety of systemic-relational and collaborative-post-modern theories in family therapy. It involves conceptualizing clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students starts to meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Co-requisite(s): FRAN*6800  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6820  Practicum 2 - Dialogic and Collaborative Practices  Fall Only  [1.00]  
This is the second in a series of six practica in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum focuses on developing the beliefs and skills that undergird the therapeutic relationship, support therapeutic conversations, and engage critical analysis of power relations in human relationships. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6810  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6830  Practicum 3 - Solution Focused Therapy  Winter Only  [1.00]  
This is the third in a series of six practica in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum provides an advanced understanding of and training in the Solution Focused Therapy Model. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester involves individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6820  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6840  Practicum 4 - Narrative Therapy  Summer Only  [1.00]  
This is the fourth in a series of six practica in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum provides an advanced understanding of and training in Narrative Therapy. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6830  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6850  Practicum 5 - Integrative Practice  Fall Only  [1.00]  
This is the fifth in a series of six practica in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum helps integrate the various theories learned in program to date with the student's personal style and approach to therapeutic practice. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester involves individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6840  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6860  Practicum 6 - Transitions and Reflections  Winter Only  [1.00]  
This is the sixth and final practicum in the MRFT program and features the integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice. This practicum is designed to facilitate student transition to being a regulated health professional within the field of psychotherapy and prepare themselves for work post-graduation. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of two hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6850  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Relational and Family Therapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6870  Resiliency and Trauma Informed Practice  Summer and Fall  [0.50]  
This course in the Relational and Psychotherapy Training Program is designed to provide students with a foundational review of current perspectives on resilience and trauma informed practice within the fields of Relational and Family Therapy and Psychotherapy. This course is offered as a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Prerequisite(s): 1 of (FRAN*6830, FRAN*6960, FRAN*6980, FRAN*6990)  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6880  Sociocultural Attunement and Humility  Fall and Winter  [0.50]  
This course provides a foundational review of current perspectives within and outside of the relational and family therapy and psychotherapy literature that relate to the intersection of culture (race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, ability, etc.) and oppression. Attention is given to the translation of knowledge about power relations and about diversity discourses into practice when working in a variety of professional settings. This course is offered as a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6890  Foundations of Relational and Family Therapy  Summer and Fall  [0.50]  
This course explores the historical development of relational/systemic perspectives and theoretical foundations for current approaches to Relational Family Therapy. As a survey course, it provides an overview, comparison, and critical analysis of key foundational family therapy theories and associated practice models. Bowenian, Structural, Strategic, Experiential, and Contextual models will be included and applied in aid of understanding relationships across the lifespan. This course is offered in a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6900  Transitions in Mental Health Capstone  Winter and Summer Reg Required  [1.00]  
This two-semester course features an integration of theoretical understandings with practical preparation for the next steps in working in the mental health field. The course requires students to complete a capstone project to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning throughout the program as well as assist them in planning for next steps within their mental health related careers.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6980, FRAN*6990  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Arts in Mental Health students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6910  Professional Ethics and Issues in Relational and Family Therapy  Winter and Summer  [0.50]  
This course focuses on professional issues and ethical decision making relevant to the Relational and Psychotherapy Training Program. Particular focus is given to regulation and the professional practice standards for the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO), as well as the Code of Ethics for the Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and relevant legal issues for the practice of Psychotherapy in Ontario. This course is offered in a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6920  Research in Relational Family Therapy  Summer and Fall  [0.50]  
The focus of this course is on the breadth of mental health research relevant to the Relational and Psychotherapy Training Program. The course addresses issues related to evidence-based practice, therapeutic outcome, and therapeutic process. A selected review and critique of quantitative and qualitative research methods and exemplary research is included. This course is offered in a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6930  Perspectives on Health and Well-Being  Winter and Summer  [0.50]  
This course focuses on health and well-being among individuals and families, with the aim of fostering basic skills in understanding language of mental health, use of psychoeducation, collaborating with other health professionals, and advocacy and social justice. Frameworks and theoretical perspectives that have been applied to understanding and addressing mental health difficulties are explored, including considerations of power and privilege, social determinants of health, and colonialism. Self-care, compassion fatigue, and burnout are also addressed. This course is offered in a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6940  Gender, Sexuality and Clinical Interventions  Fall and Winter  [0.50]  
This course examines gender, sexuality and clinical interventions from a life span perspective. Focusing upon theory, research and clinical interventions it explores the relationship between issues in sexual development and sexual functioning. This course is offered in a clinical section for MRFT and MP students and a non-clinical section for MA.MH students.
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6950  Practicum I - Psychotherapy and Advanced Interviewing Skills  Fall Only  [1.00]  
This is the first in a series of three clinical practica in the Master of Psychotherapy program and is designed to provide focused and advanced understanding of interviewing skills drawn from a wide range of psychotherapeutic approaches and influenced by systemic-relational and collaborative-post-modern theories. This course features an integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice in relational and systemic family therapy. It involves conceptualizing clinical work with client from a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of 1.5 hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester involves individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6800, FRAN*6890, FRAN*6920  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Psychotherapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6960  Practicum II - Collaborative and Post-Modern Therapies in Psychotherapy  Winter Only  [1.00]  
This is the second in a series of three clinical practica in the Master of Psychotherapy program and focuses on the study of, and training in, collaborative and post-modern therapies, including dialogic, solution-focused and narrative therapy. This course features an integration of theory into practice and supervised clinical practice in relational and systemic family therapy. It involves regular clinical work with individuals and a wide diversity of relational systems. In addition to class time, students meet with clinical supervisors each week for a minimum of 1.5 hours of supervision. Supervision over the semester will involve individual/dyadic, group, and live clinical teams.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6950  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Psychotherapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6970  Practicum III - Psychotherapy Externship and Transition  Summer, Fall & Winter Reg Req  [1.50]  
This is the third in a series of three clinical practica in the Master of Psychotherapy program. This capstone course features a three-semester externship placement with a community-based psychotherapy service provider. It also includes regular class meetings to advance clinical skills training and development, monitor progress and experience within the externship placement, and prepare students to transition from being a student to becoming a regulated health professional.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6960  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Psychotherapy students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6980  Theoretical Understanding of Collaborative and Post-Modern Therapy Models  Summer Only  [0.50]  
This non-clinical course explores the perspectives, assumptions and theoretical foundations for current collaborative and post-modern psychotherapy models. The course provides an overview, comparison, and critical analysis of key foundational collaborative and postmodern models, including dialogic, solution-focused, and narrative.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6890, FRAN*6920, FRAN*6880  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Arts in Mental Health students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph  
FRAN*6990  Theoretical Understanding of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Models  Fall Only  [0.50]  
This non-clinical course explores the perspectives, assumptions and theoretical foundations for current cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy models. The course provides an overview, comparison, and critical analysis of key foundational cognitive and behavioural models, including cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavioural therapy.
Prerequisite(s): FRAN*6890, FRAN*6920, FRAN*6880  
Restriction(s): Restricted to Master of Arts in Mental Health students.  
Department(s): Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition  
Location(s): Guelph