Food Science (FOOD)

FOOD*6000  Dairy Chemistry and Microbiology  Fall Only  [0.50]  
This course introduces the science behind milk production and composition and covers topics including: the chemistry and physics of milk fats, caseins, whey proteins, lactose, minerals, and minor components; chemical analysis; nutritional and health aspects of dairy products; milk microbiology including endogenous lactic bacteria, spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms; and microbial analysis.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only.  
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6010  Dairy Products and Processes  Winter Only  [0.50]  
The course begins with the engineering principles and computations of unit operations involved in dairy processing, and then explores formulation and processing of different dairy products. Video tours, simulations, processing, safety and quality control data and analysis are used to provide practical training.
Prerequisite(s): FOOD*6000  
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6020  Dairy Technology Management Project  Summer Only  [0.50]  
This capstone course is intended to give participants the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a realistic industrial scenario. Students prepare a technical report in the form of a case study that identifies and characterizes a food industry problem and describes and assesses ways to solve it. Proposals are based on literature reviews, concepts learned during the program, and discussions with academic and industry advisors.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6190  Advances in Food Science  Unspecified  [0.50]  
Topics of current research interest and importance are examined. A project supervised by a faculty member is undertaken, the topic of which is chosen after considering the interests of the student.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6300  Food Science Communication  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course provides experiential training in forms of communication that are likely to be required in professional or academic careers in food science and technology.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Food Science students.  
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6710  Advances in Food Chemistry  Fall Only  [0.50]  
This course is jointly taught by faculty who specialize in various areas of food chemistry. Each instructor provides lectures on their respective areas of expertise. Throughout the course, students complete independent reviews of a chosen area of food chemistry, deliver presentations, engage in discussions and solve case studies.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6720  Advances in Food Microbiology  Winter Only  [0.50]  
This course is jointly taught by faculty who specialize in the area of food microbiology. Each instructor provides lectures on their respective areas of expertise. Throughout the course, students will complete independent reviews of a chosen area of food microbiology, deliver presentations, engage in discussions and solve case studies.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6730  Advances in Food Physics  Fall Only  [0.50]  
This course is jointly taught by faculty who specialize in the area of food physics. Each instructor provides lectures on their respective areas of expertise. Throughout the course, students will complete independent reviews of a chosen area of food physics, deliver presentations, engage in discussions and solve case studies.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6740  Advances in Food Processing  Unspecified  [0.50]  
This course is jointly taught by faculty who specialize in the area of food processing. Each instructor provides lectures on their respective areas of expertise. Throughout the course, students will complete independent reviews of a chosen area of food processing, deliver presentations, engage in discussions and solve case studies.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6750  Special Topics in Food for Health  Unspecified  [0.25]  
This is a modular course in which several faculty members lecture and/or lead discussions in current topics in food for health. Students will complete an independent review in the area of food and health, participate in discussions, complete case studies, and present talks related to the impact of food for health.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6760  Special Topics in Food Quality  Unspecified  [0.25]  
This is a modular course in which several faculty members lecture and/or lead discussions in current topics in food quality. Students will complete an independent review in the area of food quality, participate in discussions, complete case studies, and present talks related to quality of foods.
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph  
FOOD*6770  PhD Research Writing in Food Science  Fall and Winter  [0.50]  
PhD Research Writing in Food Science provides experiential training in forms of communication that are likely to be required in professional or academic careers, helps PhD students position their research in the broader context of Food Science and Technology, and helps prepare students for the qualifying examination.
Restriction(s): Restricted to Food Science PhD students.  
Department(s): Department of Food Science  
Location(s): Guelph