Capacity Development and Extension (CDE)
CDE*6000 Methods, Data and Analytics in Agri-Food and Rural Development Winter Only [0.50]
This course supports students' understanding and skills for methods, data management and analysis of data for social research and innovation processes. Skills built in this course area associated with project design, sampling, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of data -- mainly qualitative data, but mixed methods will also be discussed. Data management and visualization are discussed and practiced with a group project. [Department(s):School of Environmental Design and Rural Development]
Offering(s): Not offered through Distance Education
Equate(s): EDRD*6000
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6010 Project Management in Extension, Innovation and Development Winter Only [0.50]
The course introduces students to theories, approaches, methods and tools used in planning and managing projects in public, community and not-for-profit sector. The course content focuses on global standards (e.g., Project Management Institute) in managing projects that students can apply in their context of interest.
Offering(s): Not offered through Distance Education
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6020 Digital Development, Inclusive Innovation and Information Disorder Fall Only [0.50]
This graduate course introduces students to the debates, practices and skills for digital communication technologies, focusing on various development contexts (e.g., Global South, rural Canada, Northern Canada, etc.) and livelihoods (e.g., agriculture, food, health and environment). It also introduces the necessary knowledge and skills to assume leadership roles for the adoption of digital technologies and enhancing inclusive innovation in a community. [Department(s):School of Environmental Design and Rural Development][Offering(s):Not offered through Distance Education]
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6030 CDE Career and Professional Practice Pathways Summer Only [0.50]
This course has two complementary pathways for completion and involve students in an internship or a group field tour project in order to develop insights into practitioner roles and activities in capacity development and extension-related organizations. A satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade is assigned upon completion of the course.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural DevelopmentOffering(s):Not offered through Distance Education
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6070 Theories of Extension, Learning and Communication Fall Only [0.50]
This course introduces students to dominant theories and practices of capacity development and extension. Specific attention is given to historical perspectives of capacity development, extension practice, and social and environmental change. The course critically examines the underlying philosophy of capacity development, which is premised on the human capacity to learn and innovate, both individually and collectively. A particular emphasis is placed on competence-based learning and experiential learning, and their relative merits to respond to the complexity of contemporary development problems.
Offering(s): Not offered through Distance Education
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6100 Individual Self Assessment and Action Learning Plan Fall, Winter & Summer Reg Req [0.50]
This is a required course for students enrolled in the MSc CDE coursework option. This is an assynchrounous, independent study course that requires students to assess and critically think about their leadership skills and professional practice goals and objectives for learning in the CDE program. A satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade is assigned upon completion of the course. [Department(s):School of Environmental Design and Rural Development][Offering(s):Not offered through Distance Education]
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6260 Research Design Unspecified [0.50]
Provides students with abilities and knowledge to undertake, formulate and implement research in their chosen area of development. Students are expected to acquire the ability to identify research question and the appropriate designs to answer such questions.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6290 Special Topics in Capacity Building and Extension Unspecified [0.50]
Selected study topics which may be pursued in accordance with the special needs of students in the program.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6311 Community Engagement and Conflict Management Fall Only [0.50]
This course explores the philosophy and principles of community engagement and conflict management. An emphasis is placed on those practices and methods that can be used to engage communities and organizations within a participatory framework.
Equate(s): CDE*6330
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6340 Communication for Sustainable Development Summer Only [0.50]
This course introduces students to the topic of communication for sustainable development. Various conceptual approaches ranging from linear transfer models of technological and behavioural change to more complex, networked models of participatory and social change communication are examined. The course examines the use of traditional and new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals but also, in critique to the challenging processes and products of media and communication in relation to sustainable development processes in Canada and around the world. [Department(s):School of Environmental Design and Rural Development]
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format onlyEquate(s):CDE*6320
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6410 Readings in Capacity Building and Extension Unspecified [0.50]
A program of supervised independent study related to the student's area of concentration.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6420 Communication for Social and Environmental Change Unspecified [0.50]
Communication process for social change and development including participatory media. Students engage in community-based work involving multi-media projects. Course covers the history of development communication and current praxis in Canada and internationally.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6690 Community and Small Organization Leadership Summer Only [0.50]
The main theories of leadership are discussed through exploration of the current literature, practice of leadership skills, and performance of relevant activities in an online environment. Emphasis is placed on the communication challenges facing leaders in small organizations and the importance of developing a culture of shared leadership.
Offering(s): Offered through Distance Education format only
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph
CDE*6900 Major Research Paper Unspecified [1.00]
Students select a topic and write a paper that does not necessarily include original data but is an analysis and synthesis of materials dealing with the topic selected.
Restriction(s): Instructor consent required.
Department(s): School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
Location(s): Guelph