Agriculture (AGR)

AGR*6010  Seminar in Sustainable Agriculture  Summer Only  [0.50]  
The objective of this course is to foster critical thinking and critical communication around agricultural sustainability, by exploring, analyzing and discussing diverse approaches to sustainability in Canada and around the globe. Students discuss and communicate about diverse approaches to and best practices in sustainable agriculture, and build skills to better use, advocate for and build from concepts of sustainability in their future careers.
Department(s): Ridgetown Academic  
Location(s): Ridgetown Campus  
AGR*6020  Practices and Processes in Sustainable Agriculture  Summer Only  [0.50]  
This course introduces students to a variety of agricultural operations through multiple field trips and the various ways sustainability is considered and incorporated in management and operations in the agri-food industry. Students also learn about the regulatory framework governing operations in Ontario. Oral and written communication skills to a variety of audiences are emphasized.
Department(s): Ridgetown Academic  
Location(s): Ridgetown Campus