Graduate Students' Association

All graduate students of the University of Guelph, including part-time students, are members of the association and are encouraged to participate in its events and activities.

The purposes of the association are: to represent the graduate student body in all matters pertinent to its welfare; to act as a liaison between the graduate student body and faculty, the administration and the undergraduate student body; and to promote social and cultural activities.

The Lookout Rooftop Patio + Grad Lounge is a licensed lounge facility and common area. It is located on Level 5, of the University Centre, Ext. 58117. These facilities provide a focal point for social and cultural activities of graduate students.

The GSA administers the Dental Plan and sets guidelines and policies on the Health Plan for all full-time graduate students.

The office for the Graduate Students' Association is beside the Graduate Student Lounge, University Centre, Level 5 (Room 524 U.C. North) Ext. 56685.

Elections are held in February for the following executive positions (term effective May 1 to April 30 of each year):

  • President and CEO
  • Vice-President Internal
  • Vice-President Finance
  • Vice-President Community Engagment
  • Vice-President Academic

The governing body of the Association is the Board of Directors, consisting of the executive officers and departmental representatives. For a current listing of monthly meeting dates, please contact the GSA office at Ext. 56685 or visit the GSA website: All graduate students are welcome to attend.