Catalog A-Z Index
- Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
- Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
- Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities, Guidelines and Procedures
- Academic Accommodation of Religious Obligations
- Academic Accommodation of Religious Obligations
- Academic Accommodation of Religious Obligations
- Academic Accommodation of Religious Obligations
- Academic Consideration, Appeals and Petitions
- Academic Consideration, Appeals and Petitions
- Academic Consideration, Appeals and Petitions
- Academic Load
- Academic Load
- Academic Load
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Misconduct
- Academic Standing
- Academic Standing
- Academic Standing
- Academic Standings
- Academic Transition Program
- Accounting
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Adding Courses
- Adding Courses
- Adding Courses
- Address for University Communication
- Address for University Communication
- Address for University Communication
- Admission
- Admission of Applicants Already Holding a Doctoral or Master’s Degree
- Admission of Faculty Members
- Admission Requirements
- Admission Requirements
- Admissions
- Admissions
- Advanced Standing Admission
- Advanced Standing Admission
- Advanced Standing Credit
- Advanced Standing Entry Points
- Agriculture (AGR)
- Agriculture (AGR)
- Agriculture (AGR)
- Agriculture (DAGR)
- Agriculture, Honours (AGRS)
- Alternate Admissions Criteria
- Animal Biology (ABIO)
- Animal Biosciences
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Animal Science (ANSC)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Appeals of Decisions
- Application for Admission
- Application Procedures
- Application Procedures
- Applied Geomatics (AG)
- Applied Human Nutrition (AHN)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Archived Calendars
- Areas of Study
- Art and Visual Culture (AVC)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Arts and Sciences (AS)
- Arts and Sciences (ASCI)
- Arts, Humanities, Social Science (AHSS)
- Associate Diploma Calendar
- Associate Diploma Environmental Technician
- Associate Diploma in Agriculture
- Associate Diploma in Equine Care and Management
- Associate Diploma in Horticulture
- Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management
- Associate Diploma in Veterinary Technology
- Associate Diploma Programs
- Associated Program Requirements
- Associated Program Requirements
- Associated Program Requirements
- Attendance at Class
- Attendance at Class
- Attendance at Class
- Auditing Courses
- Auditing Courses
- Auditing Courses
- Bachelor of Applied Arts (General) (BAA)
- Bachelor of Applied Arts in Media and Communication Studies (BMCS) - Diploma in Media Communications
- Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc.) - Major Community Social Services - Social Service Worker Diploma
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc.) - Major Early Childhood Studies - Diploma in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc.) - Major Justice Studies - Diploma in Police Foundations or Diploma in Community and Justice Services
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc.) - Major Kinesiology - Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion
- Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc.) - Major Psychology - Diploma in General Arts and Science, Specialization in Intercultural Relations, Research Skills and Analysis, or Organizational Behaviour
- Bachelor of Arts and Sciences (B.A.S.)
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management (B.B.R.M.)
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) - Diploma in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm.)
- Bachelor of Computing (B.Comp.)
- Bachelor of Creative Arts, Health and Wellness (B.C.A.)
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
- Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice (B.I.E.S.P.)
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (B.L.A.)
- Bachelor of Mathematics (B.Math.)
- Bachelor of One Health (B.O.H.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture [B.Sc.(Agr.)]
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences [B.Sc.(Env.)]
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biodiversity (BIOD)
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics (BINF)
- Biological and Medical Physics (BMPH)
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (BPCH)
- Biological Engineering (BIOE)
- Biological Science (BIOS)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Biomedical Science (BIOM)
- Biomedical Science (BIOM)
- Bio-Medical Science (BIOM)
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Toxicology (BTOX)
- Biophysics
- Biophysics (BIOP)
- Biotechnology
- Biotechnology (BIOT)
- Biotechnology (BIOT)
- Black Canadian Studies (BLCK)
- Black Canadian Studies (BLCK)
- Botany (BOT)
- Business Administration
- Business Administration (BADM)
- Business (BUS)
- Business (BUS)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Data Analytics (BDA)
- Business Economics (BECN)
- Capacity Development and Extension
- Capacity Development and Extension (CDE)
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Catalog Contents
- Chemical Physics (CHPY)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Child Studies (CSTU)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Classical and Modern Cultures (CMC)
- Classical Studies (CLAS)
- Classical Studies (CLAS)
- Class Level Calculation
- Class Level Calculation
- Class Level Calculation
- Clinical Studies
- Clinical Studies (CLIN)
- College of Arts
- College of Arts
- College of Biological Science
- College of Biological Science
- College of Engineering and Physical Science
- College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
- College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
- College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
- Communication of Admission Decisions
- Communication of Admission Decisions
- Community Social Services (CSS)
- Computational Sciences
- Computer Engineering (CENG)
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (CS)
- Computing and Information Science (CIS)
- Computing and Information Science (CIS)
- Computing and Information Science (CIS)
- Conditional Admission
- Confirmation of Enrolment (not for OSAP)
- Conservation Leadership
- Conservation Leadership (CONS)
- Continuation of Study
- Continuation of Study
- Continuation of Study
- Co-operative Education
- Co-operative Education (COOP)
- Co-operative Education (COOP)
- Co-operative Education Programs
- Co-operative Education Programs
- Course Outlines
- Course Outlines
- Course Outlines
- Course Sections
- Course Sections
- Course Sections
- Course Selection
- Course Selection
- Course Selection
- Creative Arts, Health and Wellness (CREA)
- Creative Arts, Health and Wellness (CREA)
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing (CRWR)
- Creative Writing (CRWR)
- Creative Writing (CW)
- Credit/No Credit Grading Option
- Credit/No Credit Grading Option
- Credit/No Credit Grading Option
- Credit Standing
- Credit Standing
- Credit Standing
- Credit Transfer Agreements: Degree Programs
- Criminal Justice and Public Policy
- Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP)
- Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP)
- Criminal Justice and Public Policy (CJPP)
- Critical Studies in Improvisation
- Crop Science (CROP)
- Crop Science (CRSC)
- Culture and Technology Studies (CTS)
- Culture and Technology Studies (CTS)
- Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence
- Cybersecurity Leadership and Cyberpreneurship
- Dairy Technology Management
- Data Science
- Data Science (DATA)
- Deadline Dates
- Deadline Dates - Advanced Standing and Non-Degree Programs
- Dean's Honours List
- Dean's Honours List
- Deferred Assessments
- Deferred Assessments
- Deferred Assessments
- Degree-Credit Certificates and Diplomas
- Degree Transfer Option
- Description of Graduate Students
- Direct Admission to PhD Programs from an Honours Undergraduate/Baccalaureate Degree
- Disclaimer
- Disclaimer
- Disclaimer
- Disclaimer
- Distance Education
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)
- Doctor of Veterinary Science
- Dropping Courses
- Dropping Courses
- Dropping Courses
- D.V.M. Fall Semester 2025
- D.V.M. Winter Semester 2026
- Early Childhood Studies (ECS)
- Earth Observation and Geographic Information Science (EO)
- Ecology (ECOL)
- Economics
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics (ECON)
- Economics (ECON)
- Engineering
- Engineering (ENGG)
- Engineering (ENGG)
- Engineering Management
- Engineering Systems and Computing (ESC)
- English
- English (ENGL)
- English (ENGL)
- English (ENGL)
- English Proficiency
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Environmental Citizenship (ECT)
- Environmental Conservation (ECV)
- Environmental Design and Rural Development (EDRD)
- Environmental Design and Rural Development (EDRD)
- Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)
- Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
- Environmental Governance (EGOV)
- Environmental Management (DENM)
- Environmental Management (EM)
- Environmental Management (ENVM)
- Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
- Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
- Environmental Sciences (ENVS)
- Environment and Resource Management (ERM)
- Equine Care and Management (DEQN)
- Equine (EQN)
- Equine Management (EQM)
- European Culture and Civilization (ECC)
- European Studies (EURO)
- European Studies (EURO)
- Examinations
- Examinations
- Examinations
- Exchange Programs
- External Courses - Seneca (XSEN)
- Failed Courses
- Failed Courses
- Failed Courses/Supplemental Assessment
- Fall Semester 2025
- Fall Semester 2025
- Fall Semester 2025
- Family and Child Studies (FCS)
- Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
- Family Relations and Applied Nutrition (FRAN)
- Family Relations and Human Development (FRHD)
- Family Studies and Human Development (FSHD)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance (FIN)
- Fine Art (FINA)
- Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE)
- Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE)
- Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE)
- Food and Agricultural Business (FAB)
- Food Engineering (FENG)
- Food Industry Management (FIM)
- Food Safety and Quality Assurance
- Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA)
- Food Science
- Food Science (FOOD)
- Food Science (FOOD)
- Food Science (FOOD)
- French Studies (FREN)
- French Studies (FREN)
- French Studies (FREN)
- Geography
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography (GEOG)
- German (GERM)
- German Studies (GERM)
- Glossary
- Glossary
- Glossary
- Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
- Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
- Government, Economics and Management (GEM)
- Grade Reassessment
- Grade Reassessment
- Grade Reassessment
- Grade Reassessment
- Grades
- Grades
- Grades
- Graduate Calendar
- Graduate Courses
- Graduate Courses
- Graduate Diplomas
- Graduate Students' Association
- Graduate Studies
- Graduation
- Graduation
- Graduation
- Graduation Procedures
- Greek Studies (GREK)
- Grounds for Academic Consideration
- Guelph-Humber Calendar
- History (HIST)
- History (HIST)
- History (HIST)
- History - Tri-University Program
- Honours List
- Horticultural Science (HORT)
- Horticulture (DHRT)
- Horticulture (HRT)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM)
- Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
- Human Health and Nutritional Sciences (HHNS)
- Human Health and Nutritional Sciences (HHNS)
- Humanities (HUMN)
- Human Kinetics (HK)
- Human Kinetics (HK)
- Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour (HROB)
- Human Resources (HR)
- II. General Regulations
- III. General Information
- III. Schedule of Dates
- III. Schedule of Dates
- III. Schedule of Dates
- II. The University
- II. The University
- II. The University
- Improvisation (IMPR)
- Indigenous Environmental Governance (IEG)
- Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice (IESP)
- Indigenous Environmental Science (IES)
- Indigenous Studies (INDG)
- Integrated Humanities
- Integrative Biology
- Integrative Biology (IBIO)
- Integrative Biology (IBIO)
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture, Environment and Food (IAEF)
- Interdisciplinary Agriculture, Environment and Food (IAEF)
- Interdisciplinary Physical Science (IPS)
- Interdisciplinary Social Science (ISS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary University (UNIV)
- Interdisciplinary University (UNIV)
- Internal Program Transfer
- International Business (IB)
- International Development Studies
- International Development Studies (IDEV)
- International Development Studies (IDEV)
- International Development Studies (IDS)
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- I. Schedule of Dates
- I. Statement of Students' Academic Responsibilities
- I. Statement of Students' Academic Responsibilities
- I. Statement of Students' Academic Responsibilities
- Italian (ITAL)
- Italian Studies (ITAL)
- IV. Admission Information
- IV. Admission Information
- IV. Admission Information
- IV. Degree Regulations
- IX. Graduate Programs
- IX. Programs
- IX. Scholarships and Other Awards
- IX. Scholarships, Bursaries and Other Institutional Awards
- Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Architecture (LA)
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)
- Landscape Architecture (LARC)
- Language of Instruction
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)
- Latin (LAT)
- Leadership
- Leadership (LEAD)
- Leadership (LEAD)
- Learning Outcomes
- Learning Outcomes
- Learning Outcomes
- Letter of Permission
- Letter of Permission/Visiting Student
- Letters of Confirmation of Enrolment
- Letters of Confirmation of Enrolment
- Letters of Confirmation of Graduation
- Letters of Confirmation of Graduation
- Letters of Confirmation of Graduation
- Letters of Permission
- Letters of Permission
- Letters of Permission
- Linguistics (LING)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Literary Studies and Theatre Studies in English (LTS)
- Literary Studies/Theatre Studies in English
- Management
- Management Economics and Finance (MEF)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MGMT)
- Management (MGMT)
- Marine and Freshwater Biology (MFB)
- Marketing and Consumer Studies
- Marketing and Consumer Studies (MCS)
- Marketing and Consumer Studies (MCS)
- Marketing Management (MKMN)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Master's Degree by Coursework
- Master's Degree by Thesis
- Mathematical Economics (MAEC)
- Mathematical Science (MSCI)
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
- Mechatronics Engineering (MTE)
- Media and Cinema Studies (MCST)
- Media and Communication Studies (MDST)
- Microbiology (MICR)
- Microbiology (MICR)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)
- Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG)
- Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG)
- Museum Studies (MS)
- Music (MUSC)
- Music (MUSC)
- Nanoscience (NANO)
- Nanoscience (NANO)
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Neuroscience (NEUR)
- Nutritional and Nutraceutical Sciences (NANS)
- Nutrition (NUTR)
- One Health
- One Health (ONEH)
- One Health (ONEH)
- One Health (ONEH)
- Ontario Agricultural College
- Ontario Agricultural College
- Ontario Agricultural College
- Ontario Veterinary College
- Ontario Veterinary College
- Ontario Visiting Graduate Students
- OpenEd
- Open Learning
- Open Learning and Educational Support (OpenEd)
- Organic Agriculture (OAGR)
- Organic Agriculture (OAGR)
- Pathobiology
- Pathobiology (PABI)
- Pathology (PATH)
- Pathways and Articulation Agreements
- Performance Horse Handler (CPHH)
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Science (PSCI)
- Physics
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Plant Agriculture
- Plant Agriculture (PLNT)
- Plant Biology (PBIO)
- Plant Science (PLSC)
- Policy On Intellectual Property
- Policy On Non-Academic Misconduct
- Policy on Responsibilities of Advisors, Advisory Committees and Graduate Students and Graduate Student-Advisor Mediation Procedures
- Political Science
- Political Science (POLS)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Population Medicine
- Population Medicine (POPM)
- Population Medicine (POPM)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Post-Degree Admission
- Priority Access Courses
- Priority Access Courses
- Priority Access Courses
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Prior Learning Assessment
- Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
- Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
- Project Management
- Project Management (PM)
- Psychology
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Health
- Public Issues Anthropology
- Public Policy and Administration (PPA)
- Reading Weeks and Study Break Days
- Reading Weeks and Study Break Days
- Reading Weeks and Study Break Days
- Readmission
- Readmission
- Readmission
- Readmission
- Readmission
- Real Estate
- Real Estate and Housing (REAL)
- Real Estate and Housing (REAL)
- Real Estate (RE)
- Refusal of Admission
- Regenerative Medicine
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Registration
- Relational and Psychotherapy Training
- Research Projects
- Research Projects
- Research Projects
- Residence Accommodation
- Responsible Conduct of Research Policy and Procedures
- Restaurant and Beverage Management (RBM)
- Ridgetown Campus
- Right of Selection
- Right of Selection
- Rural Planning and Development
- Rural Planning and Development (RPD)
- Rural Studies
- Rural Studies (RST)
- Schedule of Studies
- Schedule of Studies
- Schedule of Studies
- Scheduling
- Scheduling
- Scheduling
- Science and Math (SCMA)
- Search Course Outlines
- Search Courses
- Senior Undergraduates in Graduate Courses
- Serving Scholars Program
- Sexualities and Genders (SXGN)
- Sexualities, Genders and Bodies
- Sexualities, Genders and Social Change (SXGN)
- Sexualities, Genders and Social Change (SXGN)
- Social Practice and Transformational Change
- Social Practice (SOPR)
- Sociology
- Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Software Engineering (SENG)
- Spanish and Hispanic Studies (SPAH)
- Spanish and Hispanic Studies (SPAN)
- Specific Subject Requirements and Recommendations
- Sport and Event Management (SPMT)
- Sport and Event Management (SPMT)
- Sport and Event Management (SPMT)
- Staff Registration and Tuition Waiver
- Staff Registration and Tuition Waiver
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Student Accessibility Services and Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities
- Student Programs
- Student Type
- Student Type
- Student Type
- Studio Art
- Studio Art (SART)
- Studio Art (SART)
- Study Option Transfer
- Submission of Documents
- Submission of Documents
- Summer Semester 2025
- Summer Semester 2025 (12 Week Format)
- Summer Semester 2025 (12 Week Format)
- Summer Semester 2025 (6 Week Format)
- Summer Semester 2025 (6 Week Format)
- Summer Session 2025 (6 Week Format)
- Summer Studies (Summer Semester)
- Supplemental Assessment (Credit for Failed Courses)
- Supplemental Assessment (Credit for Failed Courses)
- Supplemental Assessment Procedures (also see Failed Courses)
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Business (SB)
- Theatre Studies
- Theatre Studies (THST)
- Theatre Studies (THST)
- Theatre Studies (THST)
- The Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Theoretical Physics (THPY)
- Thesis
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Tourism and Hospitality (TRMH)
- Toxicology
- Toxicology (TOX)
- Toxicology (TOX)
- Transcripts
- Transcripts
- Transcripts
- Transcripts of Record
- Transfer of Credits, Post Admission
- Transfer of Program
- Transfer of Program
- Transfer of Program
- Turfgrass Management (DTM)
- Undergraduate Calendar
- Unsatisfactory Progress
- Upgrading Standards
- Use of Animals in Teaching
- Use of Animals in Teaching
- Verification of Information
- Verification of Information
- Veterinary Assistant and Office Administration (CVAOA)
- Veterinary Medicine (VETM)
- Veterinary Medicine (VM)
- Veterinary Science
- Veterinary Technology (DVT)
- VI. Academic Advising
- VII. Academic Advising
- VII. Academic Advising
- VIII. Associate Diploma Regulations and Procedures
- VIII. Fees
- VIII. General Statements on Awards
- VIII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
- VII. Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures
- VII. University Courses
- V. International Study
- V. International Study
- VI. Procedures
- VI. Schedule of Fees
- VI. Schedule of Fees
- V. Other Study Options
- V. Tuition and Fees
- Water Resources Engineering (WRE)
- Wildlife Biology
- Wildlife Biology and Conservation (WBC)
- Winter Semester 2026
- Winter Semester 2026
- Winter Semester 2026
- Withdrawal
- Withdrawal
- Withdrawal
- Women's Studies (WMST)
- X. Associate Diploma Programs
- X. Collaborative Specializations
- X. Degree Programs
- XI. Certificate Programs
- XI. Course Descriptions
- XII. Course Descriptions
- XII. Course Descriptions
- XII. General Information
- XII. Graduate Awards & Financial Assistance
- XIII. Administration and Faculty
- XIII. Administration & Faculty
- XIII. Diploma Programs
- XIII. University of Guelph General Information
- XI. International, Indigenous, Cultural Diversity, Faith and Spirituality, and LGBTQ2IA+ Support
- XI. Special Study Opportunities
- XIV. Administration and Faculty
- XIV. Course Descriptions
- XIV. General Information
- X. Special Study Opportunities
- XV. Administration and Faculty