XIV. Administration and Faculty
Administrative Officers
M.A. Chambers, Chancellor
R. Van Acker, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor
B. Rosehart, Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
S.Sharif, Interim Vice-President (Research)
S. Rasheed, Vice-President (Finance, Administration and Risk)
J. Moreton, Vice President, External
B. Sheldrick, Associate Vice-President Academic
B. Bradshaw, Assistant Vice-President, Graduate Studies
M. Scott, Vice-Provost, Student Affairs
A. Etches, Interim University Librarian
S. Brennan, Dean, College of Arts
M. Fallah, Dean, College of Biological Sciences
S. Mann, Dean, Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
M. Nehdi, Dean, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
U. Idemudia, Dean, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
J. Cranfield, Dean, Ontario Agricultural College
J. Wichtel, Dean, Ontario Veterinary College
M. Spence-Ariemma, Vice-Provost, University of Guelph-Humber
L. Latif, University Registrar
H. Hansra, University Secretary
For a complete listing of Senior Administration, visit https://www.uoguelph.ca/about/senior-admin/.
For information about the University of Guelph Senate and the Board of Governors, including membership, visit the University Secretariat website.